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[Windows编程] 西门子PLC调试助手

snap7 连接西门子PLC的库 填写PLC的ip、rack、slot、port参数,可读写I\Q\M\DB等区对应的寄存器。 支持西门子Ethernet TCP/IP协议的PLC
Snap7 is connected to the library of Siemens PLC Fill in the IP, rack, slot, port parameters of PLC, and read and write the registers corresponding to I / Q / M / DB. PLC supporting Siemens Ethernet TCP / IP protocol (2020-07-02, Others, 16998KB, 下载25次)


[Windows编程] labview-image-screen

Based labview picture player, specify a directory, you can show all types of image files in the directory, including jpg, gif, jpeg, png, bmp formats. (2016-08-14, Others, 2672KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] chrome_fere

chrome_fere是用autohotkey生成的自动化脚本程序,优化了chrome浏览器的标签操作: 1.在标签上单击右键,关闭标签; 2.在标签栏滚动鼠标滚轮,切换标签; 3.在窗口控制区单击右键,新建标签。
chrome_fere is an autohotkey script program, which could optimize the chrome browser tab: 1 Right-click on the label, off-label 2 Scroll the mouse wheel on the tab bar, switch labels 3 Right-click in the window control area, create new label. (2014-07-09, Others, 331KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] mintRoute

WSN multi-hop routing,Using the shortest path, timer, queue, the neighbor table management etc.core strategy is the regular election cycle update the neighbor table and the parent node (2014-03-04, Others, 9KB, 下载19次)


[Windows编程] pkt

Cisco PKT file rookie learning the basic parts. Used on the Cisco simulator. I also learn ah (2013-11-23, Others, 311KB, 下载42次)


[Windows编程] jqueryrule

重要:下面列出的版本是不是最后一次。请从这里下载1.0.1。 这个插件允许的CSS规则快速/手法创作,在一个“jquery”。 它包含的功能,如链接,迭代使用每个,选择器与语境。 多功能齐备,如切片,pushstack,不添加,删除,添加,,CSS,和更多。 一个完整的API是可用的。它包含了jQuery的方法。规则,以及jQuery扩展。 至于它已经过测试,在大多数浏览器的插件应该表现良好,一些特殊方法仍需要更多的测试。反馈是非常赞赏。
Important:The release listed below is not the last. Please download 1.0.1 from here. This plugin allows quick creation/manipulation of CSS Rules, in a "jQuery-way". It includes features like chaining, iteration using each, selectors with context. Many functions are available, like slice, pushStack, not, add, remove, append, css, and some more. A full API is available. It contains the methods of jQuery.Rule, and the extensions to jQuery. As far as it has been tested, the plugin should perform well in most browsers, some specials methods still need some more testing. Feedback is much appreciated. (2013-01-20, Others, 47KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] SDCARD

stm32 SDIO 操作的寄存器版本,是根据库函数版本改的,不支持多块写入,貌似是库函数原有的bug,暂时没法解决。使用时依次调用SD_Init(),SD_GetCardInfo(&SDCardInfo),SD_SelectDeselect((u32) (SDCardInfo.RCA << 16)),SD_EnableWideBusOperation(SDIO_BusWide_4b),然后就可以调用扇区读写操作了。
the stm32 SDIO operation of the register version, is changed depending on the version of library functions, does not support multi-block write, looks like the original bug in the library function is temporarily unable to solve. Turn to call SD_Init (), SD_GetCardInfo (& SDCardInfo) SD_SelectDeselect ((u32 Bases the) (SDCardInfo.RCA < < 16)), SD_EnableWideBusOperation (SDIO_BusWide_4b), then you can call the sector read and write operations use. (2012-08-11, Others, 13KB, 下载48次)


[Windows编程] vbfx

Host computer can be realized on the Mitsubishi FX Series PLC controls, including start, stop, modify the value of the register, as well as the middle of the state of relays and so on, with source code for all to learn. (2009-12-10, Others, 19KB, 下载71次)


[Windows编程] se

CE is also stronger than the SE, over NP, modify the game to numerical (2009-10-12, Others, 1008KB, 下载107次)


[Windows编程] avr_study_word2

word 版AVR入门教程part2,和第一部分一起,对AVR的内部结构,I/O,中断,定时器,uart等功能都做了非常详细
word version of AVR Getting Started tutorial part2, and the first part of the join of the AVR' s internal structure, I/O, interrupt, timer, uart and other functions have done a very detailed (2009-09-04, Others, 10143KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] WpfClog

