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按分类查找All GPU/显卡(451) 
按平台查找All C(451) 

[GPU/显卡] Cocaine

Cocaine is a multi-platform C library that can be used to accelerate large workloads big data anything really with the power of a GPU with ease. A .NET wrapper is available in the link below. (2023-07-21, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPU/显卡] pc-info

A little project to show some info about your pc (Ex. GPU temperature) on an external display driven by an ESP32. The python script works only for NVIDIA cards. (2022-03-19, C, 13222KB, 下载0次)


[GPU/显卡] jetson_xavier_nx_stereo_sdk

适用于NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX平台的双目融合导航系统sdk, 包含usb相机ids-ui3240和csi mipi相机veye- cssc132, 包含惯导传感器mpu9250, 包含高精GNSS&RTK定位UB4...
The binocular integrated navigation system sdk for NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX platform includes usb camera ids-ui3240 and csi mipi camera veye - cssc132, inertial navigation sensor mpu9250, high-precision GNSS&RTK positioning UB4 (2022-11-21, C, 131KB, 下载0次)


[GPU/显卡] jetson_xavier_nx_monocular_sdk

适用于NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX平台的单目融合导航系统sdk, 包含usb相机ids-ui3240和csi mipi相机veye- cssc132, 包含惯导传感器mpu9250, 包含高精GNSS&RTK定位UB4...
The monocular integrated navigation system sdk for NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX platform, including usb camera ids-ui3240 and csi mipi camera veye - cssc132, inertial navigation sensor mpu9250, and high-precision GNSS&RTK positioning UB4 (2022-08-30, C, 128KB, 下载0次)


[GPU/显卡] Cg-Toolkit

Nvidia Cg Toolkit为Cg语言提供了一个编译器,运行库用于领先的图形a...
The Nvidia Cg Toolkit provides a compiler for the Cg language, runtime libraries for use with both leading graphics APIs, runtime libraries for CgFX, example applications, and extensive documentation. Property of Nvidia. See the license.txt. (2020-09-17, C, 61064KB, 下载0次)


[GPU/显卡] ck-clsmith

Collective Knowledge extension to crowdsource bug detection in OpenCL compilers using CLSmith tool from Imperial College London (2019-01-16, C, 12014KB, 下载0次)


[GPU/显卡] GPU-real-time-resampler-for-Foobar2000

A high quality real time re-sampler DSP for Foobar2000. Based on band limited interpolation theory and using a lookup table to speed up the calculation of Sinc function. GPGPU programming is based on OpenCL and defaultly for AMD GPU but can be quickly port to other GPU. THD+N is about 0.0004% while converting from 44.1K to 96K. (2016-12-20, C, 238KB, 下载0次)


[GPU/显卡] Tessel-Multibox-Pointer

使用你的Tessel与谷歌计算引擎GPU实例通过Node.js服务器运行Darknet YOLO来执行multibox...
Use your Tessel with Google Compute Engine GPU instance running Darknet YOLO via a Node.js server to perform multibox detection over websockets. We can then point a servo at the object of interest and speak out what we see via the speaker. (2017-11-06, C, 16679KB, 下载0次)


[GPU/显卡] esbmc-gpu

ESBMC-GPU is a context-bounded model checker based on the satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) to check for data race, deadlock, pointer safety, array bounds, arithmetic overflow, division by zero, and user-specified assertions in programs written in Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). (2017-02-19, C, 15741KB, 下载0次)


[GPU/显卡] Scrooge

Scrooge is a high-performance pairwise sequence aligner based on the GenASM algorithm. Scrooge includes three novel algorithmic improvements on top of GenASM, and high-performance CPU and GPU implementations. Described by Lindegger et al. at <https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2208.09985> (2023-04-16, C, 14920KB, 下载0次)


[GPU/显卡] redflash

Redflash是一款基于物理的GPU渲染器,它基于NVIDIA OptiX 6.0中实现的路径跟踪,可以保持...
Redflash is a physics-based GPU renderer based on Path Tracing implemented in NVIDIA? OptiX 6.0, which can consistently draw scenes with mixed Polygons and Raymarching (2019-09-23, C, 102581KB, 下载0次)
