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按平台查找All Java(454) 

[前端开发] Selenium-Web-Driver-Examples

用于SeleniumJava项目的Maven POM(项目对象模型)。包括用于Microsoft Edge的Selenium WebDriver和WebDriverManager的依赖项。为Java 17配置Maven编译器插件。
Maven POM (Project Object Model) for a Selenium Java project. Includes dependencies for Selenium WebDriver and WebDriverManager for Microsoft Edge. Configures the Maven Compiler Plugin for Java 17. (2024-01-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] yf-boot

SpringBoot+Vue3 quickly builds its own enterprise applications based on the code generator assembly development framework, low code platform and modular functions., (2023-09-02, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] java-testng-relative-locators

A sample repo to help you use relative locators for automation test in Java- TestNG on LambdaTest. Run Selenium tests with TestNG on LambdaTest platform. (2022-07-09, Java, 6KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] java-testng-browser-cache-clear

A sample repo to help you clear Browser Cache TestNG On LambdaTest. Run Selenium tests with TestNG on LambdaTest platform. (2022-06-22, Java, 156KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] java-selenium-browser-cache-clear

示例回购,帮助您在LambdaTest云上使用Selenium 4 Java清除浏览器缓存。运行Java Selenium测试...
A sample repo to help you clear browser cache with Selenium 4 Java on LambdaTest cloud. Run your Java Selenium tests on LambdaTest platform. (2022-07-09, Java, 5KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] junit-selenium-browser-cache-clear

一个示例回购,帮助您使用JUnit On LambdaTest清除浏览器缓存。在t上运行Java自动化测试脚本...
A sample repo to help you Clear Browser Cache With JUnit On LambdaTest. Run your Java automation testing scripts on the LambdaTest platform. (2022-06-22, Java, 375KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Test_Automation-automationpractice

Selenium BDD Java TestNG和Cucumber框架。包括诱惑报告、SlackBot、并行测试、浏览器堆栈、Web...
Selenium BDD Java TestNG & Cucumber framework. Including Allure Report, SlackBot, Parallel Testing, BrowserStack, WebDriverManager, SeleniumGrid Fake&Mock data. (2022-09-16, Java, 3557KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] bf-editor

基于vue vue-router vuex element-ui 的markdown编辑器。支持文件与文件夹操作,支持保存与分享。一键发布、修改文章到第三方平台。
Markdown editor based on vue vue router vuex element ui. Support file and folder operations, save and share. One click publishing and modifying articles to third-party platforms. (2017-06-06, Java, 1419KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Football-Management-System

It s a Server based application where users can Search, Update, Add and Delete Football player. using JAVA as front-end and MySQL as back-end along with Apache Server. (2019-04-30, Java, 17KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] bunsen-orig

本生是数据的前端。这是一个Cordova应用程序,可以渲染Angular 4应用程序和运行在a上的节点服务器...
Bunsen is a front-end for dat. It is a Cordova app that renders an Angular 4 app and a node server that runs on the Android device. (2017-08-01, Java, 28741KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] cloud-paulpredicts

This is a real-life productive application, demonstrating how to create a server back-end to serve multiple front-end technologies. The sample involves all currently available SAP HANA Cloud services. #cloud-sample (2020-12-28, Java, 1267KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] carmelo

Carmelo is a fast, scalable Java server framework designed for online games. It uses Netty and Fastjson for highly efficient network transmission and supports both TCP/HTTP protocols. (2022-12-16, Java, 67KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] tac

TAC(Tiny API Cloud)是一种带有七巧板的服务器端解决方案。当然,它也支持从...
The TAC (Tiny API Cloud) is a server-side solution with tangram. Of course, it also supports the use of secession from tangram; TAC is not a platform, nor a framework, but a development model. (2018-06-02, Java, 8380KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] derive4j

Java 8注释处理器和框架,用于派生代数数据类型构造函数、模式匹配、折叠、运算...
Java 8 annotation processor and framework for deriving algebraic data types constructors, pattern-matching, folds, optics and typeclasses. (2022-12-01, Java, 252KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] cider

"Content Integration Framework: Document Extraction and Retrieval" - A document parser framework that stores parsed entities into jena ( <http://jena.sourceforge.net/> ) RDF vocabularies and provides knowledge-base enhanced semantic ananlysis of content. Annotated content can be used by search engines to present content navigation which will be (2010-04-27, Java, 11938KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] CommonECApp

A universal front-end e-commerce framework for the app is implemented, which can be run directly without the need for a backend. The simulated data is stored in Raw and obtained through the use of an OKHTTP interceptor (2019-09-07, Java, 943KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] mmall

Design website server-side source code based on SSM framework for front-end and back-end separation. Project features: front-end and back-end separation, database interface design, architecture design, functional development, online operation and maintenance (2018-10-31, Java, 37277KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] MyQQChat

A chat software that imitates QQ has already implemented the general framework and basic functions of the client and server, with good scalability, and can be further developed on top of it. (2021-01-06, Java, 5835KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Lease

Lease, building material leasing system, backend framework SSM, front-end framework LayUI, database MySQL, development tool IDEA, web server Tomcat, graduation project. Functions: customer management, material management, order management, password modification (2023-02-22, Java, 1359KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] hrms

Hrms, college graduation project (web system), enterprise human resource management system (small), front-end using Bootstrap framework, back-end using SpringBoot framework (embedded Tomcat server), database using MySQL (2020-07-02, Java, 250KB, 下载0次)