CLog可以让你在现有日志记录的系统中增加在服务器上记录客户端消息功能,它适用于任何WCF或ASP.NET Web服务用户。CLog是一个完全的日志提供系统,它有非常好的可定制性,线程级安全,能够序列化所有异常Exception类型,并可以在客户端或服务器端定制任何过滤机制:IP范围过滤,成员角色过滤,环境用户名过滤、机器名过滤时间范围过滤等…… 文章提供详细的使用教程和升级方法,并提供各种实例源代码。
CLog can put you at the existing logging system to record an increase in client server message feature, which applies to any WCF or ASP.NET Web service users. CLog is to provide a complete log system, it is very good and customizable, and thread-level security, to all the unusual sequence of Exception type, and can be the client or any custom server-side filtering mechanism: IP range filtering, members of the role of filters, environmental user name filtering, machine name filter such as filter time ... ... The article provides detailed tutorials and upgrade the use of methods, and provide various examples of the source code. (2009-08-05, Others, 1606KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] wxjbbjq2

微型脚本编辑器(Script Edit)是腾龙备份大师系列软件为您提供的免费微型脚本调试编辑工具,它为您提供了基础的脚本编辑、分色显示及调试功能,能够运行调试VBS、JS、BAT脚本文件。
Micro-script editor (Script Edit) is a Masters Series Tenglong backup software to provide you with a free mini-script debugging editing tools, it provides the basis for your script editing, color display and debug features, can run debugging VBS, JS, BAT script file. (2009-01-08, Others, 526KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] ACEChatServerV001

ACE聊天室如果您是执行run.bat运行起来的话,您会看到DOS窗口开启了1个线程(Service:Start Success!) 然后就打开浏览器,输入http://localhost:9999/chat.htm ,哗啦啦,聊天室主界面就出来了,(止不 住想说一声它奶奶的,有时候浏览器收到的HTTP应答头出现前几个字符乱码,这时刷新一下就可以了).
ACE Chat run.bat if you are running up and running, you will see a DOS window opened up a thread (Service: Start Success!) And then open the browser, enter http://localhost:9999/chat. htm,哗啦啦, chat rooms on the main interface came out, (止不住grandmother wanting to say it, sometimes the browser before the HTTP response before the first few garbled characters, then you can refresh a). (2008-11-19, Others, 854KB, 下载45次)


[Windows编程] shiqidituxiugaiqi

Stone Age tools for the client to amend the map, which is dedicated to amend the official, and has its own tools to do the map! (2008-08-22, Others, 311KB, 下载224次)


[Windows编程] cn_CVS_Usage_Manual_V1.0

CVS是一个版本控制系统。使用它,你可以记录下你的源文件的历史。 例如:修改软件时可能会产生一些bug,而且可能过了很久你才会察觉到它们的存在。 有了 CVS,你可以很容易地恢复旧版本,并从中看出到底是哪个修改导致了这个bug 。 有时这是很有用的。 当然了,你能把所有版本的所有文件都保存了下来。但这会浪费大量的磁盘空间。 而CVS用一种聪明的办法来保存一个文件的所有版本-仅仅保存不同版本之间的区别-在一个文件里。 如果你是项目开发组的一员,CVS也会帮助你。除非极为小心, 成员之间很容易互相覆盖文件。一些编辑器,如GNU Emacs,会保证同一时间内同一文件绝不会被两个人修改。 不幸的是,如果有人用了另外的编辑器,这种保护就没用了。 CVS用隔离开不同的开发者解决了这个问题。每个开发者在他自己的目录里工作, 等每一个开发者都完成了他们自己的工作后,CVS会将它们合并到一起。 (2007-09-20, Others, 655KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] eMule-VeryCD-src

修正了数据文件损坏导致的eMule崩溃问题 *优化启动画面 *解决由于用户权限而导致的崩溃问题。 *解决由于网页浏览器第三方插件而导致的崩溃问题。
Revised data files eMule damage caused by the collapse of the issue of optimizing the startup screen** to resolve user rights as a result of which led to the collapse of the issue.* Solution as a result of third-party web browser plug-ins which led to the collapse of the issue. (2007-09-14, Others, 13331KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] Hiew726w

Hiew release 7.26 好用的hex编辑器和反汇编工具.
Hiew release 7.26-to-use hex editor and anti-compilation tools. (2007-09-11, Others, 392KB, 下载73次)


[Windows编程] MiniGUI_experiment

minigui实例源代码,目标板处理器是s3c2410,包括相应的配置文件。代码包括Dialog box、Simple editor、Bitbmp disp、GDI draw等
minigui example source code, target board processor is s3c2410, including the corresponding configuration file. Code including the Dialog box, Simple editor, Bitbmp disp, GDI draw, etc. (2007-08-06, Others, 224KB, 下载84次)


[Windows编程] softhy620c

general blog photo albums, articles, the function works program structure is relatively clear development of a three-tier structure (using the SQLHelper.cs (source code)) adopts a technical background used UrlReWrite (FTB FreeTextBox) Editor All (2007-05-13, Others, 703KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] jpeg_encoder_for_dsp

JPEG compression in the TMS320VC5509 codes. Compiler for use ccs2.2, optimization level-o3 (2007-03-03, Others, 348KB, 下载178次)
