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按平台查找All Unix_Linux(498) 

[网络] mi

This is the communication between the two ends of a customer service package, in which the server program only allows simultaneous communication between two client service! (2013-06-29, Unix_Linux, 3KB, 下载3次)


[网络] LInuxQTChatSoftware

A Linux-based Qt framework, C/S-based chat applet, server and client, while landing multiple clients to chat! (2013-05-11, Unix_Linux, 1486KB, 下载6次)


[网络] linux-socket

linux下简单的C/S模式的TCP编程,应用select()处理阻塞问题。 setsockopt()处理重启服务器出现“Address already in use”的情况。
the TCP programming under linux simple C/S mode, select () blocking problem. setsockopt () processing restart the server " Address already in use" . (2013-04-29, Unix_Linux, 3KB, 下载7次)


[网络] studentManage1

A process A (client) to another process B (server-side) sent to find, add, delete, display command, process B performs the appropriate action will be executed through message queues and shared memory returns to the process A process A on The results for display. Responsible for the management of the server-side data, the client is used to send commands for data manipulation. Client through the message queue send operation commands to the server, server-side processing of data according to the received command, and the results will be sent to the client through the message queue, at the same time, the client needs to get the data to the client through the shared memory transfer . Client to obtain data from the shared memory based on the processing results. (2013-04-24, Unix_Linux, 3KB, 下载5次)


[网络] fileserver

under linux network programming routines, and is divided into client and server, the TCP/IP network programming helpful, live learning network programming can help beginners (2013-03-21, Unix_Linux, 12KB, 下载6次)


[网络] UDP_echo_Linux

Under Linux automatically UDP chat program, including client and server-side source code, to run correctly, what can be compiled with gcc (2013-02-28, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载10次)


[网络] libevent-2.0.21-stable.tar

用來取代網路伺服器所使用的事件循還, 支援 /dev/poll, kqueue(2), event ports, POSIX select(2), Windows select(), poll(2), and epoll(4).
libevent supports /dev/poll, kqueue(2), event ports, POSIX select(2), Windows select(), poll(2), and epoll(4). (2013-02-28, Unix_Linux, 831KB, 下载9次)


[网络] Linux_server_construct

linux server set up, the birds brother s private kitchens.This is a very good information erlang concurrent programming is very powerful, and understand download (2012-12-08, Unix_Linux, 117KB, 下载24次)


[网络] serverChat

基于linux QT的tcp通讯服务器端程序源码,可直接在linux下运行,也可经过交叉编译后在ARM2440下运行
In ARM2440 under run after the after cross-compiler based the tcp communication server linux QT client program source code, can be directly run under linux (2012-11-29, Unix_Linux, 81KB, 下载11次)


[网络] linux_uici_tcp_pthread

Based on the Linux system, through the TCP/IP protocol, file size recognition, and through the customer terminal is transmitted to the server! (2012-09-03, Unix_Linux, 11KB, 下载17次)


[网络] Linux-net

Network program and the program has one of the biggest difference is the network program is composed of two parts- client and server-side. (2012-08-16, Unix_Linux, 1695KB, 下载4次)


[网络] arp_udp.tar

Vmware on a linux arp, the two terminals, one running the server program to run a client program. Note the code comments! (2012-07-19, Unix_Linux, 8KB, 下载7次)


[网络] msmtp-1.4.28

msmtp is an SMTP client with a sendmail compatible interface. It can be used with Mutt and other mail user agents. (2012-07-03, Unix_Linux, 425KB, 下载5次)


[网络] iptables-1.4.7

  iptables 是与最新的 2.6.x 版本Linux 内核集成的 IP 信息包过滤系统。如果 Linux 系统连接到因特网或 LAN、服务器或连接 LAN 和因特网的代理服务器, 则该系统有利于在 Linux 系统上更好地控制 IP 信息包过滤和防火墙配置。
iptables is integrated with the latest 2.6.x version of the Linux kernel IP packet filtering system. If the Linux system to connect to the Internet or LAN server or proxy server to connect the LAN and the Internet, the system is conducive to better control of the IP packet filtering and firewall configuration on Linux systems. (2012-02-06, Unix_Linux, 452KB, 下载8次)


[网络] chatInLinux

Linux环境下的文本聊天,包含客户端与服务器端, 支持多方聊天。适合刚接触Linux网络编程的人学习使用。
Chat use text in Linux environment, including client and server process and it was support multi-chat. For fresh student learn Linux network programming. (2011-08-31, Unix_Linux, 6KB, 下载7次)


[网络] dsr.mm.tar

multipath extension of Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol in NS-2. (2010-08-12, Unix_Linux, 134KB, 下载135次)


[网络] ProgrammingErlang.pdf.tar

programing erlang 此书全面介绍erlang编程。适用于多线程网络开发程序员阅读。 主要用于大型服务器并发控制。
This book describes a comprehensive programing erlang programming erlang. For multi-threaded Web development programmer to read. Is mainly used for large-scale server concurrency control. (2009-12-31, Unix_Linux, 1847KB, 下载26次)


[网络] ether_file

linux environment from top to bottom bit machine network communications server and the client, you can place down from the host machine to download the file. (2008-05-05, Unix_Linux, 3KB, 下载75次)


[网络] RouterOS-v2.9.6

Linux 2。6内核ROS多功能路由器,集网管,DHCP,上网控制,VPN,PPOE拨号为一身
Linux 2. 6 core ROS multifunctional router, set management, DHCP, Internet access control, VPN, PPOE for a dial-up (2007-08-17, Unix_Linux, 11031KB, 下载222次)


[网络] ns2.15_spin_WSN

NS2.15 under wireless sensor networks on the spin-source agreement Simulation (2007-05-25, Unix_Linux, 161KB, 下载218次)
