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[Windows编程] Powershell-Collect-SysInfos

PowerShell脚本能够从Active Directory域中的远程计算机收集系统信息,并将此信息保存到存储在AD服务器上的文件中。
A PowerShell script capable of collecting system information from remote machines in an Active Directory domain and saving this information to files, stored on the AD server. (2024-04-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] U盘启动盘制作工具源码

Au3 script U disk start making tool source code (2019-10-31, Others, 167KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] FormControl

The window control tool developed by AutoIt can be used to disable, hide and so on for fear that some window of the server will be closed without any reason. (2018-10-29, Others, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] loqp_skrminal

Turbo编码16QAM在AWGN信道中的性能Turbo码份量码为[1,17 15],码率为1 2,采用随机交织器
Performance of Turbo coded 16QAM in AWGN channels Turbo code copy code is [1P1715], code rate is 1.2, and random interleaver is used. (2018-09-28, Others, 2KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] anx

This example is also developed to vc++ 6, 0, is used to implement between the client and the server synchronization of files and directories (2017-03-28, Others, 4KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Lua-programmer

lua语言的教程,Lua脚本可以很容易的被C/C++ 代码调用,也可以反过来调用C/C++的函数,这使得Lua在应用程序中可以被广泛应用。不仅仅作为扩展脚本,也可以作为普通的配置文件,代替XML,ini等文件格式,并且更容易理解和维护。[2] Lua由标准C编写而成,代码简洁优美,几乎在所有操作系统和平台上都可以编译,运行。[2] 一个完整的Lua解释器不过200k,在目前所有脚本引擎中,Lua的速度是最快的。这一切都决定了Lua是作为嵌入式脚本的最佳选择。
lua program (2015-05-21, Others, 1303KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] boot-source-page

引导页的源码很多 我的源码区别在于 只要设置图片就行了 指示器 viewpage页都是自动添加的
Boot Source page source difference is that a lot of my pictures on the line as long as the setting indicator viewpage pages are automatically added (2015-05-13, Others, 5776KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] Ubuntu00Android

LiteCommon项目简介 LiteCommon是一系列通用类、辅助类、工具类的集合,有以下特点: 通用性强:只有常用,才可入席。 体积超小:不到50K!加入增强IO包混淆后70K! 纯 纯 纯:类间独立,单挑大梁,极少耦合,就是单纯! 其中包括shell命令,静默安装,bitmap处理,文件操作,加密存储器,计数器,均值器,吐司,日志,校验,提示,网络监测等基础功能,以及一些Base64、MD5、Hex、Byte、Number、Dialog、Filed、Class、Package、Telephone、Random等工具类。
LiteCommon Project LiteCommon is a series of generic class, helper class collection tools, and has the following characteristics: Versatility: Only used before seated. Ultra-small: less than 50K! Join enhanced IO package confuse 70K! Innocent pure: between-class independent, single play the leading role, rarely coupling is simple! Including shell commands, silent installation, bitmap processing, file operations, secure memory, counters, mean, a toast, logging, validation, tips, network monitoring and other basic functions, as well as some Base64, MD5, Hex, Byte, Number, Dialog, Filed, Class, Package, Telephone, Random and other tools. (2015-01-26, Others, 197KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] timing-tool

this program is written by AHK(autohotkey) script language,it can remind you in time you can set. (2014-12-23, Others, 198KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] xiao

校园网络规划--校园网方案,是通过模拟软件CISCO PACKET tracer来模拟的,包括VLAN、route、服务器等配置
The campus network planning (2014-07-02, Others, 1458KB, 下载51次)


