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按分类查找All 电子书籍(517) 

[电子书籍] CookBook-Nest

Nest is a JavaScript framework for building scalable and efficient server-side applications. It provides a robust structure that supports TypeScript and facilitates the creation of maintainable and scalable APIs with a focus on developer productivity and code organization. (2024-01-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] book

The university library reservation applet, with the front and rear complete codes including the library s dynamics, new books coming, book lists, service guides, library entry reservations, event and lecture reservations and other functions, adopts the small program cloud development solution provided by Tencent, without server and domain name, (2022-03-04, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] MinBook

Library, bookstore applet, front and back complete code, including library dynamics, new book arrival, book list, service guide, library entry appointment, event lecture appointment and other functions, using the applet cloud development solution provided by Tencent, without server and domain name, (2022-03-01, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] Cortex-M3 权威指南

不管你是做软件的还是做硬件的,只要相中了ARM的Cortex-M3处理器,这本书就是 为你而写。目标读者包括:一线程序员,嵌入式产品设计师,片上系统(SoC)工程师,嵌入式系统发烧友,学院研究员,还包括所有涉猎过单片机和微处理器领域,慧眼识珍看中了Cortex-M3的人民大众们。 本书要给Cortex-M3的架构做一个简介,浏览一下指令系统,写几个段代码练练手, 说一些硬件特性,再表一表该处理器精深的调试系统。本书还给出了应用程序范例,手 把手地教你使用开发工具,包括ARM的工具和GNU的工具链。如果你以前是ARM7TDMI 的玩家,正准备着升级装备到Cortex-M3,本书也非常解渴,里面讲述了两者的不同, 以及鸟枪换炮的升级过程。
Whether you do software or hardware, as long as you like arm Cortex-M3 processor, this book is Write for you. Target readers include: front-line programmers, embedded product designers, system on chip (SOC) engineers, embedded system enthusiasts, college researchers, as well as all the people who have been involved in the field of single chip microcomputer and microprocessor, and have a good eye for Cortex-M3. This book will give a brief introduction to the architecture of Cortex-M3, browse the instruction system, write a few pieces of code to practice, Some hardware features, and a table of the processor's deep debugging system. This book also gives examples of applications, hands Hand to teach you to use development tools, including arm tools and GNU tool chain. If you used to be ARM7 TDMI This book is also very thirsty. It describes the difference between the two, As well as the upgrade process. (2020-11-24, Asm, 6023KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] 《模拟工程师速查参考》

50 年模拟设计经验浓缩于一本方便的电子书《模拟工程师速查参考》。 本书包含以下内容: * 关键常量和转换 * 运算放大器基本配置 * 传感器概述 * 模数和数模转换 * 还有更多...
50 years of simulation design experience is concentrated in a convenient e-book "reference for simulation engineers". This book contains the following contents: *Key constants and transformations *Basic configuration of operational amplifier *Overview of sensors *A / D and D / a conversion *And more (2020-09-02, Others, 8138KB, 下载7次)


[电子书籍] pid调整

pid参数与控制特性的相关性 为了更好的理解这个视频和PID参数的作用,特意根据多轴飞行器的原理和PID理论,编写了一个EXCEL图表,直观的来理解PID参数的作用。
Correlation between PID parameters and control characteristics In order to better understand the video and the role of PID parameters, specially according to the principle of multi axis aircraft and PID theory, compiled an excel chart, intuitive to understand the role of PID parameters. (2020-07-02, Others, 500KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] C++编程艺术

本书揭示了C++程序员创建世界级软件的奥秘。程序设计大师Herbert Schildt通过将C++语言广泛应用于功能强大的编程任务中,全面展示了C++语言的多功能性,敏捷性,和艺术性。本书内容包括探索C++的功能,创建内存管理的垃圾回收器子系统,开发线程控制面板,建立译码器以扩展C++的功能,开发可断点续传的Internet文件下载工具,创建财务分析库,用基于AI的搜索技术探索人工智能,建立定制的STL容器,以及开发Mini C++解释程序。
This book reveals the mystery of C++ programmers creating world-class software. Herbert Schildt, a master programmer, demonstrated the versatility, agility, and artistry of C++ by applying it to powerful programming tasks. This book includes exploring the functions of C++, creating a memory-managed garbage collector subsystem, developing a thread control panel, establishing a decoder to extend the functions of C++, developing an Internet file download tool that can be continuously transmitted at breakpoints, creating a financial analysis library, exploring artificial intelligence with AI-based search technology, and establishing a customized STL content. And develop Mini C++ interpreter. (2018-09-28, C/C++, 5844KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] ota_diff_081_086_P1_signed

