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[企业管理] JY-L9720Soft

JY-L9720软件 JY-L9720手持式电子标签阅读器兼容125K、134.2K标签,性能稳定、操作简单,被广泛应用于畜牧养殖,宠物管理,水产品养殖,林业树木管理,资产管理,仓库管理,物业巡检等等。
JY-L9720 software JY-L9720 handheld electronic tag reader is compatible with 125K, 134.2K tag, stable performance, simple operation, is widely used in livestock breeding, pet management, aquaculture, forestry tree management, asset management, warehouse management, property inspection, etc. Wait. (2016-06-28, Visual C++, 14868KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] fcms3

Football Club Management System Enterprise Edition. Title II of the program based on increased remote access capabilities, client/server approach to achieve the two remote operation (2012-12-09, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载21次)


[企业管理] Village

使用MFC、DHtml、Ado数据库开发的小区管理系统,编程器用的是VS2010 界面使用DHtml编写,逻辑层使用了MFC,可以避开MFC编写软件界面那些繁琐复杂的代码......
Use the MFC DHtml of Ado database development district management system (2012-09-13, Visual C++, 15406KB, 下载13次)


[企业管理] ichaap09kucunn

库存管理信息系统,企业好帮手 读者需要安装Rational Rose2000运行UML目录下的文件 安装Jbuilder9.0运行第9章提供的源码 读者能在SQL Servver2000的查询分析器器中运行各章DB目录下提供的两个.sql建立数据库及其表格等,也能将数据库文件.mdf与.ldf附加到当前数据库服务器上直接使用(推荐)。 可直接使用。
Inventory management information systems, enterprise helper readers need to install the file to install the source code provided in Chapter 9 of the Jbuilder9.0 run readers can run two of the DB directory of each chapter in the SQL Query Analyzer Servver2000 UML directory Rational Rose2000 run . sql to establish a database and its forms, but also can the database file. mdf and. ldf attached to the current database on the server directly (recommended). Can be used directly. (2012-08-03, Visual C++, 995KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] CClient

仓库管理系统客户端程序。可以与服务器连接, 但是要建立数据库……程序可以参考。通讯机制很明确
The warehouse management system client program. Can with the server, but to build database...... Program can reference. Communication mechanism is very clear (2012-03-17, Visual C++, 9745KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] company-management-system

一 开发环境 OS: Windows 2000 Server + SP2 IDE: Visual Studio 6.0 + SP5 DataBase: SQL 2000 Server + SP2 二 运行 1:创建数据库 将TRADE.sql中的SQL语句考入SQL Server的查询分析器中,全部运行; 2:建立ODBC数据源 数据原名称为Trade_MIS
A development environment, OS: Windows 2000 Server+ SP2 IDE: Visual Studio 6.0+ SP5 DataBase: SQL 2000 Server+ SP2 two run 1: Create a database in SQL statements TRADE.sql admitted to SQL Server' s Query Analyzer, run all 2: Create an ODBC data source data formerly known as Trade_MIS (2011-10-17, Visual C++, 5671KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] Material-management-system

一 开发环境 OS: Windows 2000 Server + SP2 IDE: Visual Studio 6.0 + SP5 DataBase: SQL 2000 Server + SP2 二 运行 1:创建数据库 将Material.sql中的SQL语句考入SQL Server的查询分析器中,全部运行; 2:建立ODBC数据源 数据原名称为Material_MIS
A development environment, OS: Windows 2000 Server+ SP2 IDE: Visual Studio 6.0+ SP5 DataBase: SQL 2000 Server+ SP2 two run 1: Create a database in SQL statements Material.sql admitted to SQL Server' s Query Analyzer, run all 2: Create an ODBC data source data formerly known as Material_MIS (2011-10-17, Visual C++, 3800KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] 03

