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Welcome to our GitHub repository for the Car Price Prediction System! This machine learning project utilizes algorithms such as Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, and Support Vector Regression to predict car prices based on features like transmission type, ownership history, age, and more. (2024-04-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Numpro-App

Numpro is a comprehensive numerical analysis calculator app designed to provide users with powerful tools for solving various mathematical and engineering problems. Whether you re a student, a professional, or an enthusiast, Numpro offers a wide range of functionalities to aid in numerical computations and analysis. (2024-04-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] the-1-factorial-2-square-3-addition-of-numbers-l-

This Python script serves as a versatile math calculator, capable of performing three fundamental mathematical operations: calculating factorial, finding the square of a number, and performing addition. (2024-04-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] CropRecommend

Crop Recommendation System This repository contains a machine learning-based crop recommendation system built using Python and Django. The system leverages a Random Forest classifier to suggest suitable crops based on environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, rainfall, and soil type. (2024-03-24, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] pLogix

pLogix-PHPLogics是一个全面的PHP库,经过精心设计,可以处理从基本到高级的各种数学计算。它不仅为AI ML DL应用程序设计,还为创建健壮的数学求解器应用程序而设计,为各种计算需求提供了多功能性和效率。
pLogix — PHP Logics is a comprehensive PHP library meticulously crafted to handle a wide spectrum of mathematical calculations, ranging from basic to advanced. Designed not only for AI ML DL applications but also for creating robust Maths Solver applications, it offers versatility and efficiency for various computational needs. (2024-03-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] keypad-with-library

The Keypad library is designed for driving matrix style keypads (matrix decoder) when using the Arduino platform. It uses the standard method of selecting a column and scanning all the rows to see which key may be pressed. (2024-03-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Simple-Calculator

使用Java和Android Studio开发了一个用户友好的Android计算器应用程序。这个项目展示了基本的Android开发概念,包括UI设计、事件处理和基本的数学运算。
Developed a user-friendly Android calculator app using Java and Android Studio. This project demonstrates fundamental Android development concepts, including UI design, event handling, and basic mathematical operations. (2024-02-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] AI-introductory-theory

I was responsible for QQ music crawling, data set construction, in-depth learning and XGBoost model construction, and realized the music classifier. My teammates are responsible for the rest of the project. (2024-01-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] zetasite

ZetaSite is a headless CMS that uses a block editor to create and manage content. It supports importing Word documents and Markdown syntax, and provides a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) environment for writing websites and blogs. ZetaSite also supports domain binding and CloudFlare let s encrypt ssl. (2024-01-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Telco-Churn-Prediction-Classification

开发流失预测模型,通过识别潜在的流失者来增强收入优化利用各种分类器,包括Logistic Regression、KNN、Decision Tree、Random Forest等。通过AUC ROC评估模型有效性,以进行比较分析,并调用预测性能
Developing a churn predictive model to enhance the revenue optimization by identifyingpotential churners Leveraging various classifiers, includingLogistic Regression, KNN, Decision Tree, Random Forest, etc Assessing model effectiveness throughAUC-ROCfor comparative analysis andrecallfor predictive performance (2024-01-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Automation-Testing-Salesforce-

基于REST API的Salesforce登录验证器,用于无缝编程访问和操作Salesforce。通过利用REST API的灵活性和可扩展性,简化大规模的复杂操作。
REST API-based Salesforce login verifier for seamless programmatic access to and manipulation of Salesforce data. Simplifies complex operations at scale by leveraging REST API s flexibility and scalability. (2024-01-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Soft-Pneumatic-Bending-Actuator

Working on optimisation of the design parameters of a soft pneumatic actuator using finite element methods. The goal is to achieve maximum bending at specific pressures while minimising stress concentrations. Additionally, I explored alternative designs to enhance efficiency within soft robotics. (2024-01-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] SmartCalculator

Python calculator with graphical interface, variable substitution, and graph plotting. Follows MVVM MVP pattern, adheres to Google Code Style. (2023-12-28, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Python-TAC

Python Trapezoid Area Calculator (TAC) This is a python written tool to help the user calculate the area of a trapezoid, after given some parameters. Thanks for visiting my profile. (2023-07-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] decode38a

3-8 decoder input is 3 feet, and the output is 8 feet. High and low input and output. Input is binary. 3 feet 3 binary number. (2012-07-15, Others, 232KB, 下载4次)


[数学计算] MemFEM

The film structure written in Fortran finite element solver, including a variety of flat and curved unit, and to consider the relaxation phenomenon of the membrane folds and cable segment (2012-05-18, Others, 889KB, 下载21次)


[数学计算] run

Written in Fortran simulation with the operation of fiber laser procedures. The output with the file, you need to use when the data processing program written in MATLAB. When the intermediate and advanced Fortran programmer' s reference. (2010-12-03, Others, 7KB, 下载18次)


[数学计算] joint-force-measure

ADAMS software uses an interactive graphical environment, and part library, library binding, force libraries to create fully parametric geometric model of the mechanical system, the solver using multi body dynamics theory method of Lagrange equations (2010-08-31, Others, 73KB, 下载11次)


[数学计算] LINGO

LINGO 教程 LINGO是用来求解线性和非线性优化问题的简易工具。LINGO内置了一种建立最优化模型的语言,可以简便地表达大规模问题,LINGO高效的求解器可快速求解并分析结果。
LINGO Tutorial LINGO is used to solve linear and nonlinear optimization problems of simple tools. LINGO built a model set up to optimize the language can easily express the large-scale problems, LINGO solver efficient and quick solution of the results of the analysis. (2008-08-16, Others, 50KB, 下载4次)


[数学计算] Random_Forest_fortran

加洲大学Leo Breiman编写的Random Forests(随机器森林)各个版本的fortran代码 可以实现分类,以及回归!
University of California Leo Breiman prepared by Random Forests (random for forest ) fortran various versions of the code can be achieved classification and regression! (2007-05-24, Others, 85KB, 下载39次)
