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[VC书籍] CPP11_standard

1.对C++核心语言的扩充 2.核心语言运行期的强化(右值引用和 move 语义 泛化的常数表达式 对POD定义的修正) 3.核心语言建构期表现的加强(外部模板) 4.核心语言使用性的加强(初始化列表 统一的初始化 类型推导[auto关键字] 以范围为基础的 for 循环 Lambda函数与表示法 另一种的函数语法 对象构建的改良 显式虚函数重载 空指针 强类型枚举 角括号 显式类型转换 模板的别名 无限制的unions) 5.核心语言能力的提升(变长参数模板 新的字符串字面值 用户自定义的字面值 多任务存储器模型 thread-local的存储期限 使用或禁用对象的默认函数 long long int 类型 静态assertion 允许sizeof运算符作用在类型的数据成员上,无需明确的对象 ) 6.C++标准程序库的变更(标准库组件的升级 线程支持 多元组类型 散列表 正则表达式 通用智能指针 可扩展的随机数功能 包装引用 多态函数对象包装器 用于元编程的类型属性 用于计算函数对象返回类型的统一方法)
1 u5BF9C++ u6838 u5FC3 u8BED u8A00 u7684 u6269 u5145 2. u6838 u5FC3 u8BED u8A0 u8FD0 u884C u671F u7684 u5F3A u5316 ( u53F3 u503C u5F15 u758 U548C 1 u8BED u8BED u8BED u8BED u8B0 u8B09 u5E09 u7R0 U0410 u0810 u08A u753.0 u08H09A u5B0 u5R3A ( u5B3) U5316 u5217 u8L3 u4E3 u4E3 u5E3 U7684 for u5FAA u73AF Lambda u51FD u6570 u4E0E u8868 u793A u6CD5 u53E6 u4E00 u79CD u7684 u51FD u6570 u8BED u6CD5 u5BF9 u8C61 u6784 u5EFA u7684 U6539 u832F u663E u5F0F u865A u51FD u6570 u91CD u8F7D u7A7A u6307 u9488 u5F3A u7C7B u578B u679A u4E3E u89D2 u62EC u53F7 u663E u5F0F u7F7B U5782 u5326 u7324 u7324 u7324 u7R4 U5347 u5B7 u5B57 u5B57 u7R0 U-tb u5B8 u0B1 u5B8 u5B8 u5B8 u50A8 u5688 u6682 U9ED8 u8BA4 u51FD u6570 long long int u7C7B u575B u9759 u60019 U12453 u5C0 u7E0B u5E93 u7R09 u7R0 U0EF6 u7324 u5347 u5347 u7A0B u7A0B u652F u6301 u591A u5143 u7EC4 u7C7B u568B (2017-05-16, Visual C++, 4789KB, 下载1次)


[VC书籍] xinde

 前言   面向对象程序设计的基本观点是用程式来仿真大千世界,这使得它的各种根本特 性非常人性化,如封装、继承、多态等等,而虚拟函数就是C++中实现多态性的主将 。为了实现多态性,C++编译器也革命性地提供了动态联编(或叫晚捆绑)这一特征
Introduction object-oriented programming is the basic viewpoint of the program to simulate worlds, which makes it the fundamental characteristics of a variety of very human, such as encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, etc., and virtual function is implemented in C++ polymorphism Lord. In order to achieve polymorphism, C++ compiler also provides a revolutionary dynamic binding (or called late binding) this characteristic (2010-12-29, Visual C++, 148KB, 下载2次)


[VC书籍] Scheduling_Problem

一个简单的调度问题。我们的工作给予的J1,J2的...若,与已知运行时间为T1,T2 ...总氮,分别所有。我们只有一个处理器。什么是最好的方式来安排这些工作,以尽量减少平均完成时间。假定它是一个非抢占的调度:一旦开始工作,它必须运行完毕
A simple scheduling problem. We are given jobs j1, j2… jn, all with known running times t1, t2… tn, respectively. We have a single processor. What is the best way to schedule these jobs in order to minimize the average completion time. Assume that it is a nonpreemptive scheduling: once a job is started, it must run to completion. (2010-12-07, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载17次)


