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[自然语言处理] 2077

基于微信小程序+SSM+MySQL的专利服务小程序(附论文)(毕业设计),基于微信小程序+SSM+MySQL的专利服务小程序(附论文),管理员,用户角色等。本基于微信小程序的专利服务系统有管理员和用户。管理员功能有个人中心,用户管理,专利申请管理,分类号管理,专利管理,增值服务管理,业务指导信息管理,我的收藏管理,系统管理等。用户可以申请专利相关信息。因而具有一定的实用性。本站后台采用Java的SSM框架进行后台管理开发,可以在浏览器上登录进行后台数据方面的管理,MyS (2024-06-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] Project-Involving-Transformers

该项目涉及使用Hugging Face Transformers库来构建自然语言处理(NLP)模型。该模型在使用BERT架构的文本分类任务上进行了微调。它包括数据预处理、标记器设置、模型配置和训练循环实现。
This project involves using the Hugging Face Transformers library to build a natural language processing (NLP) model. The model is fine-tuned on a text classification task using the BERT architecture. It includes data preprocessing, tokenizer setup, model configuration, and a training loop implementation. (2024-05-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] Paper-Title-Generator

The Paper Title Generator is a Capstone Project for the Computer Understanding of Natural Language Processing class. Using the GPT-2 model trained on 30,000 abstracts from the arXiv dataset, it generates research paper titles, offering a novel approach to automating title creation for academic publications. (2024-04-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] click2grasp

Click to Grasp takes calibrated RGB-D images of a tabletop and user-defined part instances in diverse source images as input, and produces gripper poses for interaction, effectively disambiguating between visually similar but semantically different concepts (e.g., left vs right arms). (2024-04-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] Visual-Analytics-Dashboard

开发Power BI仪表板,重点是通过动态可视化来阐明数据见解,包括交互式列和饼图、表、地图、切片器和动态问答界面。使用户能够从数据集中提取有意义的见解,并促进知情决策。“”
Develop a Power BI dashboard focused on illuminating data insights through dynamic visualizations, including interactive column and pie charts, tables, maps, slicers, and a dynamic question-and-answer interface. Enable users to extract meaningful insights and facilitate informed decision-making from the dataset." (2024-03-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] Order2StochasticIdentificationAndControl

A certain transfer function (with unknown parameters) is available, known to be second-order when modeling the behavior of a DC motor. Once the function has been stochastically identified, and upon translating the output to the angular velocity of a wheel belonging to a space exploration vehicle, a control function will be designed for the system. (2024-03-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] Restaurant-Review-Analysis-using-NLP-in-R

Project showcases sentiment analysis on restaurant reviews, employing text mining techniques and a random forest classifier. It utilizes packages like tm, randomForest, and caTools for preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification, aiming to predict review sentiments as positive or negative. (2024-03-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] image_caption

An image caption generator model combines computer vision and natural language processing to generate descriptive captions for images. It extracts features from images using convolutional neural networks, then generates captions using recurrent neural networks or transformer architectures trained on text data. (2024-03-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] voice-assistant

It s software that carries out everyday tasks via voice command. It s brings AI and machine learning together to recognize our voice and do what we ask it. Voice assistant software can be found on smart speakers, smartwatches, mobile phones, tablets and other devices (2024-02-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] Unity-Dialogue-Model

Unity Dialogue Model是一个使用Unity ML代理创建对话代理的项目,该会话代理通过文本与用户交互。该项目还调整了Sorter示例来制作类型写入器。该项目是学习和应用Unity ML代理和NLP技术的有趣而富有挑战性的方法。
Unity-Dialogue-Model is a project that uses Unity ML-Agents to create a conversational agent that interacts with the user via text. The project also adapts the Sorter example to make a type writer. The project is a fun and challenging way to learn and apply Unity ML-Agents and NLP techniques. (2024-02-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] easy-paper-reader

项目的初衷是为了更好阅读论文,基于 AI 原生提升体验。技术栈是 Vite + React + Antd + Redux + Tailwind,目前是个纯前端项目。数据通过 localforage 存储在浏览器本地。目前的 AI 接口使用的是免费的 Gemini API。目...
The original intention of the project is to better read the paper, based on AI native improvement experience. The technology stack is Vite+React+Antd+Redux+Tailwind. At present, it is a pure front-end project. Data is stored locally in the browser through localforge. The current AI interface uses the free Gemini API. Item (2024-01-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] k-Exoskeleton-with-GRU-attention-mechanism-or-CNN

This is the project file for "A Novel Wearable Technique for Low-back Exoskeletons Adaptive Control, Payload Weight Estimation and Event Recognition",including Wrist Band Device s STM32 controller s code and the Neural Network code under tensorflow structure. The code for the Back-exoskeleton is not shared due to lab s restrictions. (2024-01-06, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] AI-Desktop-assistant-by-MushU

Upon activation, the assistant monitors user inputs and differentiates between local commands and internet queries based on predefined triggers. When prompted with an internet-related inquiry, it seamlessly interfaces with online resources, leveraging ChatGPT s capabilities to provide accurate and contextually relevant responses. (2023-12-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] FaceRecognition

FaceRecognition,基于百度人脸识别API的人脸识别信息收集小程序,使用 PolarDB 云数据库、云服务器搭建开发;该小程序通过特别的人脸标识码来标记人脸,微信调用gps记录地理位置信息,并记录用户相关信息。 已有体验版小程序已通过微信小程序审核,正在...
FaceRecognition, a facial recognition information collection mini program based on Baidu s facial recognition API, developed using PolarDB cloud database and cloud server; This mini program uses a special facial identification code to mark faces, and WeChat calls GPS to record geographic location information and record user related information. The existing experience version of the mini program has passed the WeChat mini program review and is currently (2021-04-06, Others, 13KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] lease-Notes-for-Windows-View-release-notes-for-Ma

GitHub Desktop Overview Release Notes | Help Release Notes for Windows View release notes for Mac 2016/09/22v3.3.3 Chocolate-Covered Yaks UPDATEDGit Shell updated to v2.10.2 2016/09/22v3.3.2 Chocolate-Covered Yaks UPDATEDGit Shell updated to v2.10.1 which updates Curl to 7.50.3 and fixes some issues working with repositories over HTTPS with (2019-12-20, Others, 1KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] WYIL-communit

WYIL-communit,... 帖子搜索功能进行重构,通过IK中文分词器增加索引和全局索引,实现搜索关键字高亮显示等功能; 对热帖排行模块,使用分布式缓存Redis和本地缓存Caffeine作为多级缓存,将QPS提升了20倍(10-200),大大提升了网...
WYIL-communit,... Reconstruct the post search function, add indexes and global indexes through the IK Chinese word segmentation tool, and achieve search keyword highlighting and other functions; For the hot post ranking module, using distributed caching Redis and local caching Caffeine as multi-level caching has increased QPS by 20 times (10-200), greatly improving the network (2021-08-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] c0

c0,c0编译器 “编译原理”是大学计算机类专业的重要专业基础课。内容主要包括编译系统的结构、工程流程以及编译程序各组成部分的设计原理和实现技术。涉及程序的词法分析、语法分析、语义分析及语法制导翻译、运行时环境、目标代码生成、代码优化等理论...
C0, c0 compiler "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools" is an important professional basic course for college computer majors. The content mainly includes the structure of the compiler system, engineering process, and the design principle and implementation technology of each component of the compiler. It involves lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis and syntax guided translation of programs, runtime environment, object code generation, code optimization and other theories (2021-09-02, Others, 1310KB, 下载0次)
