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[数据库编程] 基于深度学习下的航空领域真空羽流解决方案

蓝海大脑航天数据库一体机是以液冷服务器为平台、图数据库、时空环境知识图谱系统、GPU云的混合部署,对“图形工作站+集中存储”进行了替换。提供强大的开发组件环境和丰富的图形化管理与开发界面,极大地方便研究航天及研究真空羽流人员的使用。 (2022-09-01, Java, 285KB, 下载0次)


[数据库编程] dbadmin23

Access数据库在线管理程序DBAdmin让您可以通过浏览器管理您的Access数据库,您可以对您的数据库执行各种操作,而无需下载和上传。 Access数据库在线管理程序DBAdmin支持多国语言,包括简体中文。
Access online management program DBAdmin allows you to manage your Access through a browser, you can perform various operations on your , without having to download and upload. Access online management program DBAdmin support multiple languages, including Simplified Chinese. (2016-08-10, HTML, 162KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] 5jcms_1.0

Access数据库在线管理程序DBAdmin让您可以通过浏览器管理您的Access数据库,您可以对您的数据库执行各种操作,而无需下载和上传。 Access数据库在线管理程序DBAdmin支持多国语言,包括简体中文。
Access online management program DBAdmin allows you to manage your Access through a browser, you can perform various operations on your , without having to download and upload. Access online management program DBAdmin support multiple languages, including Simplified Chinese. (2016-05-17, ASP, 6998KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] 201311300945

vc database extractor can directly visit a local or remote database, after the successful landing can directly manipulate the database, including the view, insert, modify, etc. With this tool database operation even more convenience. (2014-08-27, Visual C++, 287KB, 下载7次)


[数据库编程] dbadmin23

Access数据库在线管理程序DBAdmin让您可以通过浏览器管理您的Access数据库,您可以对您的数据库执行各种操作,而无需下载和上传。 Access数据库在线管理程序DBAdmin支持多国语言,包括简体中文。
Access online database management program DBAdmin allows you to manage your Access database via a browser, you can perform various operations on your database without having to download and upload. Access online database management program DBAdmin supports multiple languages, including Simplified Chinese. (2014-04-09, ASP, 161KB, 下载2次)


[数据库编程] Framework-

自己写的框架. 基础类库。 数据库访问器类库。 数据访问层基础类库。 业务逻辑层基础类库。 UI基础类库。 MEF基础类库。 View Model基础类库。 代码生成器。 工厂类库.
Write their own framework base class library. Database access control library. Data Access Layer basic libraries. Yewuluojiceng basic libraries. UI base class library. MEF basic libraries. View Model base class library. Code generator. Factory library. (2013-08-28, Visual C++, 1897KB, 下载10次)


[数据库编程] 212News

采用Access数据库,可以根据模板动态生成静态页面,网页编辑器采用的是FTB(FreeTextBox) 后台基本功能:后台用户 部门介绍 分类管理 管理文件 上传类型 链接管理 文章添加 文章管理 通知添加 通知管理 生成静态页.
Access database, according to the template can dynamically generate static pages, web editor using the basic functions of the FTB (FreeTextBox) background: category management management file upload type link management article background user departments Add Article manage notifications generate static pages to add notification management. (2013-01-15, Others, 1026KB, 下载7次)


[数据库编程] LeaveWordBook

天涯海礁留言本 前台主要功能有:查看主题 发表留言 用户注册 我的留言 留言管理 后台有删除留言功能 网页编辑器采用的是FreeTextBox App_data下为Sql数据库文件,附加即可 默认管理帐号/密码:admin/admin
The horizon reef Message The main functions of the front desk: View topic message users to register my message Message Admin delete the message function web editor is FreeTextBox App_data Sql database files, additional to the default management account/password: admin/admin (2013-01-10, Others, 2455KB, 下载5次)


[数据库编程] Orca_chs

用于 Windows Installer 数据库表编辑器。可用来编辑 Windows Installer 数据库文件 (.msi),合并模块文件 (.msm),补丁文件 (.msp),内部一致性计算程序文件 (.cub) 和补丁创建属性文件
For the Windows Installer database table editor. Can be used to edit Windows Installer database files (. Msi), merge module file (. Msm), the patch file (. Msp), the internal consistency of the calculation program files (. Cub), and patch creation properties file (2011-06-29, Visual C++, 4639KB, 下载5次)


[数据库编程] JDBC

Student { String name Date birthday String homeAddress String classNumber } 请在数据库中创建表格记录上面的类,并用界面显示数据库中的数据,用户可以通过界面插入,删除和修改数据,可以修改多个数据再进行提交,这时候要求一个更改没有成功更新,所有更新都要回滚。 要求: 1. 安装MySql,并建立Table Student,里面添加一些测试数据。 2. 用界面显示数据库中的数据。 3. 实现插入删除,修改数据的接口。 4. 显示数据的界面要求像Excel一样,可以添加,修改和删除,然后当用户所有修改结束后,点击提交,程序根据变化调用插入,删除或者修改函数,更新数据库。 5. 点击提交前发生的变动要么全部提交成功,要么一条也不提交。即当有修改提交失败的时候,前面的要求不能更新。
Student { String name Date birthday String homeAddress String classNumber } Please create a table in the database records of the above class and use interface displays data in the database, users can interface to insert, delete, and Modify data, you can modify multiple data be submitted again, this time asking for a change not successfully updated, all updates should be rolled back. Requirements: 1. Install MySql, and the establishment of Table Student, which add some test data. 2. use interface displays data in the database. 3. to achieve insert delete, modify the data interface. 4. display the data as the interface requirements such as Excel, you can add, modify, and delete, and then when the user after all the changes, Click Submit, the program according to changes in call to insert, delete or modify the function, update the database. 5. Click Submit changes occurred before the submission of either all succeed or not to submit one. That is, when there are change (2011-04-28, Java, 19KB, 下载8次)


