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按平台查找All Visual C++(494) 

[网络编程] C++ 实现 ping 功能解析实际 IP地址

通过ping 来测试客户端与服务器的连接状态,针对IP地址和域名都可以。
Through Ping to test the connection state between client and server, it can be done for IP address and domain name. (2018-07-12, Visual C++, 504KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] One-Bit Massive MIMOSystems

This paper considers channel estimation and achievable rates for the uplink of a massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system where the base station is equipped with one-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) (2018-05-24, Visual C++, 134KB, 下载6次)


[网络编程] setwzj

VB wrote for real-time monitoring website status of small software, can be considered a basic website called monitor bar, enter the URL of monitoring, run the program (2013-05-29, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] nbtstat-vc

The source to achieve the function of the network of scanners, without the need for a reliable connection acknowledgment mechanism in order to quickly get the information for the machine on the same segment, the source code using UDP. (2013-04-22, Visual C++, 64KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] win_socket

The code is based on socket programming under windows, the main function is to achieve the transfer of files from the server to the client, is relatively simple, suitable for beginners to learn (2012-12-14, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载14次)


[网络编程] TheExampleOfVCPP

一些VC++例子。例1-简单的网络聊天室 例2-网络聊天室的服务器 例3-网络聊天室的客户端 例4-定时的发送消息 例5-用于传输文件
Example 1- simple online chat rooms Example 2- Internet chat room server The Example Of VC++.Example 3- Internet chat room client Example 4- timed to send messages Example 5- Used to transfer files (2012-02-23, Visual C++, 689KB, 下载9次)


[网络编程] PackInter(remark)

一个不比较简单的嗅探器 适合初学者学习 原来下载回来好像不编译不通过 但我修改后可以了 还加了一些注解
-not a simple Sniffer for beginners learning to download the original compiler does not seem to come back through but I do not change after a further increase in the number of Notes (2011-08-18, Visual C++, 59KB, 下载8次)


[网络编程] WinPcap_port_scanner_based_on_the_design_and_imple

WinPcap库【 】是一套基于Win32平台的开放源 代码的网络数据包截获和分析系统。它具有功能强 大的包处理API接口,而且性能稳定、效率极高。该 扫描器利用WinPcap库处理原始数据包,采用多线 程技术对目的主机相应端口进行扫描并能显示目的 主机的操作系统相关信息。该扫描器目前在局域网 中工作良好,性能稳定。
【】 WinPcap library is a Win32-based platform, open source network packet capture and analysis system. It has a powerful packet processing API interface, and stable performance, high efficiency. The scanners use WinPcap library processing of raw data packets, multi-threading technology on the destination host port scan and the corresponding destination host can display the operating system-related information. The scanner is currently working well in the local area network, performance and stability. (2010-11-29, Visual C++, 162KB, 下载20次)


[网络编程] TCPServer

这个控制台应用程序是一个简单的接收客户端连接的TCP服务器 一旦一个客户端连接建立了,一个线程产生来读取客户端的数据并反馈回去
The console application is a simple TCP connection to receive the client server when a client connection is established, and a client thread is created to read back the data and feedback (2010-05-16, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载19次)


[网络编程] socket

tcp udp 网络编程源码 //创建套接字 sHost = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP) if(INVALID_SOCKET == sHost) { printf("socket failed!\n") WSACleanup() //释放套接字资源 return -1 } //设置服务器地址 servAddr.sin_family =AF_INET servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("") servAddr.sin_port = htons((short)4999) int nServAddlen = sizeof(servAddr) //连接服务器 retVal=connect(sHost,(LPSOCKADDR)&servAddr, sizeof(servAddr)) if(SOCKET_ERROR == retVal) { printf("connect failed!\n") closesocket(sHost) //关闭套接字 WSACleanup() //释放套接字资源 return -1 } //向服务器发送数据 ZeroMemory(buf, BUF_SZIE) strcpy(buf, "MyTCP") retVal = send(sHost, buf, strlen(buf), 0) if (SOCKET_ERROR == retVal) { printf("send failed!\n") closesocket(sHost) //关闭套接字 WSACleanup() //释放套接字资源 return -1
tcp udp network programming source code// create a socket sHost = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP) if (INVALID_SOCKET == sHost) (printf ( " socket failed! \ n" ) WSACleanup () // release socket Word of resources return-1 )// set the server address servAddr.sin_family = AF_INET servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr ( "" ) servAddr.sin_port = htons ((short) 4999) int nServAddlen = sizeof ( servAddr) // connect to the server retVal = connect (sHost, (LPSOCKADDR) & servAddr, sizeof (servAddr)) if (SOCKET_ERROR == retVal) (printf ( " connect failed! \ n" ) closesocket (sHost) // Close socket WSACleanup () // release the socket resources return-1 )// to the server sending data ZeroMemory (buf, BUF_SZIE) strcpy (buf, " MyTCP" ) retVal = send (sHost, buf, strlen (buf), 0) if (SOCKET_ERROR == retVal) (printf ( " send failed! \ n" ) closesocket (sHost) // close the socket WSACleanup () // release socket resources to return (2010-03-04, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载49次)


