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[网络编程] iocpserver

This class is a network server engine that completes the port model and receives data from the client or notifications of disconnection from a client through a callback function. (2019-04-13, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] 595

驱动LED灯带 采用74HC595移位寄存器 CPU是STM32
DRIVER FOR LED TAPE.74HC595 IS THE CONTROL TEBLET.THE CPU IS STM32 (2017-05-09, Visual C++, 6568KB, 下载25次)


[网络编程] PortScan

网络端口及协议扫描器的设计与实现,功能方面需要完成对局域网的二段IP端口进行扫描并监测端口的动态。 1、扫描功能有: (1)输入需要扫描端口的范围; (2)输入扫描次数; (3)结果显示; (4)对扫描进行控制。
Design and implementation of network ports and protocols scanner function needs to be done to Sec LAN IP port scanning and monitoring of dynamic ports. 1. Scanning features are:       (1) Enter the need to scan a range of ports       (2) Enter the number of scans       (3) The results show       (4) for scanning control. (2015-03-17, Visual C++, 5193KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] HHtttpzipt

Use libnids parsing of the http protocol, monitoring of all machines to access the LAN site, and logging. Needs to be configured before use good libnids environment (2012-07-27, Visual C++, 39KB, 下载73次)


[网络编程] Scanner

c++ implementation of the port scanner, have a good graphical interface implemented using MFC, but is relatively simple and scanning is not very efficient, something a bit slow (2011-10-21, Visual C++, 1915KB, 下载23次)


[网络编程] FileTC

The use of sock and file for file transfer between networks, servers and integrated with the customer service side, simple and annotations and more convenient to learn! (2011-09-07, Visual C++, 8313KB, 下载16次)


[网络编程] awstats6

A complete set of site statistics, detailed browsing history (IP, visit date, date statistics, browser, operating system), but also statistics from search engines and other functions, language pack contains nearly 60 (2011-03-26, Visual C++, 1249KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] video

Implemented using VC++ can be used for video transmission within a local area network software, divided into client and server-side two (2011-02-23, Visual C++, 107KB, 下载158次)


[网络编程] filetrans

一个简单的文件收发的的客户端和服务器的程序,使用TCP连接。客户端使用是通过命令行调用的方式。例如:fileclient [目的IP][文件路径]
Send and receive files with a simple client and server programs that use the TCP connection. Client invoked by the command line mode. For example: fileclient [the purpose of IP] [file path] (2010-12-13, Visual C++, 2343KB, 下载13次)


[网络编程] GSocket0.85_IOCP_Socket_Server

A very complete iocp do server, using a thread pool, the memory pool implementation. (2009-11-05, Visual C++, 966KB, 下载166次)


[网络编程] VCchat

This is a VC prepared using chat software, which has server-side and client-side, learning network programming download many comrades, the study of very high. (2009-03-25, Visual C++, 173KB, 下载10次)


[网络编程] liaotian

A LAN-based chat program, the main implementation are the basic text chat, and at the same time support the server and the client, did not add the video part. (2009-03-05, Visual C++, 30KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] myie

自动投票程序: web 控件操作例程,使用的技术包括: 浏览器视图的使用 网页form及input按钮的读写以及自动提交form 定时器的使用 投票结果查看网址: http://www.scient.com.cn/picCountrywide.asp?province=&city=&page=1 默认投票对象是: 照片编号:630 姓  名:王丙乾 年  龄:1岁7个月 参赛项目:大力王 可以自己修改不同的投票对象为他进行自动投票 最后编译环境是vs2008
Automatic voting procedures: web control routine operation, the use of the technology include: the use of the browser view page form and input button to submit form to read and write, as well as automatic timers use the voting results Show Website: http://www.scient.com .cn/picCountrywide.asp? province = (2008-11-28, Visual C++, 272KB, 下载168次)


