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按分类查找All 电子书籍(517) 

[电子书籍] islandServer

书籍小程序node服务端、全局异常处理、lin- validator验证器、统一初始化路由、http错误类、sequelize链接数据库、jsonwebtoken生成token、bcryptjs加密密码,
Book applet node server, global exception handling, lin validator verifier, unified initialization route, http error class, serialize link database, jsonwebtoken generate token, bcryptjs encryption password, (2023-03-01, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] WeiXin_demo_BookReader

WeChat applet simple demo, basic novel reading applet, combined with the corresponding server-side program, includes simple user management, book upload and other operations., (2017-03-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] treader

如风小说阅读器,添加书签、目录跳转、(仿真、覆盖、滑动、无)翻页动画效果、日夜间模式、本地txt书籍阅读、字体 字体大小 主题 亮度设置,
Rufeng novel reader, adding bookmarks, directory jump, (simulation, coverage, sliding, none) page turning animation effect, day and night mode, local txt book reading, font size, theme brightness setting, (2017-05-31, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] 深入理解计算机系统英文版第三版

This book mainly introduces the basic concepts of computer system, including the data representation in the bottom memory, the composition of pipeline instructions, virtual memory, compilation system, dynamic loading library, and user applications. The book provides a lot of practical operation, which can help readers better understand the way of program execution and improve the efficiency of program execution. This book comprehensively explains computer system from the perspective of programmer, and introduces processor, compiler, operating system and network environment in simple terms. It is an authoritative work in this field. (2021-04-03, C/C++, 13858KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] c语言从入门到精通

C language is a process oriented and abstract general programming language (2021-03-22, C/C++, 45840KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] uc2572-TI负压调制器4

3VREF: Precision 3V reference. Bypass with 100nF ca- pacitor to GND. CS: Current limit sense pin. Connect to a ground refer- enced current sense resistor in series with the flyback in- ductor. OUT will be held high (PMOS switch off) if CS exceeds 0.2V.
3VREF: Precision 3V reference. Bypass with 100nF ca- pacitor to GND. CS: Current limit sense pin. Connect to a ground refer- enced current sense resistor in series with the flyback in- ductor. OUT will be held high (PMOS switch off) if CS exceeds 0.2V. (2020-01-08, WINDOWS, 263KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] 计算机程序的构造和解释

This is the construction and interpretation of computer programs in the mobi edition of the book. (2018-09-24, Others, 2186KB, 下载1次)


[电子书籍] 计算机程序的构造和解释(SICP中文第2版)

structure+and+interpretation+of+computer+programs+2nd-ed (2018-03-13, UNIX, 25482KB, 下载8次)


[电子书籍] C陷阱和缺陷

The pitfalls and pitfalls of C language include lexical traps, grammar traps, language traps, connections, library functions, preprocessor, portability defects, and so on (2017-10-31, C/C++, 4800KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] CCDandCMOS

CCD和CMOS图像传感器 ppt 详细介绍了CCD和CMOS的各种性质功能
CCD and CMOS image sensors, CCD and the ppt described in detail the nature and functions of various CMOS (2010-03-05, Others, 11061KB, 下载43次)


[电子书籍] ContinuingYourEducation

Oracle企业管理器10g网格控制 Oracle数据库10g:真正应用集群 Oracle数据库10g:实现流 Oracle数据库10g:数据海巡署
Oracle University Web site Oracle University Knowledge Center Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Oracle Database 10g: Real Application Clusters Oracle Database 10g: Implement Streams Oracle Database 10g: Data Guard Administration (2010-02-03, PPT, 95KB, 下载11次)


[电子书籍] PT2262PT2272

PT2262 和PT2272 是一对专用的集成编解码器当采用4 位数据通信的时候可以有6561 组
PT2262, and PT2272 are a pair of dedicated integrated codec when using 4-bit data communication can be 6561 when the group (2009-08-28, PPT, 132KB, 下载39次)


[电子书籍] 1127543295

tianoaf j afja j alfja jfa lfja f (2009-08-02, Visual C++, 98KB, 下载29次)


[电子书籍] huibian

80x86汇编语言程序设计教程 本书分为三部分。第一部分是基础部分,以8086/8088为背景,以DOS和PC兼容机为软硬件平台,以MASM和TASM为汇编器,介绍汇编语言的有关概念,讲解汇编语言程序设计技术。第二部分是提高部分,以80386为背景,以新一代微处理器Pentium为目标,细致和通俗地介绍了保护方式下的有关概念,系统和详细地讲解了保护方式下的编程技术,真实和生动地展示了保护方式下的编程细节。第三部分是上机实验指导。 本书的第一部分适合初学者,可作为学习汇编语言程序设计的教材。本书的第二部分适合已基本掌握8086/8088汇编语言的程序员,可作为学习保护方式编程技术的教材或参考书,也可作为其他人员了解高档微处理器和保护方式编程技术的参考书,还可作为程序员透彻地了解Windows程序设计技术的参考书。 (2008-07-06, Asm, 15513KB, 下载76次)


[电子书籍] PICC

PIC microcontroller series of eight high-grade C programming language teaching (2006-05-31, PDF, 184KB, 下载510次)


[电子书籍] vhdl-fpga

This is a very good use of VHDL programming, you read it to understand. (2006-05-16, Others, 7542KB, 下载566次)


[电子书籍] waveletTransfrom&application

on wavelet transform and application of e-books, wavelet analysis is applied in a wide range of a new course. (2006-04-04, PDF, 1669KB, 下载248次)


[电子书籍] VB编程助手API

本程序是API 文本浏览器的替代者,但其功能更为强大,使用也更方便!收录有1155个API,大部份API都附有较详细的说明,并附带精心收集的VB编程基础知识及对编程十分有用的很多文章,愿她能为你的编程生涯带来些许方便!
API text browser alternative, but its more powerful, and more convenient! Features a 1155 API, the majority of the API comes with a more detailed explanation and fringe carefully collected and the VB basic knowledge of programming and a lot of very useful articles, she would like you to bring a bit of programming career convenient! (2004-12-16, Visual Basic, 2378KB, 下载117次)


[电子书籍] wincvs操作手册和参考资料

CVS是目前比较流行与优秀的版本管理与控制工具,是用来管理其它日常文档(如word工作文档之类)的一个强有力的工具。 WinCVS是CVS的一个客户端软件,它运行在Windows上,采用图形化方式登陆CVS服务器和CVS相关的操作与管理,不要学习复杂的cvs命令。企业内部都采用Linux/Unix做服务器,用Windows做客户端,所以WinCVS与CVS服务器是目前应用最广泛的版本控制与管理的组合。
CVS is the more popular version with an excellent management and control tools, the other is used to manage the day-to-day documentation (such as word documents such as work) a powerful tool. WinCVS is a CVS client software, which runs on Windows, The graphical approach landing CVS CVS server and related operations and management, not learning complicated cvs orders. Enterprises are using Linux/Unix servers to do with Windows so the client, So WinCVS and CVS server is the most widely used version control and management of the portfolio. (2004-08-03, WINDOWS, 4090KB, 下载125次)


[电子书籍] fpr2

Fingerprint recognition collection 2. All is the domestic and foreign famous experts work, has the reference value very much (2004-06-28, WORD, 1909KB, 下载278次)
