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[网络] src

用C写的一个类似QQ的IM聊天工具: 1, 服务器为LINUX 2, 客户端为WIN 可以作为学习SOCKET编程的参考工程.
C wrote a similar QQ IM chat tools: 1, the server is LINUX 2, the client can be used as learning to WIN SOCKET programming reference works. (2017-03-15, Unix_Linux, 239KB, 下载2次)


[网络] sSocket

used in the under linux Epoll to achieve a of the loopback the server, and the use of c++ to achieve, carried out encapsulation to the on the related system api. (2013-04-24, Unix_Linux, 20KB, 下载4次)


[网络] talkbus

The software has LAN communication (including: upper and lower private chat, group chat, online users to update), and at the same time you can upload and download files to the server-side. (2013-04-03, Unix_Linux, 108KB, 下载8次)


[网络] network_first

good help and understanding linux network programming routines, the use of socket socket, enclosing a server and client program, we want to help (2013-03-21, Unix_Linux, 18KB, 下载3次)


[网络] server_client

c language network programming examples, linux environment contains both server and client programs, full realization of each other to pass the read information, learning network programming (2013-03-21, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载6次)


[网络] bbs

用linux C语言写的一个bbs小系统,运行在linux命令行端,一个客户端,一个服务器端,之间的通信原理是TCP/IP
The linux C language to write a bbs system, running on the linux command line terminal, a client, a server-side, communication between the principle of the TCP/IP (2012-12-22, Unix_Linux, 111KB, 下载14次)


[网络] serverudp

UDP group chat in this section include the full path to the file name, track number, sample rate, delay time, low-cut, measured line number, the location of the shot, the detector position (2012-09-05, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载6次)


[网络] msmtp-1.4.28.tar

msmtp is an SMTP client with a sendmail compatible interface. It can be used with Mutt and other mail user agents. (2012-07-03, Unix_Linux, 296KB, 下载5次)


[网络] udp_broadcast

This code to complete the broadcast based on UDP protocol, when a server requires more than one client notification message event when the broadcast is one of the best ways to (2012-07-01, Unix_Linux, 10KB, 下载25次)


[网络] multiprocess_tcp_server

Multi-process server-side network programming based on the TCP protocol under the Linux environment, reference this code for beginners to understand the multi-process server program to write a good beginning (2012-07-01, Unix_Linux, 21KB, 下载11次)


[网络] jinchengtongxin

linux下网络通信 udp协议 实现:广播通知客户端登陆或退出 接受消息并通知所有客户端; 客户端接受服务器发来的消息。
linux udp protocol for network communication: radio to inform the client log in or out of receiving messages and inform all clients client accepts the server sent the message. (2011-07-24, Unix_Linux, 3KB, 下载33次)


[网络] hello-ipv4v6-switchable

实现健壮的服务器-客户端的通信代码样例,通过简单的修改可以实现各种功能,IPV4/V6可切换版本。 根据《IPv6 Network Programming》中的例子整理而成
A achieve robust server- client communication code sample, can be achieved by a simple modification of various features, IPV4/V6 switchable version. According to " IPv6 Network Programming" examples from finishing (2011-05-04, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载6次)


[网络] hello-ipv4

实现健壮的服务器-客户端的通信代码样例,通过简单的修改可以实现各种功能,IPV4 版本。 根据《IPv6 Network Programming》中的例子整理而成
A achieve robust server- client communication code sample, can be achieved by a simple modification of various features, IPV4 version. According to " IPv6 Network Programming" examples from finishing (2011-05-04, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载4次)