[数据库编程] WinStudent

The program is written in c#, involving multiple tables into a database, stored procedures, triggers, application of crystal form printing, data export to Excel and import the table into the database, and two use the navigation bar. (2010-11-30, ASP, 4774KB, 下载7次)


[数据库编程] 4

c++网络数据库实例 第四章 实例 34-发送电子邮件 实例 35-邮件检查 实例 36-EMAIL 实例 37-EMAIL客户端工具 实例 38-SOCKS APP 实例 39-EMAIL服务器 实例 40-发送并保存 EMAIL
c++ network database instance Chapter Instances of 34- E-mail Instances of 35- Mail check Examples of 36-EMAIL Examples of 37-EMAIL client tools Examples of 38-SOCKS APP Server instance 39-EMAIL Instances of 40- Send and save EMAIL (2010-04-10, Visual C++, 641KB, 下载13次)


[数据库编程] MySql_Delphi

所谓嵌入版,就是不要安装Mysql服务器,复制过来就可以用。 本例含Mysql数据库,delphi源代码.内有详细中文件说明. 嵌入版很方便发布,不需要安装mysql服务器. 之所以在这里还保留4.1版,的确是因为这个版本很经典,经过了无数的考验,稳定而没有麻烦的编码问题!
The so-called embedded version of Mysql is not installed on the server, copy them on the can. Mysql database with this case, delphi source code. There are detailed in the documentation. Embedded version easily publish, do not need to install mysql server. The reason why is also retained in the 4.1 version here, because this version is indeed a classic, after numerous tested, stable and no trouble code problem! (2009-06-05, Delphi, 1803KB, 下载244次)


[数据库编程] asp22

Is to prevent the database being downloaded the most basic and effective way to not only apply to the jurisdiction of the network server and apply to the virtual host users, recommended producers at the same time each of these three methods will be used (2009-05-17, ASP, 19KB, 下载4次)


[数据库编程] jiaxiaoguanlixitong

One C/S mode (that is, Client/Service) adopted in this driving school management system, bears advantages as assembling management of recruit, management of finance, management of trainees, management of cars, management of teaching, and management of common affairs, which has, therefore, finished trainees management of enrollment, charging, body-checking, theoretical study, first-aid learning, elementary training, pile training, pile test, road training, road test, driving license receiving, and also greatly improve the efficiency and quality of business management for driving school. (2009-03-31, Visual C++, 822KB, 下载77次)


[数据库编程] oracle

测试通过的oracle编程(给出了表和数据) 1.函数:输入姓名,课程名,成绩 完成对SC表的插入操作 2.级联修改实现方法:两种方法实现级联删除 3.触发器:在Student表中添加一列:sum_avg(总成绩),在SC表中作一触发器,当添加一行之后,将该学生的总成绩相应改变。 4.过程:输入姓名,课程名,成绩.该过程完 成对SC表的插入操作 5.竖表转横表的方法
Test of oracle Programming (give the table and data) 1. Function: Enter the name, course name, grade completion of the SC table insert 2. Cascaded modified implementation methods: two methods achieve cascade delete 3. Trigger Explorer: In the Student table to add one: sum_avg (total score), SC at the table to make a flip-flop, when the add a line after a total score of the students accordingly. 4. Process: Enter the name, course name, grade. The process of completion of the SC insert table 5. Vertical table to horizontal table Ways (2009-03-03, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载21次)


[数据库编程] Aspose.Cells

在客户端或者服务器端没有安装Microsoft Excel软件的情况下,Aspose.Cells同样可以在桌面或者web服务器环境下发送标准的Excel表格,它不同于其他卖方类似的产品,Aspose.Cells不仅支持数据表的生成和其他基本文件格式特征,而且还支持许多优先特征。这些优先特征为开发者带来更多的方便,比如操作内容,表单格式和文件保护。
The client or server-side do not have Microsoft Excel software, Aspose.Cells also on the desktop or web server environment to send the standard Excel spreadsheet, which, unlike other sellers of similar products, Aspose.Cells not just support the data table generation and other basic file formatting features, but also supports a number of priority characteristics. Characteristics of these priorities for the development of those who bring more convenience, such as the operation content, the form format and file protection. (2009-02-09, C#, 6188KB, 下载61次)


[数据库编程] yaodianguanlixitong

1、开发环境 d6 up2,sqlserver2000, win2000 server 1024*768(笔记本电脑) c/s 2、数据库配置方法,在sqlserver2000新建yd数据库,关闭数据库服务器,用压缩包中的数据库文件覆盖原文件
a development environment up2 d6, B3, sqlserver2000. WIN2000 server 1024* 768 (notebook computer) c/s 2. database configuration, the new yd sqlserver2000 database, closing database server, compressed using the database coverage of the original paper document (2007-06-22, Delphi, 10003KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] SqlCeExaple

This is the use of EVC sqlce database developed by the small examples; Simulator can run; CPU is x86; to document placed in the correct path. (I hope we will put the development environment tools to add on EVC) (2007-05-16, Others, 799KB, 下载125次)


[数据库编程] shopping-chapter8

商场VIP消费管理系统 版权所有,未经授权,不得擅自复制,作者保留所有权利。 1.本系统开发环境 (1)操作系统:win2k。 (2)数据库:Access。 (3)编译器:j2sdk-1_4_1_02-windows-i586.exe。
malls VIP consumption Copyright Management System, without authorization, will be allowed to copy, the author All rights reserved. 1. The system development environment (1) Operating System : win2k. (2) Database : Access. (3) compiler : j2sdk- 1_4_1_02-windows-i586.exe. (2006-07-27, Java, 36KB, 下载8次)