C language is a universal computer programming language, which is widely used. The design goal of C language is to provide a programming language that can compile, process low-level memory, generate a small number of machine codes and run without any operation environment support in a simple way. (2018-01-25, Others, 33452KB, 下载1次)


[电子书籍] python核心编程(第二版)

Python是一种面向对象的编程语言。其特点是高级、面向对象、可升级、可扩展、可移植、易学易读、易维护、健壮性、具有高效的快速 原型开发工具、内存管理器、解释性和(字节)编译性。
Python is an object-oriented programming language. Characterized by high-level, object-oriented, scalable, extensible, portable, easy to learn, easy to read, easy to maintain, robustness, efficiency of rapid prototyping tools, the memory manager, explanatory and compile (bytes). (2017-07-19, Python, 4890KB, 下载8次)


[电子书籍] GPU高性能编程CUDA实战

GPU高性能编程CUDA实战是一本不可多得的书,本书介绍了如何利用计算机中图形处理器(Graphics Process Unit, GPU)的强大计算功能来编写各种高性能的应用软件。
CUDA GPU high-performance programming of actual combat is a rare book, this book introduces how to use computer Graphics processor (Graphics Process Unit, GPU) of the powerful calculation function to write a variety of high-performance applications. (2017-06-22, WINDOWS, 21992KB, 下载13次)


[电子书籍] usb

在高速的数据采集或传输中,目前使用较多的都是采用USB 2.0接口控制器和FPGA或DSP实现的,本设计在USB 2.0接口芯片CY7C68013的Slave FIFO模式下,利用FPGA作为外部主控制器实现对FX2 USB内部的FIFO进行控制,以实现数据的高速传输。该模块可普遍适用于基于USB 2.0接口的高速数据传输或采集中。
In the high-speed data acquisition or transmission, the currently used are based on more USB 2.0 interface controller and the FPGA or DSP implementation, the design USB 2.0 interface chip CY7C68013 of the Slave FIFO mode, the use of FPGA as a the external FX2 USB host controller to realize the internal FIFO control, in order to achieve high-speed data transmission. The module can be generally applied based on high-speed USB 2.0 interface, transfer or acquisition of data. (2009-11-10, VHDL, 874KB, 下载65次)


[电子书籍] EasyARM2104

目录 说明 DATASHEET 相关芯片手册及ARM参考资料 实验程序 LPC2106/2105/2104功能部件相关实验 easyarm_drive EasyJTAG仿真器驱动程序 sofware EasyARM软件及相关实验程序 LPC210x ISP LPC210x的ISP软件 Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex Ucosii移植程序及相关中间件
Directory Help DATASHEET related ARM chip reference manuals and experimental procedure LPC2106/2105/2104 features related experiments easyarm_drive EasyJTAG emulator driver sofware EasyARM software and related experimental procedure LPC210x ISP LPC210x the ISP software Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex Ucosii transplant procedures and Related Middleware (2009-10-12, Others, 13079KB, 下载28次)


[电子书籍] CH375

CH375是一个 USB总线的通用接口芯片, 支持USB-HOST 主机方式和 USB-DEVICE/SLAVE 设备方式。 在本地端,CH375 具有 8位数据总线和读、写、片选控制线以及中断输出,可以方便地挂接到单片机 /DSP/MCU/MPU 等控制器的系统总线上。在USB 主机方式下,CH375还提供了串行通讯方式,通过串行 输入、串行输出和中断输出与单片机/DSP/MCU/MPU 等相连接。
usb ic (2009-10-12, Windows_Unix, 203KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] C.Object.Model