[VC书籍] Czhizhen

R.E.C--F22叫我来篇稿,我实在不知道写啥,也很久没写过技术方面的东西了,刚看书时突然想到了写指针,所有的C语书上都把指针描述得很抽象,所以,老规矩,结合调试器+汇编来理解它。 其实指针和汇编中的间接寻址很像,抽象点说,运用指针可以间接性地访问某变量内容。我说得太抽象了,扔代码上来吧:
REC- F22 asked me to draft articles, I really do not know what to write what, but also a long time not written technical things, and just came to mind while reading the write pointer, all of the C language description of the book is very regarded pointer abstract, so the old rules, combined with the debugger+ assembly to understand it. In fact, the compilation of pointers and indirect addressing like, the abstract point that, using a pointer to indirectly access the contents of a variable. I spoke too abstract, and throw the code come: (2010-10-03, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[VC书籍] VisualC

目录内容及使用方法: 本光盘提供了本书实例的演示程序及源代码。 本光盘包括以下内容: \第1部分:桌面设置 \第2部分:资源管理器设置 \第3部分:系统设置 \第4部分:控制设置 \第5部分:网络设置 \第6部分:Internet Explorer设置 \第7部分:应用软件设置 提供了书中实例演示程序及源代码 \注册表设置程序集锦 把提供的实例演示程序汇总在一起
List of content and use: The book provides examples of CD-ROM demonstration program and source code. The CD includes the following: \ Part 1: Desktop Set \ Part 2: Explorer settings \ Part 3: System Settings \ Part 4: Control Set \ Part 5: Network Settings \ Part 6: Internet Explorer settings \ Part 7: Application software settings The book provides a demo program and source code examples \ Registry settings program highlights The examples provided with the demo program summary (2010-04-02, Visual C++, 6908KB, 下载5次)


[VC书籍] CplusplusProgramming_Thinking

内容涉及对象的演化、数据抽象、隐藏实现、初始化与清除、函数重载与缺省参数、输入输出流介绍、常量、内联函数、命名控制、引用和拷贝构造函数、运算符重载、动态对象创建、继承和组合、多态和虚函数、模板和包容器类、多重继承、异常处理和运行时类型识别。 本书作为正式教材和自学用书均非常优秀,作为程序设计者的参考用书亦极为合适。
Concerning the evolution of the object, data abstraction, hiding implementation, initialization and clearance, function overloading and default parameters, input and output stream introduced constants, inline functions, named control, reference and copy constructors, operator overloading, dynamic object creation, inheritance and composition, polymorphism and virtual functions, templates, and package container classes, multiple inheritance, exception handling and runtime type identification. The book as a formal teaching and self-learning books are very good, as a program designer' s reference book is also very suitable. (2010-01-08, Visual C++, 14155KB, 下载18次)


[VC书籍] Cppbianchengsixiang

《c++编程思想》本书作者根据自己学习C++的亲身体会及多年教学经验,用简单的例子和简练的叙述讲解C++编程,别具特色。 全书共分十八章,内容涉及对象的演化、数据抽象、隐藏实现、初始化与清除、函数重载与缺省参数、输入输出流介绍、常量、内联函数、命名控制、引用和拷贝构造函数、运算符重载、动态对象创建、继承和组合、多态和虚函数、模板和包容器类、多重继承、异常处理和运行时类型识别。 本书作为正式教材和自学用书均非常优秀,作为程序设计者的参考用书亦极为合适。
<C++Primer> C++ classic books, want to learn C++ recommended a look at ~ (2010-01-01, Visual C++, 22366KB, 下载3次)