企业电话语音录音管理系统使用说明书 系统介绍 随着市场竞争的日益激烈,各个企业都想尽办法完善对客户的服务,电话客户服务便是企业推出的一项举措,通过电话与客户联系业务,为客户解答问题,但是在客户过多的情况下,难免出现问题,为了避免这种情况的发生,需要对所有的客户电话都录音,通过录音可以更好的了解客户的需求,也可以避免员工在工作中出现差错。 本系统在设计时应该满足以下几个目标:  采用人机对话的操作方式,界面设计美观友好、操作灵活、方便、快捷、准确、数据存储安全可靠。  系统可以进行来电显示和来电接听等功能。  提供电话拨出功能,可以通过程序拨出电话。  提供客户管理功能,记录客户信息,并可以在拨出电话时以电话簿的形式显示客户信息。  提供电话录音功能,当电话接通时开始录音,当电话挂断时结束录音。  提供录音管理功能,可以通过程序修改录音文件的存储位置。  系统最大限度地实现了易维护性和易操作性。  系统运行稳定、安全可靠。
Business telephone voice recording management system (2011-10-06, Visual C++, 3820KB, 下载11次)


[企业管理] Practical

Office Assistant software, including calculators, sticky notes, employee information management, vote management, information management and other modules to work overtime. (2011-03-07, Visual C++, 921KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] apple

c# to do the clothing inventory management software, a client and server side, is worth studying (2010-12-26, Visual C++, 8822KB, 下载29次)


[企业管理] hrm_setup

HR human resources management system and powerful. Support the home office via the Internet without the need for domain names, the database server can be deployed in the enterprise network, very safe. (2010-04-26, Visual C++, 7434KB, 下载144次)


[企业管理] yuanchengzhigong

职工信息添加功能 职工信息浏览功能  职工信息查询功能:按工资查询或按年龄等查询 职工信息删除、修改功能 服务器的工作模式为并发
Employee information to add capabilities   workers union information browsing information query functions: query or wage workers by age and other inquiries, information to delete, modify the function of the server operating mode for the concurrent (2010-03-18, Visual C++, 3951KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] storage

仓库管理系统.在运行系统前,首先要安装SQL Server数据库,注意要设定用户名为“sa”,密码为空。 可以有两种方法创建该数据库: 1.使用SQL server查询分析器运行Database目录下的sql.txt中的sql语句,这样会创建stock数据库。 2.使用SQL Server的企业管理器直接附加“附加数据库文件”目录下的Stock.mdf文件。 系统默认帐号:admin 密码:888888
Warehouse Management System. In the operating system, we should first install the SQL Server database, Note To configure a user named " sa" , password is blank. There are two ways you can create the database: 1. Using the SQL server Query Analyzer run the Database directory sql.txt the sql statement, this will create a stock database. 2. Using SQL Server Enterprise Manager to direct-attached " Additional Database Files" directory under the Stock.mdf file. System default account: admin Password: 888888 (2009-12-13, Visual C++, 6544KB, 下载11次)


[企业管理] hotelcy

经过多年发展,餐饮管理已经逐渐由定性管理,进入到重视定量管理的科学阶段。众所周知,在定量管理的具体实现方法和手段方面,最有效的工具就是电脑管理。 传统的手工操作管理存在着许多无法避免的问题,例如:  人工计算帐单金额容易出现差错。  收银工作中跑单、漏单、偷钱现象普遍。  个别服务员作弊、改单、宰客情形时有发生。  客人消费单据难以保存和查询。  无法对大量营业数据进行统计分析。
After years of development, food and beverage management has gradually transformed from qualitative management, access to the emphasis on quantitative management science phase. As we all know, in the quantitative management of the specific ways and means to achieve the most effective tool is the Computer Management. The traditional manual operation and management, there are many unavoidable problems, such as:  bill the amount of manual calculation error prone.  cashier work, run a single, and missed orders, to steal money is widespread.  Individual attendant cheating, change orders, cheating cases have occurred.  guest spending is difficult to save documents and queries.  can not be a large number of business-related data for statistical analysis. (2009-11-25, Visual C++, 3621KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] 20090411

