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[电子书籍] PowerLib

Library portal applet, front and back complete code, including library dynamics, new book arrival, book list, service guide, entry booking, event and lecture booking and other functions, adopts the applet cloud development solution provided by Tencent, without server and domain name, (2023-04-11, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] NBReader

实现自定义 Android 书籍渲染引擎的文本阅读器。支持 txt,epub 书籍富文本渲染、支持自定义 header 和 footer、提供多种翻页模式和页面控制操作,
Implement a text reader that customizes the Android book rendering engine. It supports rich text rendering of txt and epub books, supports customized headers and footers, and provides multiple page turning modes and page control operations, (2020-03-12, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] 基于多线性结构光的标定方法

为包括照相机和多线性结构的光传感器的视觉系统建立数学模型。 在该模型中,提出了一种使用共面参考目标校准多线性结构光的新型校准方法。 为了校准所有结构化的光平面,首先应根据共面参考目标上不同位置的点对其中的两个进行校准 (2022-07-27, Others, 349KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] Learning Python, 5th Edition

经典的python教程。Python的官方解释器是CPython,该解释器用C语言编写,是一个由社区驱动的自由软件,目前由Python软件基金会管理。 Python支持命令式程序设计、面向对象程序设计、函数式编程、面向侧面程序设计、泛型编程多种编程范式。Python学习手册里面涵盖了问答环节、Python如何运行程序、如何运行程序、Python对象类型、数字类型、动态类型、字符串等教程
Classic python tutorial. The official interpreter of Python is CPython. The interpreter is written in C language and is a free software driven by the community. It is currently managed by the Python Software Foundation. Python supports multiple programming paradigms: imperative programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, side-oriented programming, and generic programming. The Python learning manual covers questions and answers, how to run programs in Python, how to run programs, Python object types, number types, dynamic types, strings, etc. (2021-03-17, Python, 14437KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] 编译原理

Perhaps most interestingly, the venerable technology of code optimization has found use outside compilers. We recognize that few readers will build, or even maintain, a compiler for a major programming language. We therefore emphasize problems that are most commonly encountered in designing a language processor, regardless of the source language or target machine. (2020-06-30, Others, 4338KB, 下载6次)


[电子书籍] 编译原理(龙书第2版)

This book comprehensively and deeply discusses the important topics of compiler design, including lexical analysis, syntax analysis, syntax guided definition and syntax guided translation, runtime environment, object code generation, code optimization technology, parallelism detection and interprocedural analysis technology, and gives a large number of examples in relevant chapters. Compared with the previous edition, this book has been revised comprehensively, covering the latest development in compiler development. Each chapter provides a large number of systems and references. (2020-06-15, C/C++, 24538KB, 下载2次)


[电子书籍] 现代编译原理:C语言描述

This book covers all the components of modern compilers, including lexical analysis, syntax analysis, Abstract syntax, semantic checking, intermediate code representation, instruction selection, data flow analysis, register allocation, and runtime systems. The book is divided into two parts, the first part is the basic knowledge of compilation, applicable to the first course in compiling principles (a semester); the second part is advanced topics, including object-oriented and functional languages, garbage collection, recycling optimization, storage structure optimization, etc., suitable for follow-up courses or graduate teaching. (2018-08-19, C/C++, 18168KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] 《Python Cookbook》第三版中文v1.0.2

本书介绍了Python应用在各个领域中的一些使用技巧和方法,从最基本的字符、文件序列、字典和排序,到进阶的面向对象编程、数据库和数据持久化、 XML处理和Web编程,再到比较高级和抽象的描述符、装饰器、元类、迭代器和生成器,均有涉及。书中还介绍了一些第三方包和库的使用,包括 Twisted、GIL、PyWin32等。
This book introduces the Python application in various fields in the use of some skills and methods, from the most basic characters, file sequence, dictionary and sorting, to advanced object-oriented programming, database and data persistence, XML processing and Web programming, to more advanced and abstract descriptor, decorator, metaclass, iterators and generators, are involved. The book also describes the use of some third party packages and libraries, including Twisted, GIL, PyWin32 and so on. (2017-10-14, Python, 2913KB, 下载9次)


[电子书籍] CUDA-BCZN2.0

CUDA是一个更适合于并行计算的架构,提供了硬件的直接访问接口,并率先提供了针对GPU(图形处理器)编程的C语言开发环境。 CUDA编程指南2.0
CUDA is a more suitable for parallel computing architecture, providing direct access to the hardware interface and the first to provide for the GPU (graphics processor) programming, C language development environment. CUDA Programming Guide 2.0 (2009-10-31, C/C++, 1179KB, 下载7次)


[电子书籍] LEACH

Wireless sensor networks LEACH hierarchical clustering algorithm for simulation of source code. (2009-09-09, matlab, 3KB, 下载163次)


[电子书籍] Cgi-Editor

cgi编辑器基于VB abs accept alarm atan2 bind binmode bless caller chdir chmod chomp chop chown chr chroot close closedir connect cos crypt dbmclose dbmopen defined delete die do dump each eof eval exec exists exit exp fcntl fileno
CGI EDITORabs accept alarm atan2 bind binmode bless caller chdir chmod chomp chop chown chr chroot close closedir connect cos crypt dbmclose dbmopen defined delete die do dump each eof eval exec exists exit exp fcntl fileno (2009-08-18, Visual Basic, 67KB, 下载5次)


[电子书籍] abcd

The use of C language programming of microcontrollers a complete mid-level discussion, covering the design of embedded C environment, the need for change, as well as the successful development of a common component of the project in its entirety. (2009-04-21, C/C++, 2326KB, 下载5次)


