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[网络] TCPserver

TCP server under linux commonly used multi-client and select the appropriate treatment of the basic application epoll.c (2013-06-07, Unix_Linux, 3KB, 下载29次)


[网络] Socket

Under Linux client, server-side connections and can transfer files, here is the specified file is not sending any file at any time, but you can specify a file name transfer any files. (2013-06-06, Unix_Linux, 3477KB, 下载12次)


[网络] linux

SP and SPS system interactive communications specification, using the long connection between the client and the SM_Daemon, the client must use the assigned user name and password. After successful login, every five minutes to send a heartbeat packet. If the server-side client did not receive three consecutive heartbeat packets will take the initiative to disconnect the connection with the client. If the client connects to send three heartbeat packets are not received an appropriate response that the server failure. (2012-08-29, Unix_Linux, 321KB, 下载46次)


[网络] acl

该库跨平台的、支持常见数据算 法、有很好的服务器框架、支持线程池/进程池、支持同步/异步通信、简单易用可扩展、支持HTTP协议、ICMP协议、DNS协议等
The library of cross-platform, support the common data is law, have very good server framework, support thread pool/process pool, support synchronous/asynchronous communication, simple to use can be expanded, support the HTTP protocol, ICMP protocol, DNS agreement (2012-07-11, Unix_Linux, 5313KB, 下载10次)


[网络] curl-7.25.0

libcurl主要功能就是用不同的协议连接和沟通不同的服务器~也就是相当封装了的sockPHP 支持libcurl(允许你用不同的协议连接和沟通不同的服务器)。, libcurl当前支持http, https, ftp, gopher, telnet, dict, file, 和ldap 协议。libcurl同样支持HTTPS证书授权,HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP 上传(当然你也可以使用PHP的ftp扩展), HTTP基本表单上传,代理,cookies,和用户认证。
libcurl is a free and easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library, supporting DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, Gopher, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMTP, SMTPS, Telnet and TFTP. libcurl supports SSL certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading, HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, user+password authentication (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, Kerberos), file transfer resume, http proxy tunneling and more! (2012-04-25, Unix_Linux, 3920KB, 下载20次)


[网络] tcpchuanshuwenjian

tcp file servers and clients point, the client can upload and download, support some command help: Shows all the commands and the client said that, list: show download list, get: download, put: upload, quit: quit. (2011-07-24, Unix_Linux, 4KB, 下载17次)


[网络] usb-modeswitch-1.1.8.tar

Will migrate to 3G on the card when the arm board linux, usb memory mode is the default, you need to convert it into a card mode to dial-up, usb-modeswitch provide this functionality (2011-07-18, Unix_Linux, 37KB, 下载32次)


[网络] hello-ipv4v6-portable

实现健壮的服务器-客户端的通信代码样例,通过简单的修改可以实现各种功能,IPV4/V6 兼容版本。 根据《IPv6 Network Programming》中的例子整理而成
A achieve robust server- client communication code sample, can be achieved by a simple modification of various features, IPV4/V6 compatible version. According to " IPv6 Network Programming" examples from finishing (2011-05-04, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载12次)


[网络] newbond

bond :linux shell编程 做服务器时候将两块网卡绑定用此脚本,简化了绑定过程并缩短了时间,绑定过程中可以选择绑定模式(冗余模式、负载均衡模式)。
bond: linux shell programming time to do the server will bind the two pieces of card with this script, simplifying the process and shorten the time bound, the binding of the option binding mode (redundant mode, load balancing mode.) (2010-03-31, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载6次)


[网络] TCP_socket_client_server_file_transfer_program_des

TCP套接字的文件传输客户服务器程序设计 包括C和S端的部分,S端向C端传送文件或者图片
TCP socket client-server file transfer program design, including C and S terminal part, S-side to the C terminal to send documents or pictures (2010-02-03, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载126次)


[网络] ftp

A simple ftp server-side and client-side, the two programs are running at the same time, the client can use the pwd, cd, quit, help, get, put, dir and other commands to download, upload files, and so. (2010-02-02, Unix_Linux, 13KB, 下载29次)


[网络] LinuxFTP

ftp server designed as a daemon, the program to accept three arguments start, stop, restart. Program to capture SIGHUP, SIGQUIT, SIGCHLD, SIGPIPE signal and accordingly processing, and FTP so list of commands. (2009-12-29, Unix_Linux, 189KB, 下载31次)


[网络] CDataPortProc

CDataPortProc用多个子进程从数据服务器端口读取数据库请求数据,通过MAC校验后, 添加到数据库请求队列中。 入参:全局参数结构
CDataPortProc with multiple sub-process server from the data port to read the request database data, after checking through the MAC, the request is added to the database queue. To the Senate: the structure of the overall parameters (2009-08-13, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载2次)



Linux systems can be set up Web, FTP and other servers, its wireless network to support a comprehensive and in place, this article taught you how to use Linux to build a wireless AP. (2009-08-12, Unix_Linux, 295KB, 下载37次)


[网络] Linux_TCP_IP

This procedure used to develop a TCP socket-based Client/Server model of network program to simulate landing long-range multi-user server process, a total of four documents, as well as the use of documentation (2009-08-05, Unix_Linux, 4KB, 下载17次)


[网络] flashsys

Openwrt wireless routing system embedded in web configuration tool, including the wireless distribution, routing distribution, dhcp, ip address, firewall, qos configuration functions (2009-05-26, Unix_Linux, 649KB, 下载53次)


[网络] FIFOserver

prg8_1.c 互斥对象实例。该程序说明如何使用互斥对象。prg8_2.c 条件变量实例。该程序是一个多线程的无连接并发服务器。prg8_3.c 处理同步线程退出。
prg8_1.c mutex object instance. The program explains how to use the mutex object. Examples of conditions prg8_2.c variables. The program is a free multi-threaded concurrent server connections. to deal with thread synchronization prg8_3.c quit. (2009-05-06, Unix_Linux, 20KB, 下载2次)


[网络] NS2_network_simulator_based_on_the_Ad_hoc_network_

基于网络仿真器NS2的Ad hoc网络路由协议仿真 一篇介绍ad hoc仿真的文章,非常好
NS2 network simulator based on the Ad hoc network routing protocol simulation of a simulation of ad hoc introduction of the article, very good (2009-02-14, Unix_Linux, 44KB, 下载56次)


[网络] linuxnet

linux network card under the gun, the use of udp preparation, but also a very good example of linux network programming, cudp for client programs, and procedures for server sudp (2008-05-20, Unix_Linux, 3KB, 下载26次)


[网络] scc_scd

in achieving a more chatting tools server and the client. The tools support shown online users, broadcasting news updates, one-to-one commonly used functions such. Program uses ncurses programming. With documentation (2005-12-13, Unix_Linux, 118KB, 下载136次)
