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[PHP编程] SMSIR-Prestashop

It is a practical add-on for the PrestaShop free store builder system that enables you to easily notify users and administrators via SMS. (2024-05-11, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] Laravel

Laravel是一个免费的开源PHP web框架,由Taylor Otwell创建,旨在遵循模型-视图-控制器体系结构模式并基于Symfony开发web应用程序。
Laravel is a free and open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller architectural pattern and based on Symfony. (2024-02-05, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] M07-PHP

This repository is a compilation of PHP exercises covering various topics . From fundamental concepts like conditions and loops to more advanced tasks such as managing cookies, reading and writing files , and current exercises focusing on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. (2024-01-29, PHP, 0KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] Quipz

Create a robust and scalable blog application from scratch using PHP and the MVC architectural pattern. The application will follow a modular structure, separating concerns into Models, Views, and Controllers for better organization and maintainability. (2024-01-07, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] M07-PHP

This repository is a compilation of PHP exercises covering various topics . From fundamental concepts like conditions and loops to more advanced tasks such as managing cookies, reading and writing files , and current exercises focusing on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. (2023-12-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] outscraper-php

该库提供了从用PHP语言编写的应用程序中方便地访问Outscraper API的方法。允许使用Outscraper服务器...,
The library provides convenient access to the Outscraper API from applications written in the PHP language. Allows using Outscraper s services from your code. (2023-10-02, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] jquery_picture_switching(jb51.net)

oh yes Powerful, photo album template. Is based on jQuery a special effects album template. It's pretty. If you don't believe it, you can download it and try it. Absolutely beautiful. And it can be compatible with mobile browser. Adaptive (2020-08-08, PHP, 118KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] 网易云歌加速

功能 :1-签到2-秒听300首音乐(也可以理解为刷级,使用这个不会改变你的听歌风格,都是来自于你的推荐)教程开始:1:首先准备好服务器或者虚拟主机!(我用的是虚拟机,这里就不提供了)下载源码!我已经下载好了!3:把服务器的IP和域名IP绑定好4:访问域名。你会惊喜发现。可以用啦!(每天坚持用很快就满级啦)
Function: 1 - check in 2 - second listen to 300 music (can also be understood as brush level, use this will not change your listening style, all from your recommendation) tutorial start: 1: first prepare the server or virtual host! (I use the virtual machine, which is not provided here) download the source code! I've already downloaded it! 3: Bind IP of server and domain name IP. 4: access domain name. You'll be surprised to find out. You can use it! (use it every day, and it will be full soon) (2020-07-12, PHP, 126KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] rockoa_utf8_2.3.2

ROCKOA协同办公系统是适用于中小型企业的通用型协同OA管理软件,融合了长期从事管理软件开发的丰富经验与先进技术,该系统采用领先的B/S(浏览器/服务器)操作方式,使得网络办公不受地域限制。 ROCKOA协同办公系统 2.3.2 更新日志:2016-07-05 1、添加自定义元素。 2、自定义表单开发流程。
Rockoa collaborative office system is a general-purpose collaborative OA management software for small and medium-sized enterprises, which integrates the rich experience and advanced technology of long-term management software development. The system adopts the leading B / S (Browser / server) operation mode, so that the network office is not restricted by the region. Rockoa coordinative office system 2.3.2 update log: July 5, 2016 1. Add custom elements. 2. Customize the form development process. (2020-06-12, PHP, 7480KB, 下载3次)


[PHP编程] math

The universal elementary function calculator simulates the style of the keyboard on the webpage. The program mainly performs mathematical operations, including not only the most basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations, but also square root, cube root, sine, cosine operations, and some more complex mathematical functions. . (2020-04-24, PHP, 6KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] page

The paging code is the basic content in PHP learning and is also a must for PHP learning. The paging function is separated for reference or use. It can be used for pseudo-static, static and dynamic paging, and is compatible with all common browsers. (2020-04-24, PHP, 3KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] PHP在线短信测压平台源码