[电子书籍] BH1417_www.ic37.com

采用BH1417调频广播发射机是一种新型的广播信号发射机,特点是 (1) 采用了频率合成,频率稳定,可调 整范围宽。 (2) 采用了红外线遥控调整频率方便。 (3) 采用了高性能的立体声专用芯片,音质好,分离度高。 (4) 采用了宽带功放,整机的频率范围 30MHz---450MHz. 用途 :广泛应用于学校的英语听力发射,和学校试验用信号源,也可用于组建大型会场的广播系统。设计要求采用单片机为控制平台能在88—108MHz范围内改变发射频率,并显示发射机的发射载波频率。发生距离不少于1公里。
BH1417 FM radio transmitter used is a new kind of radio signal transmitter, characterized by (1) adopted a frequency synthesizer, frequency stability and adjustable range. (2) adjust the frequency of the infrared remote control convenience. (3) use of high-performance ASIC stereo, good sound quality, separation is high. (4) use of broadband power amplifier, whole frequency range of 30MHz-450MHz. Usage: widely used in school English Listening fired, and school test signal source, can also be used for the formation of large-scale broadcasting system in the venue. Design requirements for the control of the use of single-chip platform in the 88-108MHz frequency range of changes in the launch and display the launch carrier frequency transmitter. The occurrence of not less than 1 km distance. (2008-06-03, VHDL, 194KB, 下载62次)


[电子书籍] StandardC99__PDF

可能没有注意到,针对ANSI/ISO C的主要的修订版[1] 在去年12月已经被核准通过,那是就C99。同样的,你可能也没注意到,其实你已经在使用这个新的C语言了,或者至少用到它的一部分。这需要归功于标准委员会在接受新特性到C语言的过程中采取了恰当而保守的方式。差不多所有的新特性早已经被实现并且在现存的一些C编译器(impletmentations)中证明了其存在的价值。虽然没有编译器能保证全部的C99特性,但其中许多在很多年前就实现了C99中不同的部分。这对于C程序员来说将是个好消息。或许你曾经为了保证程序的可移植性而在你喜爱的编译器里避免使用一些独立的特性,但现在如果这些特性是C99中的一部分的话,你可以放心的使用这些特性,因为他们将在大部分遵守C99标准的编译器中被保证。毫无疑问,新标准是向上兼容旧的,当然也会有些不兼容地方,但这些都是非常少而次要的。标准委员会非常努力地工作就是为了将和老版本的兼容性问题所带来的影响减少到最小。从后面讨论到的关键字你可以看到这方面的例证。
may not have noticed, against ANSI/ISO C of the revised edition of the major [1] in December last year has been approved, it was on the C99. Similarly, you may not have noticed that you have in fact already use the new C language. or at least use a part of it. This requires Standards Committee attributed to the new features of the C language in the process to take appropriate and conservative approach. Almost all of the new features had already been achieved in some of the existing C compiler (impletmentat ions) proved the value of its existence. Although no compiler can guarantee that all of the C99 features, but many, many years ago on the realization of 12-23 different parts. For C programmers, it will be good news. Perhaps you have procedures in order to ensure the portability of you (2006-05-27, Visual C++, 839KB, 下载52次)



三星公司SDRAM(K4S643232H-TC/L60 4 Banks x 512K x 32Bit Synchronous DRAM) 器件操作时序,本中文的页码和原英文对应的页码内容相对应
Samsung SDRAM (K4S643232H-TC/L60 4 x 51 Banks 2K x USB Synchronous DRAM) devices operate timing, the pages of the Chinese and English counterparts of the original pages should be relatively content (2006-04-17, WORD, 149KB, 下载128次)


[电子书籍] perf

应用编程与体系结构的关系 高性能计算机体系结构概述 CPU内的并行结构(指令级并行) 存储器的层次结构 多体交叉的并行存储系统 分布存储系统中的通信优化
application programming architecture and the relationship between high-performance computer architecture outlined CPU parallel structure (ILP) memory structure of the multi-level cross-parallel distributed storage systems storage systems optimized communications (2005-11-20, Windows_Unix, 49KB, 下载27次)


[电子书籍] ARM体系结构与编程_11082884

an ARM books, learned of this book is the basis for learning arm, specifically the arm with the core structure, arm programming instructions. (2005-10-29, MultiPlatform, 11720KB, 下载782次)


[电子书籍] pic-c

details of the company's going before 16, with Harvard architecture, greater storage space, memory management section of PIC18 MCU Series C Programming Language Guide (2005-10-15, C/C++, 143KB, 下载65次)


[电子书籍] WinSockTech

本书专门讨论Windows网络编程技术,覆盖Windows 95/98/NT 4/2000/CE平台。内容包括NetBIOS和Windows重定向器方法、Winsock方法、客户端远程访问服务器方法。本书论述深入浅出、用大量实例详解了微软网络API函数的应用。配套光盘包含了所有实例代码,方便读者使用。本书适合中、高级程序设计人员以及网络设计与管理人员参考。
the book devoted to the Windows network programming technology, covering Windows 95/98/NT 4/2000/CE platform. Includes NetBIOS, and Windows Redirector, Winsock, remote access to client server approach. The deals are easy to understand, with plenty of examples Elaborates on Microsoft Network API function applications. Matching CD-ROM contains all the code examples, and user-friendly. The book suitable for senior staff and program design and management of network design reference. (2004-12-24, WINDOWS, 16553KB, 下载234次)


[电子书籍] Socket编程经典例子源码

Socket Programming classic example source code. Rar (2004-11-11, Visual C++, 74KB, 下载1153次)
