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按分类查找All JavaScript/JQuery(478) 
按平台查找All Java(478) 

[JavaScript/JQuery] LetUsOrder

,jQuery,Bootstrap,作为前端技术和JSP,Java Servlet,JDBC与MySQL用于服务器端和数据库C...
LetUsOrder is an eStore where a user can explore multiple categories and can add products to the cart so to buy them. Users even got the functionality to sell products from their own shops if any. The project involved working on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, as Front End Technologies and JSP, Java Servlets, JDBC with MySQL for (2021-04-25, Java, 3129KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] book_mall

A simple Java web project does not involve frameworks, but mainly focuses on learning and understanding the web. Technologies: Servlet program, Filter filter, Listener listener, JSP page, EL expression, JSTL tag library, jQuery framework, Cookie technology, Session session (2022-10-30, Java, 9587KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] ProjectManager

This project focused on making a managerial portal for the employees of the company where they can track the records of their projects that they are currently working on, deadlines of the projects and summary in regard to the project. I implemented Model View Controller(MVC) architecture to make the project and technologies used in the project (2018-07-09, Java, 1547KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] geeco

Gecco is a lightweight and easy-to-use web crawler developed in the java language. Gecco integrates excellent frameworks such as jsoup, httpclient, fastjson, spring, htmlunit, and redistribution, allowing you to simply configure some jquery style selectors (2017-03-09, Java, 237KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 2

JQuery pop-up drop-down box date selector is based on jquery.1.10.2.min.js. Click on the input box pop-up date and time to select the drop-down box. You can select date and time in the drop-down list, and many forms. (2019-01-17, Java, 36KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] javascriptmvc-2

JavaScriptMVC 是一个功能强大的 JavaScript framework. 也是一个很棒的JavaScript测试框架,它同样能提高开发的速度。JavaScriptMVC应用了模型-视图-控制器架构模式,把业务逻辑和表示分离,使得代码更加模块化。
JavaScriptMVC is a powerful JavaScript framework. Also a great JavaScript testing framework, it can also increase the speed of development. JavaScriptMVC applied the Model- View- Controller architecture model, the separation of business logic and presentation, making the code more modular. (2015-02-13, Java, 6291KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jquery_pic_jy

jQuery Image Fade switch the menu, with a fade effect will be switched jQuery menu _ Fade menu, compatible with IE, FF, Safari, Opera and other browsers. How much can press the menu button needs to add, the example adds 5. (2014-11-19, Java, 153KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jsencods

JavaScript版GBK编码、解码函数演示,在你选择使用GBK编码、用POST或GET方式发送信息到服务器的时候,注意过浏览器发送的编码是什么样的吗?碰到过编码错误的情况吗?此解码、编码程序是我几年以前写的商业代码,现在把它开源。协议为GPL或LGPL。   它可用于现实JavaScript版本的GBK< >Unicode转换,以及在GBK字符编码下进行http表单数据的编解码。
JavaScript version GBK encoding, decoding function demonstrates, when you choose to use GBK encoding, transmitting POST or GET method information to the server when the browser sends noticed what kind of code is it? Coding errors encountered situation? This decoding, encoding program that I wrote a few years ago commercial code, and now it is open source. Agreement for the GPL or LGPL. It can be used for realistic JavaScript version of GBK <-> Unicode conversion, as well as http form data under the GBK character encoding codec. (2014-11-14, Java, 76KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] keywordroy

JavaScript effects, keyword spherical rotation effect, spherical tag cloud effects, put the mouse will rotate the use of this effect on many websites TAB tag. Applicable browser: IE8,360, FireFox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Maxthon, Sogou, Window of the World. (2014-10-13, Java, 3KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] MootoolsDemo

mootools 面向对象的开源JavaScript web应用框架它为web开发者提供了一个跨浏览器js解决方案。在处理js css html时候。 它提供了一个比普通js更面向对象的document API。
Mootools object-oriented open source JavaScript web application framework for web developers to provide a cross-browser solution js. In dealing with js CSS HTML time. It provides a more than ordinary js object oriented document API. (2013-01-29, Java, 44KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] CommonJS

一个用java script实现的图片轮播效果,兼容各种浏览器(IE、Firefox、Chrome),体积小,不压缩也只有 10kb,调用方便,比一般的 flash 轮播效果更省资源,更快的加载速度。
Java script to achieve a picture with Carousel effect, compatible with all browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome), small size, no compression is only 10kb, call convenient, than the average flash carousel effect of more energy efficient, faster loading speed. (2011-10-29, Java, 92KB, 下载18次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] tinymce3

一个平台独立基于Web的Javascript HTML WYSIWYG编辑器,采用JavaScript/ECMAScript开发,主要特性包括主题/模板支持,多语言支持(包括简体中文),支持通过插件的方式进行扩展。含官方简体中文文件。
A platform-independent Web-based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor, the use of JavaScript/ECMAScript development, the main features include theme/template support, multiple language support (including simplified Chinese), to support expansion of the way through the plug. Simplified Chinese with official documents. (2011-04-10, Java, 791KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] pop

Json-based service side, model is the business logic model, entity which is the entity class, service is the server service, business logic model is a singleton, using getInstant () static method to get the communication port default is 8010 (2011-04-08, Java, 1456KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JAVA

