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[其他] foundryvtt-azure

使用#Azure Bicep和GitHub操作将您自己的#FoundryVTT服务器(您已为其购买了许可证)部署到Azure。
Deploy your own #FoundryVTT server (that you ve purchased a license for) to Azure using #Azure Bicep and GitHub Actions. (2024-04-05, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PostgreSQL] azure-postgres-pgvector-python

部署具有Entra身份验证的Azure PostgreSQL服务器,并从Python中使用它。
Deploy an Azure PostgreSQL server with Entra authentication and use it from Python. (2024-03-20, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] aks-front-door-end-to-end-tls

此项目演示如何使用Azure Front Door Premium和AKS设置端到端TLS加密。它利用Azure私有链接服务来公开托管在AKS上的工作负载,NGINX入口控制器配置为利用内部负载平衡器上的私有IP地址。
This project demonstrates how to set up end-to-end TLS encryption using Azure Front Door Premium and AKS. It utilizes an Azure Private Link Service to expose a workload hosted on AKS, with the NGINX Ingress Controller configured to utilize a private IP address on the internal load balancer. (2024-03-12, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] aks-front-door-end-to-end-tls

此项目演示如何使用Azure Front Door Premium和AKS设置端到端TLS加密。它利用Azure私有链接服务来公开托管在AKS上的工作负载,NGINX入口控制器配置为利用内部负载平衡器上的私有IP地址。
This project demonstrates how to set up end-to-end TLS encryption using Azure Front Door Premium and AKS. It utilizes an Azure Private Link Service to expose a workload hosted on AKS, with the NGINX Ingress Controller configured to utilize a private IP address on the internal load balancer. (2024-03-12, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] aci-auto-healing

Using serverless automation to update backend pools on Azure Application Gateway in response to changes in Azure Container Instances. (2024-02-22, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] api-center-sample

这提供了示例Bicep文件,ASP。NET核心Minimal API作为服务器端API应用程序和Blazor Web应用程序。
This provides sample Bicep files, ASP.NET Core Minimal API as server-side API app and Blazor Web app. (2024-02-16, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] remix-on-azure-container-app

将专注于CI CD和infra的web应用加速器混装为用于部署到Azure容器应用程序的代码
Remix web app accelerator focussing on CI CD and infra as code for deploying to Azure Container Apps (2023-10-18, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] namics365-Sensor-Data-Intelligence-ARMDeployments

Dynamics 365供应链管理的传感器数据智能Azure资源模板示例。
Sample Sensor Data Intelligence Azure resources template for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. (2023-10-16, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] thethingsstack-on-azure

使用Things Stack在Azure云上设置LoRaWAN网络服务器的说明和部署脚本。
Instructions and deployment scripts for setting up a LoRaWAN network server on Azure cloud, using the Things Stack. (2022-02-28, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[土木工程] apim-landing-zone-accelerator

Azure API Management登录区域加速器提供了一种体系结构方法和参考实现来准备登录区域...,
The Azure API Management landing zone accelerator provides an architectural approach and reference implementation to prepare landing zone subscriptions for a scalable API Management infrastructure. (2023-09-29, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] langchain-streamlit

本範例是以 Python 的 Streamlit 與 Langchain 框架,利用 Azure OpenAI Service Embedding 實作的對話機器人,
This example is a dialog robot implemented by Python Streamlit and Langchain frameworks and Azure OpenAI Service Embedding, (2023-09-12, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] resourcemanager-azure-collection

Azure Resource Manager template for sending data from Azure to Observe, (2023-08-22, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] ais-apim-odata-reactjs

通过Azure API管理公开您的SAP OData API,并将其与Azure静态Web App链接,以创建无服务器的Web应用程序...,
Expose your SAP OData APIs via Azure API Management and link it with Azure Static Web App to create & integrate a serverless Web App blazing fast with GitHub Copilot or ChatGPT. Deployed with Azure Developer CLI (azd). (2023-07-31, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] AHDS-Landing-Zone-Accelerator

This repo is for building secure landing zone accelerator for Azure Health Data Services (AHDS) and to integrate with various Azure Services, (2023-06-20, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] appservice-landing-zone-accelerator

The Azure App Service landing zone accelerator is an open-source collection of architectural guidance and reference implementation to accelerate deployment of Azure App Service at scale. (2023-07-24, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] simple-flask-server-container

一个简单的Python Flask服务器(课堂示例)。设计为在本地与Docker一起运行,并部署到Azure容器应用程序。
A simple Python Flask server (classroom example). Designed to be run with Docker locally and deployed to Azure Container Apps. (2023-05-12, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] RockPaperOrleans

A distributed dotnet game written as multiple microservices that play rock, paper, scissors. You can send in a pull request with your own player logic and we ll host it for you. (2023-06-06, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] aca-landing-zone-accelerator

Azure Container Apps登录区域加速器是架构指南和参考实现的开源集合,用于加速Azure容器应用程序的大规模部署。
The Azure Container Apps landing zone accelerator is an open-source collection of architectural guidance and reference implementation to accelerate deployment of Azure Container Apps at scale. (2023-07-14, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] avdaccelerator

AVD加速器部署自动化,以基于最佳实践简化AVD(Azure Virtual Desktop)的设置,
AVD Accelerator deployment automation to simplify the setup of AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop) based on best practices, (2023-07-12, Bicep, 0KB, 下载0次)