[网络编程] ddvip

基于TCP/IP的网络通信技术实现了面向连接的用户与服务器间点对点异步通信,本代码在该基础上应用了多线程以及共享数据结构技术,使网络服务器具有了多用户间数据转发的功能,进而解决了局域网多用户间的通信问题。 使用时先建立ODBC,Server与ChatServer先运行,然后运行Client
Based on TCP/IP network communications technology for connecting users with point-to-point asynchronous communication between the server, the code in the application based on a multi-threaded and shared data structures technology to the web server has a multi-user data forwarding function, and then solve the multi-user local area network communication problems. When used to create ODBC, Server and ChatServer first run, and then run the Client (2008-11-11, Visual C++, 771KB, 下载13次)


[网络编程] 9

MyICQ the source. MyICQ is a set of open-source instant messaging software, including server-side and client, can be used for Internet or LAN. (2008-09-15, Visual C++, 1004KB, 下载23次)


[网络编程] 15

OSPF是一种路由选择协议。路由选择算法和路由选择协议在概念上是不同的。网络上的主机、路由器通过路由选择算法形成路由表,以确定发送分组的传输路径。而路由选择协议是路由器用来建立路由表和更新路由信息的通信协议。 开放最短路径优先协议(Open Shortest Path First,OSPF)是目前最主要的内部网关协议之一。通过本课程设计,学生可以对路由表的建立和路由信息的更新等有更直观和清晰的认识。
OSPF is a routing protocol. Routing algorithm and routing protocol in the concept is different. Network hosts, routers, routing algorithm, through the formation of routing table to determine the sending packet transmission path. The routing protocol is a router used to create routing tables and update the routing information of the communication protocol. Open Shortest Path First protocol (Open Shortest Path First, OSPF) is the most important one of the internal gateway protocol. Through the curriculum design, students can establish a routing table and routing information updates such as more intuitive and clear understanding. (2008-05-12, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载105次)


[网络编程] TCP_Server_and_Client

TCP server and client base class, through inheritance and pure virtual function can realize a different mission to facilitate the transplantation (2008-05-09, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载18次)


[网络编程] 20020407TCPIPprogram

“TCP实现聊天”包含程序服务器端程序和聊天程序客户端程序;程序在VC6.0中调试通过 系统平台是:Windows XP Professional
"TCP achieve Chat" includes server-side and the client chat program; Operating procedures through the system debugging platform : Windows XP Professional (2006-05-05, Visual C++, 3717KB, 下载47次)


[网络编程] FTP,文件传输!SMTP设计

1)用户界面模块负责响应用户的键盘鼠标输入设置服务器的各个参数,显示服务器的工作状态以及错误提示,为用户提供标准的Windows界面。 2)帐户管理模块负责设置用户的访问权限,用户登陆后的根目录,并提供对用户透明的虚拟目录服务。同时还为别的模块提供查询文件(夹)的权限,查找本地文件是否存在等服务, 3)连接监听与FTP命令处理模块负责监听客户端的连接,并负责关闭阻塞的连接,释放每个连接占用的资源。此模块为FTP协议的核心,它具体负责FTP命令的解析与实现。 4)客户数据传输模块负责具体的与客户端的数据传输,包括文件的上传,下载,传输文件目录列表等。
1) user interface module for the user response to keyboard and mouse input settings server parameters, display server status and the error messages to users with standard Windows interface. 2) module responsible for the account management of user access rights, user landing after the root directory, and provide transparent to users of virtual directory services. Also for the other modules provide access to files (folders), the authority that you document the existence of local services, 3) connect with the FTP eavesdropping order processing module is responsible for monitoring client connectivity, and is responsible for the closure of the connecting block, the release of each link the resource. This FTP protocol module for the core, it is responsible for specific FTP orders Analysis and Im (2005-07-30, Visual C++, 672KB, 下载97次)


[网络编程] GoServer

Net GO server program. It can count how many pepole are online and the players are playing and ranks them. It needs to run the client program together. (2005-07-19, Visual C++, 135KB, 下载91次)