[网络编程] qqsniffer

局域网QQ密码嗅探器QQsniffer,编译环境VC 6.0,Winpcap 3.1.beta4,有效性针对当前可用的所有版本QQ.
LAN QQ password sniffer QQsniffer, build environment, VC 6.0, Winpcap 3.1.beta4, the effectiveness of currently available for all versions of QQ. (2010-01-08, Visual C++, 212KB, 下载104次)


[网络编程] RemoteLookup

基于TCP的远程字典服务(RemoteLookup).通过在远端主机上搭建一个远程字典服务服务器,其它主机可以通过客户端程序 RemoteLookup将所需要查询的单词传送给远程主机,远程主机字典服务服务器将单词的中文释义结果返回给客户端主机.在启动服务端后,即可用客户端在线查询单词,程序示范了运用没有封装的SOCKET以及Windows SDK编程的典型过程。
TCP-based remote dictionary service (RemoteLookup). By the remote host, build a dictionary services to the remote server, other hosts can be RemoteLookup client program will need to send a query word in the remote host, remote hosting services, server dictionary words English interpretation of the results returned to the client host. start the server, you can use client-side online query word, the program has not demonstrated the use of packaging SOCKET, as well as the typical Windows SDK programming process. (2009-12-23, Visual C++, 100KB, 下载6次)


[网络编程] networkcoding

这种模拟器的目的是测试有关的各种网络性能编码方法 它模拟动态拓扑网络,从节点移动NS2的兼容文件阅读
This simulator is designed to test out the performance of a variety of network coding approaches. It simulates networks with dynamic topologies, reading from NS2 compatible node mobility files. (2009-12-07, Visual C++, 12KB, 下载39次)


[网络编程] miniupnpc-20090713[1].tar

Nat 端口转换自动 由内网到外网端口的映射 针对功能是5系列以上的路由器(支持UPNP功能的)
Nat port automatically convert to the outside from the inside network port mapping function is for more than 5 series routers (UPNP function support) (2009-07-20, Visual C++, 39KB, 下载28次)


[网络编程] TALK

Simulation between the satellite and earth station communications, the use of network socket programming, client and server for the same carrier, the interface is simple and has high practical (2009-06-22, Visual C++, 4956KB, 下载42次)


[网络编程] NetMaYi_Tab2

用过网络嗅探器的人都知道,这个工具好用, 不过,很多人不知道它的原理和应用技术, 资料中详细介绍了
Used the network sniffer of people know that this tool easy to use, but many people do not know the principles and application of technology, information in detail (2008-12-27, Visual C++, 133KB, 下载25次)


[网络编程] upload

一个实现http上传文件的小程序 有两个.ini配置文件来决定上传文件和服务器。。简单的VC6.0 +win32控制台
A realization of http upload applet there are two. Ini configuration file to determine the upload files and servers. . Simple VC6.0+ Win32 console (2008-12-19, Visual C++, 20KB, 下载176次)


[网络编程] Neighbor

局域网网络通信编程实例 获取网上邻居 IP地址和计算机名之间的转换 映射网络驱动器 消息发送程序 获取局域网内其他计算机的信息
Local Area Network Communication Programming examples of access to My Network Places computer IP address and name of the conversion between the Map Network Drive LAN messaging program to obtain information on other computers (2008-12-08, Visual C++, 81KB, 下载34次)


[网络编程] Mir2Ei

The real legend source code, which can be used to developed. The brother wana develop can easily do his own. (2005-08-11, Visual C++, 2835KB, 下载485次)


[网络编程] ldapbrower

Using ldapssl does the seal storehouse development ldap browsing tool, how regarding use the ldap agreement, with the ldap server correspondence, and realizes the item search, the browsing, the revision provides the instruction significance. (2004-06-21, Visual C++, 567KB, 下载85次)