作者 Stanley B. Lippman 是最早从事 C++ 编译器编写的人员之一。这本书主要面向中高级 C++ 程序员,不过初级 C++ 程序员下点功夫应该也能看懂(本菜鸟都能看得懂)。这本书阐述了 C++ 具体是怎么实现的,也澄清了许多人对 C++ 的误解。学习这本书,有助于编写出更加高效的 C++ 程序。如果你想知道 C++ 到底是怎么实现的,想写出更高效的 C++ 程序,这本书绝对不容错过!
Inside the C++ Object Model (2009-07-23, C/C++, 990KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] SQLServer2000eBook

SQL Server 2000是Microsoft公司最新推出的大型数据库管理系统,它建立在成熟而强大的关系模型基础上,可以很好地支持客户机/服务器网络模式,能够满足各种类型的企事业单位对构建网络数据库的需求,并且在易用性、可扩展性、可靠性以及数据仓库等方面确立了世界领先的地位,是目前各级各类学校学习大型数据库管理系统的首选教材。
it is a course about sqlserver 2000. (2009-06-13, SQL, 4887KB, 下载10次)


[电子书籍] mega8

ATmega8是基于增强的AVR RISC结构的低功耗8位CMOS微控制器。由于其先进的指令 集以及单时钟周期指令执行时间, ATmega8 的数据吞吐率高达1 MIPS/MHz,从而可以 缓减系统在功耗和处理速度之间的矛盾。
ATmega8 is based on the AVR RISC structure of the enhanced low-power 8-bit CMOS microcontroller. Because of its advanced instruction set, as well as a single clock cycle instruction execution time, ATmega8 data throughput of up to 1 MIPS/MHz, which can reduce system power consumption and processing speed at the contradiction between. (2009-03-03, VHDL, 9009KB, 下载11次)


[电子书籍] temperaturecontroller

The design is simple to complete the design of temperature controller. Title realize meet the requirements of temperature measurement control systems need to address the following two aspects: First, to achieve accuracy greater than 1 ℃ temperature measuring circuit and its data processing to achieve, and the other control method and control circuit to achieve research. (2009-02-09, Others, 505KB, 下载76次)


[电子书籍] GSM

基于 GSM 的远程家庭监控及报警系统的设计 】 该防盗报警器由热释电红外探头、 GSM模块和单片机最小系统组成。 热释电红外探头采集到防盗信 息 , 经单片机发给 GSM 模块 , 再由 GSM 模块发送给指定手机用户, 显示远程的报警情况。
GSM-based remote home monitoring and alarm system design] the burglar alarm from the pyroelectric infrared sensor, GSM module and the smallest single-chip system. Pyroelectric infrared probe collected security information, issued by the single-chip GSM module, GSM module and then sent to designated mobile phone users, showing the situation of a remote alarm. (2009-01-29, C/C++, 231KB, 下载481次)


[电子书籍] dspbase

以T I 公司的T M S 3 2 0 C 6 4 1 6 为核心处理器提出一套嵌入式实时图像采集系统的设计方案对硬件 设计工作流程软件编程等关键问题进行详细的分析与讨论
T to the I S T M C 3 2 0 6 4 1 6 to propose a set of core processor embedded real-time image acquisition System design of the hardware design workflow software programming and other key issues detailed analysis and discussion (2006-10-13, PDF, 79KB, 下载87次)


[电子书籍] embedInternet

基于以太网的嵌入式Internet接入方案 ,在嵌入式系统中, 部分具有 8位处理器 其存 储空间对tcp等协议又远远不够,因此 如何让这些处理速度、机器位数、容量等指标稍差的mcu加载到tcp协议 上,则是实 现嵌入式上网面临的技术难题之一。
Embedded Ethernet-based Internet access, in embedded systems, with some eight processor storage space right tcp such an agreement is far from enough, so how these processing, machinery, the median capacity and other indicators of a weakened mcu loading tcp agreement, it is inserted Internet-in the technical dilemma. (2006-03-28, Visual C++, 206KB, 下载43次)