COM组件设计与应用: 作业1:写个小应用程序,从 MSWORD 的 doc 文件中,提取出附加信息(作者、公司......)。 作业2:写个全功能的“复合文件浏览编辑器”。 注1:踅摸(xuemo),动词,北方方言,寻找搜索的意思。 注2:问:为什么不上网查资料学习? 答:开什么国际玩笑!在那遥远的1995年代,我的500块工资,不吃不喝正好够上100小时的Internet网。 注3:OLE,对象的连接与嵌入。 注4:可以用 DFView.exe 打开 MSWORD 的 DOC 文件进行复合文件的浏览。但是该程序并没有实现国际化,不能打开中文文件名的复合文件,因此需要改名后才能浏览。 注5:CLSID,在后续的文章中介绍。 注6:关于 COM 中内存使用的问题,在后续的文章中介绍。
COM (2009-12-26, Visual C++, 3405KB, 下载66次)


[VC书籍] ThinkingCPlusPlus

本书作者根据自己学习C++的亲身体会及多年教学经验,用简单的例子和简练的叙述讲解C++编程,别具特色。全书共分十八章,内容涉及对象的演化、数据抽象、隐藏实现、初始化与清除、函数重载与缺省参数、输入输出流介绍、常量、内联函数、命名控制、引用和拷贝构造函数、运算符重载、动态对象创建、继承和组合、多态和虚函数、模板和包容器类、多重继承、异常处理和运行时类型识别。 本书作为正式教材和自学用书均非常优秀,作为程序设计者的参考用书亦极为合适。
Author of this book to learn C++ based on their personal experience and years of teaching experience, using simple examples and concise narrative explaining C++ programming, distinctive. (2009-10-13, Visual C++, 28311KB, 下载4次)


[VC书籍] videocompressionpaper

本论文首先系统地介绍了视频压缩编码的基本原理和方法,以及各国际标准 化组织提出的压缩标准;其次分析了JPEG和MPEG-4的主要技术,据此提出 MPEG-4简单框架编码器的软件实现方案,给出流程图,在VC++环境下用C语言 程序实现了JPEG压缩及MPEG-4简单框架的视频压缩功能,采用测试序列验证 无误,并对两种标准的压缩比进行试验对比,突出压缩的关键技术为DCT和运动 估计算法;接着深入研究了DCT变换、运动估计和补偿算法并进行了优化改进, 给出了用于快速匹配块的自适应十字模式搜索算法,并给出了对各种块匹配估计 算法的仿真结果。然后详细介绍了TI公司TMS320C6711DSP的软硬件特性,并 在此基础上提出系统的硬件实现方案。接着介绍了基于系统软硬件环境的移植问 题和优化方法,并针对算法移植和仿真过程中的问题进行了说明。 最后就课题设计过程中研究的结果予以总结,并阐述了以后课题研究的要点。
In this thesis,an introduction to video compression principal,methods and central international video coding standards is done firstly.Then analyzing the core techniques of JPEG and MPEG-4 and proposing a scheme of MPEG-4 SP encoder,the coding function of JPEG and MPEG-4 is achieved in C successfully with test sequence Then compare the compressed ratio of two standards,point out the key of compression is DCT and Motion Estimation algorithm.Afterwards,studying the DCT/Motion Estimation/Motion Compensation algorithm in detail and giving an adaptive rood pattern search for fast Block-Matching motion estimation.Then the simulation of several motion estimation algorithms based block-matching is given.Accordingly,a scheme of a DSP-based video compression system is put forward,with the features of TI’s TMS320C6711 DSP.At last,the transplant and optimization are considered on the basis of soft and hard environments,also the simulation process. In the end,the summarization about the (2009-09-18, Visual C++, 1763KB, 下载43次)