[网络] nginx-1.0.0.tar

Nginx ("engine x") 是一个高性能的 HTTP 和 反向代理 服务器,也是一个 IMAP/POP3/SMTP 代理服务器 。 Nginx 是由 Igor Sysoev 为俄罗斯访问量第二的Rambler.ru 站点开发的,它已经在该站点运行超过四年多了。Igor 将源代码以类BSD许可证的形式发布。自Nginx 发布四年来,Nginx 已经因为它的稳定性、丰富的功能集、 示例配置文件和低系统资源的消耗而闻名了。目前国内各大门户网站已经部署了Nginx,如新浪、网易、腾讯等;国内几个重要的视频分享网站也部署了Nginx,如六房间、酷6等。 新近发现Nginx 技术在国内日趋火热,越来越多的网站开始部署Nginx。
nginx [engine x] is a HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as a mail proxy server written by Igor Sysoev. It has been running for more than five years on many heavily loaded Russian sites including Rambler (RamblerMedia.com). According to Netcraft nginx served or proxied 4.70 busiest sites in April 2010. Here are some of success stories: FastMail.FM, Wordpress.com. (2011-04-12, Unix_Linux, 639KB, 下载12次)


[网络] squid-

Squid cache(简称为Squid)是一个流行的自由软件(GNU通用公共许可证)的代理服务器和Web缓存服务器。Squid有广泛的用途,从作为网页服务器的前置cache服务器缓存相关请求来提高Web服务器的速度,到为一组人共享网络资源而缓存万维网,域名系统和其他网络搜索,到通过过滤流量帮助网络安全,到局域网通过代理上网。Squid主要设计用于在Unix一类系统运行。 Squid的发展历史相当悠久,功能也相当完善。除了HTTP外,对于FTP与HTTPS的支援也相当好,在3.0 测试版中也支援了IPv6。 Squid与Linux下其它的代理软件如Apache、Socks、TIS FWTK和delegate相比,下载安装简单,配置简单灵活,支持缓存和多种协议。用ipchains+Squid的解决方案,就可以获得通过缓存高性能的同时能够无缝的访问Internet。这是它的最新源代码
What is Squid? Squid is a fully-featured HTTP/1.0 proxy which is almost (but not quite- we re getting there!) HTTP/1.1 compliant. Squid offers a rich access control, authorization and logging environment to develop web proxy and content serving applications. Where did Squid come from? Squid is based on the Harvest Cache Daemon developed in the early 1990 s. It was one of two forks from the codebase after the Harvest project ran to completion. (The other fork being what became Netapp s Netcache.) The Squid project was funded by an NSF grant (NCR-9796082) which covered research into caching technologies. The ircache funding ran out a few years later and the Squid project continued through volunteer donations and the occasional commercial investment. Squid is currently being developed by a handful of individuals donating their time and effort to building current and next generation content caching and delivery technologies. An ever-growing number of companies use Squid to sa (2010-08-26, Unix_Linux, 3323KB, 下载115次)


[网络] linux_socket

This procedure for socket programming under linux, which contains server-side and client, you can achieve network communication between the linux, and windows can also be connected to achieve communication (2009-05-02, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载8次)


[网络] bank_paihao

目前银行排队机的服务器、打号机、处理窗口三部分的一个基本框架。 程序用多线程、socket编程。
At present, banks Queue server, playing No. handle a three-part window of the basic framework. Procedures with multi-threading, socket programming. (2008-11-18, Unix_Linux, 6KB, 下载135次)


[网络] proftpd-1.3.1.tar

ProFTPd 是一款基于GPL协议的可配置的FTP服务器,可运行在Linux和Unix内核的操作系统下
Proftpd is a GPL-based agreements can be configured FTP servers can be run on Linux and Unix operating system kernel (2008-09-09, Unix_Linux, 2710KB, 下载11次)


[网络] CUtils

Linux environment commonly used functions, and it is an XML parser, Socket operation, file manipulation functions, such as the common source to achieve (2007-04-08, Unix_Linux, 32KB, 下载80次)


[网络] Data_Link_Layer_Protocal

classic data link layer protocol P1 to P6 simulator source code and documentation. The best running on Linux can also run the Cygwin above. (2006-06-28, Unix_Linux, 228KB, 下载47次)
