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按分类查找All 快速开发平台(436) 
按平台查找All JavaScript(436) 

[快速开发平台] QuaCiDe

用HTML JS CSS Python制作的直观、用户友好的量子电路设计器。一个简单的UI,连接到IBM的Qiskit后端以返回快速、准确的结果,不需要编码。
An intuitive, user-friendly quantum circuit designer made in HTML JS CSS Python. A simplistic UI that connects to IBM s Qiskit backend to return quick, accurate results, no coding required. (2024-04-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] CoCreate-calculate

A handy vanilla JavaScript calculator, concatenate multiple elements containing integers & execute calculates. Can be used for creating invoices,making payments & any kind of complex calculate. Easily configured using HTML5 attributes and/or JavaScript API. (2023-11-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] cover-letter-editor

A cover letter template editor app built to ease job searching by enabling candidates in writing custom cover letters for different companies or positions. (2020-01-31, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] Facebook-comments-exporter-chrome-extension

Use this Chrome extension to extract post comments to .json. It can download more than 10,000 comments if your browser can load it :D (2021-01-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] aws-mfa-enforce

无服务器功能,可自动对所有AWS IAM用户强制实施多因素身份验证(MFA),并访问AWS管理控制台。
Serverless function to automate enforcement of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to all AWS IAM users with access to AWS Management Console. (2018-10-30, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] appscript-google-drive-folder-structure

This Apps Script is perfect for project managers, team leads, teachers or anyone who needs to set up a set of Google Drive folders and subfolders quickly and efficiently using automation instead of manual clicks. (2022-01-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] react-router-prac

存储库,用于我实现 React路由器的实践。我正在制作一个web应用程序,但发现有必要添加js技能。我的决定...,
repository for my practice of implementing react router. I am making a web application, but found a neccesity of adding js skills. My decision to separate Front-end and Back-end leads me to study new skill sets, GraphQL, Apollo stuffs, and React Router. I am on it. (2023-10-19, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] react-bookworm-bookworm-react

1\。用eslint 2设置 React项目。 React路由器和redux设置3。表单和表单验证4。多个页面组件HomePage,Si...,
1. react project set up with eslint 2. react router and redux set up 3. forms and form validation 4. several page components-HomePage, SignupPage, DashboardPage 5. node.js express project set up with eslint, babel 6. authentication with JWT 7. authorized routes 8. API for user authentication 9 . user data, JWT generation and verification on backend (2022-12-10, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] discover-coffee-stores

Fullstack application written in Next.js. Static Generation is used for generating pages on server, for dynamic pages SWR is used on Client-side. CI/CD is set up. Airtable is used as DB. (2022-10-18, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] CoCreate-tui-image-editor

一个简单的tui图像编辑器组件,使用香草javascript编写。使用HTML5属性和或JavaScript API.轻松配置。,
A simple tui-image-editor component in vanilla javascript. Easily configured using HTML5 attributes and or JavaScript API., (2023-08-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] CoCreate-file-server

普通javascript中的简单文件服务器组件。使用HTML5数据属性和或JavaScript API.轻松配置。,
A simple file-server component in vanilla javascript. Easily configured using HTML5 data-attributes and or JavaScript API., (2023-08-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] CoCreate-server-side-render

一个简单的服务器端渲染组件,使用普通javascript。使用HTML5数据属性和或JavaScript API.轻松配置。,
A simple server-side-render component in vanilla javascript. Easily configured using HTML5 data-attributes and or JavaScript API., (2023-08-16, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] CoCreate-calculation

A handy vanilla JavaScript calculator, concatenate multiple elements containing integers & execute calculates. Can be used for creating invoices,making payments & any kind of complex calculate. Easily configured using HTML5 attributes and/or JavaScript API. (2023-08-16, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] CoCreate-css-parser

香草javascript中的简单css解析器组件。使用HTML5数据属性和或JavaScript API.轻松配置。,
A simple css-parser component in vanilla javascript. Easily configured using HTML5 data-attributes and or JavaScript API., (2023-08-16, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] gindex-v4

基于Vue Js的G索引,具有改进的暗模式、搜索和视频播放器,
A Vue Js Based G Index with Improved Dark Mode, Search and Video Player, (2021-11-01, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] jquery-FeelyWikiCode

jquery插件。 FeelyWikiCode是一个将特殊格式的标记代码(类似Wiki代码)转换为HTML的js插件。 用于构造非可视化编辑器。
Jquery plug-in. FeelyWikiCode is a js plug-in that converts markup code in a special format (similar to Wiki code) into HTML. Used to construct a non visual editor. (2015-05-19, JavaScript, 69KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] motdeditor

一个基于React Draft.js Bootstrap的,通过可视化预览和自动转换Unicode字符,提供Minecraft的样式代码的简便编辑体验的编辑器
An editor based on React Draft.js Bootstrap that provides a simple editing experience of Minecraft s style code through visual preview and automatic conversion of Unicode characters (2022-12-10, JavaScript, 67KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] charts-visualized-edit

Chart visual editor, based on echarts - no beautification of the interface, attribute mapping recognition has been completed, grid, title, tooltip, legend mapping has been completed, (built using vue) (2022-12-12, JavaScript, 428KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] react-amplify-s3

在Amplify和React上进行低代码开发,使用Cognito和Storage S3查看器添加UI组件,并上传一个...
Low code development on Amplify and React to add UI components with Cognito and also Storage S3 viewer and uploaded authenticated with Cognito IAM role. (2023-03-05, JavaScript, 200KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] WebsiteBuilder

This project Objective to User can create entire website within minutes using a drag-and- drop editor. Users can build a website simply by dragging and dropping, no coding knowledge or experience is required (2022-11-09, JavaScript, 41973KB, 下载0次)
