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按平台查找All Python(466) 

[加密解密] endtoendmessageecrypt

this is a end to end encryption system the server runs on a raspberry pi and client runs on any Mac or windows computer have yet to test windows (2024-03-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] .txt-Encoder-Decoder-in-Python

A very simple Encode Decoder that you can encode .txt files, and them decode them, decoding a file after closing the program is impossible! (2023-12-29, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] Lifi-Data-Transmission-by-light

using an arduino and an raspberry pi, a system that takes some data as input, converts it to binary then transmits it using light and receives it, decrypts it accordingly. (2021-07-11, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] copymanga_downloader

一个纯api请求的拷贝漫画下载器 多线程下载 自定义章节下载 评论绘制成图片 过滤汉化组广告 本地解密 无需登录配置 开盖即食
A copy comic downloader with a pure api request, multi-threaded download, custom chapter download, comment drawing, picture filtering, Chinese group advertising, local decryption, no need to log in, configuration, cover opening and instant food (2023-11-21, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] kdssh

The ssh client made of python 3 and pyqt5 is only applicable to the Linux system. You can configure the session. Click the session to automatically log in to the ssh server without entering the account, password and other information (2019-02-13, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] Browser-Env

Web crawlers use the real browser environment. 模拟真实浏览器环境执行, 修改js脚本, 免去补环境问题, 用得好可以通杀JS加密
Web crawlers use the real browser environment Simulate the execution of the real browser environment, modify the js script, and avoid the need to fix environmental problems. If you use it well, you can kill JS encryption (2023-04-01, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] cryptodatahub

Cryptography-related data repository with Python wrapper (read-only clone of the original GitLab project), (2023-08-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] Network_RSA

This project show what I learned in my studies that is how to use a RSA encryption on a network, with a server client architecuter, to conceal a message from the client to the server. The program also has a user login function. the login funtion works of the Leslie Lamport hashing function. This project was originally done in C for an assignment... (2022-05-30, Python, 5KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] Encrypted-Client-Server-Chat

It is a simple program for RSA Cryptography and Digital signature chat. This program offers Encrypted client sever chat which uses the python library for the encryption and decryption. In this program message whivh are sent to client and server can also be digitally signed. (2019-02-12, Python, 3KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] AES-RSA-File-Encryptor

This (basic) AES and RSA file encryptor provides functions to encrypt and decrypt files using the AES and RSA cryptography algorithms. It uses a way to encrypt files using a combination of symmetric and assymmetric (AES and RSA respectively) encryption, where AES is used to encrypt the file contents, whereas RSA is used for encrypting the AES key. (2023-05-09, Python, 5KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] C-C-Code-Obfuscator-in-Python

The Project is a C/C++ Source Code Obfuscator and Deobfuscator in Python in which various Code Obfuscation techniques like variable renaming, Digraphs & Trigraphs, Dead Code Injection, String Encryption, Code Pattern Printing etc were implemented and a Deobfuscator was built for the same techniques. At last, the Obfuscator was measured using (2019-01-23, Python, 5KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] SMS_Forwarder

Sms forwarder in termux enables secure and automated forwarding of text messages across multiple devices using linux command-line utilities and python scripts. It provides advanced functionality and encryption, allowing forwarding through either number or email and etc. This tool is useful for staying connected for multiple devices. (2023-04-29, Python, 16KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] 2FA-Telegram

This telegram bot written in Python will help you access the 2FA codes. All your keys for generating 2FA are stored in an encrypted file. Used Fernet symmetric encryption. (2020-08-18, Python, 6KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] Searchable-Symmetric-Encryption

An encryption scheme for text data allowing a server to store, search and return encrypted data without knowing the content of that data. Based off the 2014 research of David Cash, Joseph Jaeger, Stanislaw Jarecki, Charanjit Jutla, Hugo Krawczyk, Marcel-Catalin Rosu, and Michael Steiner (2017-02-19, Python, 269KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] doubleslow

Doubleslow Keystretcher: Key stretching on an air-gapped computer with additional "external key stretching" on another computer (2022-01-22, Python, 23KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] cryptoparser

Cryptographic protocol and security-related protocol piece parser (read-only clone of the original GitLab project) (2023-05-01, Python, 128KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] Morse-Code-Translator

A morse code translator which can convert plain text into encrypted form as morse code and also it can convert morse code back into plain text. (2019-12-14, Python, 133KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] Cryptosystem-RSA

A basic RSA encryption and decryption system. It establishes a client-server connection using sockets, and the client sends an encrypted message to the server. The server then decrypts the message using RSA decryption and sends it back to the client. (2023-04-13, Python, 2586KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] secure-bitcoin-wallet

可以使用EP11加密服务器(zHSM)对钱包文件进行加密解密以保护加密密钥。Electrum for...
Secure Bitcoin Wallet is a Dockerized version of Electrum Bitcoin Client with a Web frontend. The Electrum Bitcoin Client, a modified version of Electrum, runs as a JSON RPC server to maintain a bitcoin wallet by interacting with the bitcoin network. It can encrypt/decrypt a wallet file using an EP11 crypto server (zHSM) to protect the encryptio... (2022-12-14, Python, 1393KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] crypto-genie

Suite of advanced automated trading bots and risk management tools to empower Day Traders and enable them to stick to their Trade Plans. (2021-12-02, Python, 5696KB, 下载0次)
