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按分类查找All Ftp服务器(394) 
按平台查找All Python(394) 

[Ftp服务器] automatic-ftp-plugin-updater

This Python script automates the process of updating a WordPress plugin across multiple sites simultaneously by extracting a zip file and uploading it to various servers via FTP. (2024-04-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] Anonymous-FTP-Scanner

Anonymous FTP scanning" typically refers to the process of identifying FTP servers that allow anonymous access, which can potentially pose security risks if sensitive information is exposed. (2024-02-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] FTP-script

index.py=CSV文件转换和FTP dateien l schen.py=Alte dateien aus dem FTP服务器l schen,die z.B lter als 10 Tage sind
index.py = CSV File Transfomation & FTP dateien l schen.py = Alte Dateien aus dem FTp server l schen, die z.B lter als 10 Tage sind (2024-02-13, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] bespokefactory-scraper

script that scrap all products from https: guest.bespokefactory.com and upload the images on FTP server, and the rest of data to a xslx file (2024-02-10, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] gcs-ftp-backup

Python app that will connect to an FTP server, pull down and compress a directory into a tar file, then upload that file to a GCS bucket (2024-01-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] PyPie

PyPie is a small Python program that allows users to check the status of websites, scan for open ports, and connect to FTP servers. The program also includes an automatic update feature that checks for and downloads the latest version of the program from a GitHub repository. PyPie is designed (2023-02-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] VPN-Automatic-User-Creator

This python script will read an external file on a ftp server and adds the user in the chap-secret file and adds a iptables rule for this user. (2018-12-19, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] Python-FTP

A full FTP client implemented in TCP using Python, with programs for both the Client and the Server. Inspired by my desire to learn more about socket programming in Python. (2017-10-13, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] Reolink-FTP-Server-File-Manager

Made to run on an FTP server (like a Raspberry Pi), for use with Reolink NVRs and security cameras to automatically delete old recordings, and organize the files, etc. (2021-08-05, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] ed-File-Storage-Using-Hybrid-Cryptography-and-FTP

Build a secure platform of file sharing using FTP and multiple ciphers encryption. A file owner can upload an encrypted file to an FTP server. users can download the file from the server and then request the encryption keys of the file using their public keys, hence only the users granted this key can decrypt the downloaded file (2023-02-03, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] ftp-watchfolder

This python daemon watches one or more directories on a server for incoming files or groups of files. Files are grouped based on their filename. The daemon watches for certain (configurable) files, based on extension. (2017-02-01, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] tdgsync

Tracks your computer s internet ip, syncs it to a defined ftp server if anything changes. And also sends tweets about your computer s status! (2013-08-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] ftp_uploader

上传器sftp che periodicamente fa una copia di backup di tutti i file e di tutte le subdi di una di directory e le inva ad un server...,
Uploader sftp che periodicamente fa una copia di backup di tutti i file e di tutte le subdirectory di una directory e le invia ad un server remoto che funge da archiviazione (2023-03-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] simple-ftp-deploy

Sublime Text 3的这个软件包允许您在保存本地文件时自动将文件上传到FTP服务器。,
This package for Sublime Text 3 give you possibility to auto upload file to FTP server when you save local file., (2022-10-07, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