[VC书籍] VCandMatlab

 Matcom是mathTools公司推出的一个能将M文件转化成相同功能C++代码的工具。相比Matlab自带的编译器Compiler,用Matcom转化代码要简单和方便 得多。本文将结合作者编程经验,以VC6.0和Matcom为例,详细介绍如何利用Matcom进行VC与Matlab的联合编程。
Matcom is mathTools introduced a document can be transformed into the same M functions C++ code tool. Compared to Matlab' s own compiler Compiler, with Matcom into the code much more simple and convenient. In this paper, the authors combined experience in programming in order to VC6.0 and Matcom for example, details on how to use VC to Matcom joint programming with Matlab. (2009-08-20, Visual C++, 1445KB, 下载61次)


[VC书籍] vc_demo

VC++ video capture source code, the same is based on the video controls SDK3000, some old, in the VC can be compiled, run-time DLL file, please copy the relevant folder to Release. As the icon to run the interface. The acquisition requires the corresponding hardware support, and video capture card is used in supporting, this card seems very hard to find now, so this source is not practical, for study and research. (2009-07-22, Visual C++, 308KB, 下载31次)


[VC书籍] jiekouceshi

为提升测量精度、方便数据传输管理, 设计并实现了以S3C44B0 处理器作为控制核心, CS5460 作为计量器件, 通过 USB 接口与上位机实现数据通讯的新型电能量测试系统 重点讨论了USB 接口程序的结构与实现。实践证明系统具有广 泛的适应范围。
In order to make the electric monitor sys tem have improved accuracy of measurement,convenient data transmis s ion,and convenient and friendly human- machine interface,this paper introduces a new electric monitor sys tem which uses S3C44B0 as MCU,CS5460 as the chip of measure,and PDIUSBD12 as the chip of USB communication.It focuses on the s tructure and realization of USB interface program.The practice shows that the sys tem has wide sphere of application (2009-03-13, Visual C++, 935KB, 下载31次)


[VC书籍] ourdev_572231

摘 要:在介绍图象输入设备和应用程序之间的标准通讯协议TWAIN基础上,应用 此标准,在VC++6.0下开发了通用图象扫描输入程序,它可以方便地在应用程序中 加入图象扫描功能,具有较高的实际应用价值,并在实际应用中取得了很好的效果。 关键词:标准 数据源 数据源管理器
Abstract:The standard communication protocal TWAIN between image input device and application is introduced firstly,then a method is designed for developing general image scan program by the standard protocal and VC++6.0.By use of the method it is convenient to add image scan function to application. The method has higher application value and can obtain good effect in practice. Key words:TWAIN standard data source source manager (2009-02-28, Visual C++, 23KB, 下载9次)


[VC书籍] jiangjiecxianjingyuquexian

作者以自己1985年在Bell实验室时发表的一篇论文为基础,结合自己的工作经验扩展成为这本对C程序员具有珍贵价值的经典著作。写作本书的出发点不是要批判C语言,而是要帮助C程序员绕过编程过程中的陷阱和障碍。   全书共分为8章,分别从词法分析、语法语义、连接、库函数、预处理器、可移植性缺陷等几个方面分析了C编程中可能遇到的问题。最后,作者用一章的篇幅给出了若干具有实用价值的建议。   本书适合有一定经验的C程序员阅读学习,即便你是C编程高手,本书也应该成为你的案头必备书籍。
err (2008-11-12, Visual C++, 4802KB, 下载4次)


[VC书籍] dllStudy

动态链接库(DLLs)是从C语言函数库和Pascal库单元的概念发展而来的。所有的C语言标准库函数都存放在某一函数库中,同时用户也可以用LIB程序创建自己的函数库。在链接应用程序的过程中,链接器从库文件中拷贝程序调用的函数代码,并把这些函数代码添加到可执行文件中。structures of computer science.
Dynamic link libraries (DLLs) from the C language function library and Pascal library modules developed from the concept. All of the C language standard library functions are stored in a library at the same time users can also create their own procedures LIB library. Link applications in the process, the linker copies of documents from the Treasury calls a function code, and code these functions added to the executable file. structures of computer science. (2008-09-04, Visual C++, 529KB, 下载4次)