制作一个音频文件播放器,能够播放多种音频格式的文件。 【功能提示】【可选人数:8】 (1) 实现为Applet小程序 (2) 实现开始、暂停、停止等播放控制 (3) 维护一个或多个播放列表
Create an audio file player, can play multiple audio formats. 【Function】 【Optional Tip Number: 8】 (1) implementation for the Applet applet (2) implementation start, pause, stop, and other playback control (3) maintain one or more playlists (2010-12-22, Java, 1980KB, 下载99次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JavaScript

Javascript是由Netscape公司创造的一种脚本语言。它曾经几次改名,最终才定为javascript。作为一门独立的编程语言,javascript自然可以做很多的事情,不过它最主流的应用还是在Web上——创建动态网页(许多人喜欢叫网页特效)。Javascript目前在网络上应用十分广泛,几乎所有的动态网页里都能找到它的身影。目前流行的AJAX从很大程度上也是依赖于Javascript而存在的。 概括地说,JavaScript就是一种基于对象和事件驱动,并具有安全性能的脚本语言。对象和事件是JavaScript的两个核心。 JavaScript是一种脚本语言。脚本语言的特点是比较简单、易学,即使是程序设计新手也可以非常容易地使用JavaScript进行简单的编程。 JavaScript可以被嵌入到HTML文件中,不需要经过Web服务器就可以对用户操作作出响应,使网页更好地与用户交互;在利用客户端个人电脑性能资源的同时,适当减小服务器端的压力,并减少用户等待时间。
Javascript是由Netscape公司创造的一种脚本语言。它曾经几次改名,最终才定为javascript。作为一门独立的编程语言,javascript自然可以做很多的事情,不过它最主流的应用还是在Web上——创建动态网页(许多人喜欢叫网页特效)。Javascript目前在网络上应用十分广泛,几乎所有的动态网页里都能找到它的身影。目前流行的AJAX从很大程度上也是依赖于Javascript而存在的。 概括地说,JavaScript就是一种基于对象和事件驱动,并具有安全性能的脚本语言。对象和事件是JavaScript的两个核心。 JavaScript是一种脚本语言。脚本语言的特点是比较简单、易学,即使是程序设计新手也可以非常容易地使用JavaScript进行简单的编程。 JavaScript可以被嵌入到HTML文件中,不需要经过Web服务器就可以对用户操作作出响应,使网页更好地与用户交互;在利用客户端个人电脑性能资源的同时,适当减小服务器端的压力,并减少用户等待时间。 (2010-05-30, Java, 40KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] src

Prepared a dynamic map rendering sine and cosine waves procedures, this procedure drawn sine and cosine waves belong to the two panel, they will continue to move backwards in the window, just like the same oscilloscope. (2009-01-05, Java, 2KB, 下载19次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] tinymce3

一个平台独立基于Web的Javascript HTML WYSIWYG编辑器,采用JavaScript/ECMAScript开发,主要特性包括主题/模板支持,多语言支持(包括简体中文),支持通过插件的方式进行扩展。含官方简体中文文件。
A platform-independent Web-based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor, the use of JavaScript/ECMAScript development, the main features include theme/template support, multi-language support (including simplified Chinese), supports the adoption of plug-in expansion mode. Simplified Chinese document containing official. (2008-12-10, Java, 643KB, 下载3次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] mikecat_js

JavaScript 是属于网络的脚本语言! JavaScript 被数百万计的网页用来改进设计、验证表单、检测浏览器、创建cookies,以及更多的应用。 JavaScript 是因特网上最流行的脚本语言。 JavaScript 很容易使用!你一定会喜欢它的!
JavaScript is a scripting language network! JavaScript has been millions of web pages used to improve the design, validate forms, detect browsers, create cookies, and more applications. JavaScript is the Internet (2008-10-13, Java, 380KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] java

JAVA写的文件浏览器 功能: 1、树形文件夹视图 2、文件与文件夹列表 3、图片文件和文本文件预览 4、菜单选项 5、扩展功能
Written in JAVA file browser functions: one, tree-like folder view 2, the list of documents and 3 folders, pictures, documents and text files preview 4, menu option 5, the expansion of functions (2008-07-08, Java, 95KB, 下载39次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] appG

Java是由Sun Microsystems公司于1995年5月推出的Java程序设计语言(以下简称Java语言)和Java平台的总称。用Java实现的HotJava浏览器(支持Java applet)显示了Java的魅力:跨平台、动感的Web、Internet计算。从此,Java被广泛接受并推动了Web的迅速发展,常用的浏览器现在均支持Java applet。另一方面,Java技术也不断更新。   Java平台由Java虚拟机(Java Virtual Machine)和Java 应用编程接口(Application Programming Interface、简称API)构成。Java 应用编程接口为Java应用提供了一个独立于操作系统的标准接口,可分为基本部分和扩展部分。在硬件或操作系统平台上安装一个Java平台之后,Java应用程序就可运行。现在Java平台已经嵌入了几乎所有的操作系统。这样Java程序可以只编译一次,就可以在各种系统中运行。Java应用编程接口已经从1.1x版发展到1.2版。目前常用的Java平台基于Java1.4,最近版本为Java1.6。
err (2008-04-26, Java, 4KB, 下载5次)