一 开发环境 OS: Windows 2000 Server + SP2 IDE: Visual Studio 6.0 + SP5 DataBase: SQL 2000 Server + SP2 二 运行 1:创建数据库 将Material.sql中的SQL语句考入SQL Server的查询分析器中,全部运行; 2:建立ODBC数据源 数据原名称为Material_MIS
A development environment OS: Windows 2000 Server+ SP2 IDE: Visual Studio 6.0+ SP5 DataBase: SQL 2000 Server+ SP2 Second run 1: create a database of SQL statements Material.sql admitted to the SQL Server' s Query Analyzer, all running 2: Create ODBC data source data formerly known as Material_MIS (2009-04-10, Visual C++, 3035KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] Practical

The main form of office assistant calculator and sticky notes by the two sub-form and six office assistants, including employees, overtime information, Project Vote, voting, such as management and server settings, you can set the transparency of the form. Calculator support for keyboard input and mouse input in two ways to facilitate the paste 30 can record information, " Staff Information" module, you can add, delete member information. Overtime to fill in overtime module information (2009-03-29, Visual C++, 588KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] 200704123_Material_MIS

一个VC物流管理系统的源码。:创建数据库 将Material.sql中的SQL语句考入SQL Server的查询分析器中,全部运行; 2:建立ODBC数据源 数据原名称为Material_MIS
a logistics management system source code. : Creating the database will Material.sql the SQL Server SQL admitted to the inquiry analyzers, all operations; 2 : build ODBC data source data formerly known as Material_MIS (2007-07-08, Visual C++, 103KB, 下载34次)


[企业管理] WMS

在运行系统前,首先要安装SQL Server数据库,注意要设定用户名为“sa”,密码为空。 可以有两种方法创建该数据库: 1.使用SQL server查询分析器运行Database目录下的sql.txt中的sql语句,这样会创建stock数据库。 2.使用SQL Server的企业管理器直接附加“附加数据库文件”目录下的Stock.mdf文件。 系统默认帐号:admin 密码:
before the operating system, we must first install SQL Server database, attention to set a user name "sa", the password is empty. There are two ways to create the database : 1. the use of SQL server running Database Analyzer for the directory which sql.txt the sql statement, this will create stock database. 2. Use SQL Server Enterprise Manager directly attached "Additional database files" directory of Stoc k.mdf document. Default Account : admin Password : (2006-07-18, Visual C++, 6551KB, 下载195次)


[企业管理] 2006063016295719775

在运行系统前,首先要安装SQL Server数据库,注意要设定用户名为“sa”,密码为空。 可以有两种方法创建该数据库: 1.使用SQL server查询分析器运行Database目录下的sql.txt中的sql语句,这样会创建stock数据库。 2.使用SQL Server的企业管理器直接附加“附加数据库文件”目录下的Stock.mdf文件。 系统默认帐号:admin 密码:
before the operating system, we must first install SQL Server database, attention to set a user name "sa", the password is empty. There are two ways to create the database : 1. the use of SQL server running Database Analyzer for the directory which sql.txt the sql statement, this will create stock database. 2. Use SQL Server Enterprise Manager directly attached "Additional database files" directory of Stoc k.mdf document. Default Account : admin Password : (2006-07-11, Visual C++, 6549KB, 下载10次)


[企业管理] hgfhgfhg65765756

贸易公司管理系统 一 开发环境 OS: Windows 2000 Server + SP2 IDE: Visual Studio 6.0 + SP5 DataBase: SQL 2000 Server + SP2 二 运行 1:创建数据库 将TRADE.sql中的SQL语句考入SQL Server的查询分析器中,全部运行; 2:建立ODBC数据源 数据原名称为Trade_MIS
trading company a management system development environment OS : Windows 2000 Server SP2 IDE : Visual Studio 6.0 SP5 DataBase : SQL Server 2000 running a two SP2 : TRADE.sql database will be created in SQL Server SQL admitted inquiries analyzer, and all of operation; 2 : build ODBC data source data formerly known as Trade_MIS (2006-03-09, Visual C++, 141KB, 下载132次)