Visual C++ 不仅仅是一个编译器。它是一个全面的应用程序开发环境,使用它你充分利用具有面向对象特性的 C++ 来开发出专业级的 Windows 应用程序。为了能充分利用这些特性,你必须理解 C++ 程序设计语言。掌握了C++,你就必须掌握 Microsoft 基本类库 (MFC) 的层次结构。
Visual C++ Is not just a compiler. It is a comprehensive application development environment, you use it to take full advantage of object-oriented features with the C++ To develop professional-class Windows applications. In order to take full advantage of these features, you must understand the C++ Programming language. Mastered the C++, You must master the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) hierarchy. (2008-06-12, Visual C++, 52KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] VC++2005

VC++ 2005 入门经典的教材,是有霍顿编著的一本好书,强烈推荐,不仅教会你怎样去学编程的语法,更有VS2005的开发环境让你一试身手,小心你看了就会爱上他,(呵呵笑)
VC++ 2005 Introduction to the classic textbook is edited by Horton (2008-03-23, Visual C++, 8183KB, 下载1687次)


[VC书籍] Cyy_alsj

案例一 贪吃蛇游戏 案例二 计算器 案例三 黑白棋游戏 案例四 迷宫问题 案例五 扫地雷游戏 案例六 速算24 案例七 数据结构CAI系统 案例八 进程调度 案例九 存储管理分区分配算法 案例十 通讯录 案例十一 学生成绩管理 案例十二 工资管理 案例十三 图书借阅管理 案例十四 教师工作量计算
case a game Snake Case 2 Case 3 reversi calculator case four games maze problem cases five outbound mine sweeping show Case 6-speed counting 24 cases seven CAI system data structure eight cases process scheduling nine cases storage management district allocation algorithm 10 cases 11 cases directory management student achievement wages 12 cases 13 cases bibliobus Management Case 14 teachers workload Calculation (2006-07-18, Visual C++, 58KB, 下载122次)


[VC书籍] Visual C++ 6.0程序员指南

本书是美国微软出版社授权的 Microsoft Visual Studio系列中文版图书之一,它是 Visual C++ 6.0程序员的实用参考书。 书中讨论的许多主题均以范例程序进行说明,所有范例程序的项目文件都在配套光盘上。本书是从事Visual C++ 6.0应用与开发的所有技术人员极好的工具书,同时也是大专院校相关专业的师生的自学、教学参考用书。 全书共分成六个部分: 第一部分介绍Developer Studio和AppWizard的基础知识; 第二部分介绍文本、图形和对话框编辑器; 第三部分是编程指南,展示了如何使用Classwizard和 Gallery来加速编程开发工作,创建自己的组件; 第四部分介绍 ActiveX控件及其使用,说明如何用MFC或ATL来写 ActiveX控件; 第五部分讨论调试器的各种能力,程序优化的各种选项及原因,如何定制Visual C++,如何编制宏和附加实用程序; 第六部分提供ASCll字符和ANSI字符的标准表格,并简要描述ClassWizard支持的MFC类和VBScript
the book is authorized Microsoft Microsoft Visual Studio line Chinese version of one book, which is 6.0 Visual C programmers practical reference books. Book Many of the topics discussed were examples of procedures that all procedures examples of projects supporting documents are in the CD-ROM. The book is engaging in Visual C++ 6.0 application development with all the technical staff excellent tool, as well as tertiary institutions relevant professional teacher training, teaching reference books. The book is split into six parts : the first part describes Developer Studio and the basic knowledge+5.0; The second part gives text, graphics and dialog editor; The third part of the programming guide, showing how to use Classwizard Gallery and to accelerate the development of programming buil (2005-04-03, Visual C++, 10569KB, 下载606次)