SMS detection code source. , download and share online (2020-04-06, PHP, 2581KB, 下载2次)


[PHP编程] Picture-deal

PHP + apahce + MySQL is used to realize a local server of set login, picture upload and download. There are two versions. The version database with "1" stores the image path, and the version database without "1" stores the image content directly. (2020-03-28, PHP, 79KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] sweet

This WordPress theme is based on the wpjam plug-in. Therefore, the wpjam plug-in must be installed, Linux server and PHP version 7.2 must be used. (users under php7.2 may not need to look down) (2020-03-28, PHP, 396KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] 123

PhpMyAdmin is a MySQL database management tool based on PHP and web base on the website host. PhpMyAdmin can manage the entire MySQL server (super user is required), or a single database. (2020-02-16, PHP, 10690KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] 在线订单管理系统

PIMS在线订单管理系统,基于 PHP + MySQL 的技术开发,系统环境要求:linux/unix或windows服务器皆可,php5.2环境及以上版本,快递追踪功能需要php开启对curl的支持。
PIMS online order management system , based on PHP + MySQL technology development, system environment requirements: Linux / UNIX or windows server, php5.2 environment and above, express tracking function needs PHP to enable support for curl. (2020-01-18, PHP, 8958KB, 下载4次)


[PHP编程] hongbao

一.安装说明: 1.程序需要安装在支持php空间或服务器上。 2.根据微信新版朋友圈分享规定,分享所用的域名需要是已备案,且有认证过微信公众号(订阅号和服务号没有限制,只要成功认证就行)。 3.修改config.php中最上面的认证号信息:
I. installation instructions: . procedures need to be installed in support of php space or server. (2018-11-01, PHP, 1467KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] tcym24

大家都知道新浪微博的服务器很稳定 所以就有人弄了利用新浪微博做图床 而且没有防盗链。确实蛮好的。 我今儿给大家分享一个这个源码!
Everyone knows that sina micro-blog's server is stable So someone made the use of sina and micro-blog to make a drawing bed And there's no burglar chain. It's really good. I'll share this source to you today! (2018-06-29, HTML, 15KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] 珠宝用品商城源码

本系统采用PHP+MYSQL技术开发,是目前国内唯一一个功能全面的宠物商城交易系统。 请确保您的服务器或网站空间里安装了Zend Optimizer 请确保您的服务器或网站空间里开启了allow_url_fopen php 和 mysql 都必须在5.4版本以下 将所有文件上传到根目录下,运行 http://您的域名 ,按提示,完成安装。
The system is developed by PHP+MYSQL technology, and is currently the only comprehensive pet mall trading system in China. Please ensure that Zend Optimizer is installed in your server or website space. Please ensure that allow_url_fopen is opened in your server or website space. Both PHP and MySQL must be under version 5.4 Upload all files to the root directory, run your http:// domain name, and press the prompt to complete the installation. (2018-04-14, PHP, 7675KB, 下载7次)


[PHP编程] ytqlt_v5.0.5

HadSky轻论坛程序为个人原创PHP系统,作者为蒲乐天,后端基于puyuetianPHP框架驱动,前端基于puyuetianUI框架驱动,默认编辑器为puyuetianEditor富文本编辑器,其他非原创框架及驱动JQuery.js及Font-Awesome字体库。 程序包含大小功能共约92个(不包括模板及插件的功能),涵盖了基本论坛应有的功能,可扩充更多插件及模板,或自定义功能。
HadSky forum program for the original PHP light system, the author is Pu Lotte, back-end framework based on puyuetianPHP framework based on puyuetianUI front drive, drive, the default editor for the puyuetianEditor rich text editor, other non original frame and drive JQuery.js and Font-Awesome font library. The program contains a total of about 92 functions, excluding the functions of templates and plug-ins, which covers the functions of the basic forum, and can expand more plug-ins and templates, or custom functions. (2017-12-09, PHP, 2134KB, 下载2次)
