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按分类查找All 前端开发(454) 
按平台查找All Java(454) 

[前端开发] tio-boot

基于java aio的高性能web框架,可以让单台服务器承受上万并发 依赖组件 - tio-http-server - jfinal - logback- classic
The high-performance web framework based on java aio can make a single server bear tens of thousands of concurrent dependent components - tio http server - jfinal - logback - classic (2023-11-02, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] GravityShapes

Gravity Squares是一个简单的小程序重力模拟器,用于一堆小的随机方块。该应用程序使用GlowUI和GlowLib构建,
Gravity Squares is a simple applet gravity simulator for a bunch of little, random squares. This app is built using both GlowUI and GlowLib, (2023-10-02, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] react-native-sms-sample

Receive incoming new SMS messages from broadcast receiver, then issue new notification, emit new event for subscribed js events and even could has registered a HeadlessJs task which can receive message when app closed or device rebooted. (2023-03-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] elfinder-2

elfinder-2.x-spring-boot implements a spring-boot & freemarker based images manager, elfinder is an Open-source file manager for web (2021-04-26, Java, 528KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] osgi-vaadin-demo

This demo shows how to create dynamic and modular Web applications with server-side OSGi and Vaadin as UI toolkit. (2012-04-18, Java, 7819KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ebay-auction-app

An application of server-client system using sockets to communicate bids from multiple clients and applying multithreaded principles. Quick UI design and frontend components with JavaFX (2020-05-11, Java, 56408KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Android_Calculator

In this project assignment you’ll write the program logic needed to complete a simple calculator app in Java. This app will perform integer arithmetic on values entered via components defined using Android’s user interface (or UI). We’ll supply you with skeleton code that implements the calculator’s UI in Android. (2021-01-20, Java, 2989KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] junit-selenium-browser-cache-clear

Clear browser cache by running Selenium tests with JUnit on LambdaTest cloud. (2022-07-09, Java, 375KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] wow-xhr

简单的库,用于操作HTTP请求响应并捕获浏览器使用selenium te生成的网络日志...
?? Simple library to manipulate HTTP requests/responses and capture network logs made by the browser using selenium tests without using any proxies (2021-07-18, Java, 221KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] MiLight-Controller

MiLight bridge v5的综合灯光控制器。以音乐可视化工具和响应式网页设计为特色。...
A comprehensive light controller for the MiLight bridge v5. Featuring a music visualizer and a responsive web design. Work in progress. (2021-03-05, Java, 277KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] bitcoin-converter

一个简单的比特币转换器,后端用Java编写,使用Spring Boot框架和前端创建...
A simple bitcoin converter with the back-end written in Java using the Spring Boot framework and the front-end created with the Thymeleaf template engine. Conversion rates are obtained via the Conbase API. (2019-01-18, Java, 101KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] newsapp

一个新闻故事聚合器,后端使用Spring Boot框架用Java编写,前端使用Java创建...
A news story aggregator with the back-end written in Java using the Spring Boot framework and the front-end created with the Thymeleaf template engine. News stories are fetched using the public newsapi.org API. (2019-01-18, Java, 79KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Blogoshphere

Creative blog website using react as a front-end and Spring as a back-end server where user can login, create blogs, edit blogs, comment on blogs and see other blogs. (2021-03-18, Java, 824KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] JDownload-Manager

A Download Manager with great front-end and a back-end that has capability to download files faster than the slow browser downloads?? (2020-06-03, Java, 55733KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] tokamak

带有React前端的OAuth 2.0 JWT授权服务器,可简化应用程序和帐户的管理。
An OAuth 2.0 JWT Authorization Server with a React front end to simplify the management your apps and accounts. (2017-09-13, Java, 3548KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] zipkin-collector

Zipkin Collector read the Zipkin call information from the Kafka, store the call information in the Elasticsearch, and facilitate the Zipkin front-end display. (2018-11-16, Java, 17KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ServerFramework

A distributed Java game server framework that can be used as a global server or roll server, with several utility tools and game clients included (2022-11-16, Java, 18034KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Kafka-Message-Server

示例应用程序基于Apache Kafka框架,展示其作为分布式消息服务器的使用。探索这个sa...
Example application based on Apache Kafka framework to show it usage as distributed message server. Exploring this sample application help users to understand how good and easy is Apache Kafka usage. (2014-04-02, Java, 2274KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ioGame

无锁异步化、事件驱动架构设计的 java netty 网络游戏服务器框架; 轻量级,无需依赖任何第三方中间件或数据库就能支持集群、分布式; 通过 ioGame 你可以很容易的搭建出一个集群无中心节点、集群自动化、分步式的网络游戏服务器!
A Java Netty network game server framework designed with lockless asynchronization and event driven architecture; Lightweight, without relying on any third-party middleware or database to support clustering and distribution; Through ioGame, you can easily build a cluster without central nodes, cluster automation, and step-by-step online game server! (2023-05-29, Java, 1195KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] LinearHttp

LinearHttp, [self use] a web framework shell. RPC framework, chain call response successful and failed, custom parser and network request method, weak type matching. Support for Android (2022-06-24, Java, 25KB, 下载0次)