[Windows编程] Bomb-hero

炸弹英雄是一款休闲单机小游戏,这款游戏的实质上就是将小时候我们玩的游戏机里面的游戏,移植到了手机应用客户端中,该游戏中共设有十个关卡,在当前关卡没有通关的情况下,下一个关卡会处于锁定状态,玩家选关进入游戏后通过对摇杆和按键的控制来操纵英雄,投放炸弹消灭敌人,当游戏中所有敌人被消灭则为通关,假如炸弹炸到了英雄或敌人与英雄发生碰撞则英雄死亡,此时为通过失败可以重新开始。 此游戏的开发是使用苹果公司提供的Code - 5作为开发工具,结合Coco2d - X 开源的2D游戏渲染框架开发而成,其中还用到了一此辅助开发工具,Tiled Map Editor是一款地图编辑器软件,游戏中的所有地图都是由软件生成。由于此游戏不会设计到大量数据的存储,所以没有用到数据库,而是使用了Userdefault存入到系统文件中。
Bomb hero is a casual single-player game, the game is essentially the childhood game we play inside the game, ported to the mobile application client, the CCP has 10 points of the game, there is no clearance at the current level under the circumstances, the next hurdle will be locked, enter the game off after the player selected by the control stick and buttons to manipulate the heroes bombs to destroy the enemy, when the game is to destroy all enemies compared clearance, if a bomb to hero or heroes collide with the enemy hero death, this time for the re-start by failure. The development of this game is to use the Apple provided Code- 5 as a development tool, combined Coco2d- X open source 2D game rendering framework was developed, which also uses an auxiliary development tools for this, Tiled Map Editor is a map editor software, games, all the maps are generated by the software. Because this game is not designed to store large amounts of data, so the database is not used, but the us (2014-06-24, Others, 15506KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] BIN

autoit程序 用ini文件进行设定实现多核处理器用单核打开某个程序,解决有些程序多核使用会不稳定问题
autoit program set with the ini file with a single core to multicore processors to open a program to solve some of the program will use multi-core instability (2011-06-23, Others, 544KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] vss-server

Write their own version of the server build process vss code of a document. Software online have, can go, the main process of writing is built. (2011-03-25, Others, 531KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] tms320vc5416

TMS320VC5416的主要特征有: (1)优化的CPU结构:增强的多总线结构,数据总线具有总线保持特性;40bit的算术逻辑单元(ALU),包括两个独立的40bit的累加器,一个40bit的桶形移位器;一个17×17的乘法器连接一个40bit专用加法器,可用来进行非流水线式的单周期乘/累加(MAC)操作等。
The main features of the TMS320VC5416 are: (1) to optimize the structure of the CPU: Enhanced multi-bus architecture, data bus has a bus to maintain properties 40bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU), including the two independent 40bit accumulator, a Barrel shifter of 40bit a multiplier of 17 × 17 to connect a dedicated 40bit adder that can be used to carry out non-pipelined single-cycle by/accumulate (MAC) operation. (2009-05-16, Others, 687KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] introduction

Intel QPI总线技术简介。绝好的介绍。 QPI是串行处理器总线,用于对抗AMD的HyperTransport总线。
Intel QPI bus technology brief introduction. Excellent introduction. QPI is a serial processor bus, for the fight against AMD' s HyperTransport bus. (2009-03-18, Others, 211KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] CMD

Classic command-line network, including the most basic, the most commonly used in a number of CMD command, can be used for detection, testing server-side, routing tracking applications. (2008-08-25, Others, 1KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] SEO

JavaScript written in windows Explorer, under the will know, I have a hard nut to crack, please carefully read the document, please carefully read your paper, please carefully read your paper (2008-07-29, Others, 504KB, 下载40次)


[Windows编程] RoundRobinScheduler

用C#写的《计算机算法分析与设计》的课程设计--分治算法,循环赛日程表生成器 比较有实用价值的程序,可以保存赛程表为RTF格式,可输入选手名字,可指定每轮比赛的日期时间
With C# Written by (2007-08-03, Others, 66KB, 下载20次)


[Windows编程] myUCOS-II

UCOS based LPC2200 transplant. be right UCOS ARM processor and the structure of a deeper understanding (2007-03-13, Others, 312KB, 下载114次)


[Windows编程] ASP.NET000

Computertest.mdb database will be copied to C deep-rooted directory will be operating procedures, Operation has server and client procedures. Computer Room Management System (2007-02-02, Others, 157KB, 下载10次)
