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按分类查找All TCP/IP协议栈(495) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(495) 

[TCP/IP协议栈] client&server

The server and client, transmission protocol based on TCP, using the OpenSSL library, which have generated the certificate and key file (download OpenSSL can be generated) (2017-07-21, Visual C++, 61680KB, 下载5次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] TCP-server-source-code

Master the high performance network programming, relates to the network operating system, protocol stack, process and thread, common network components and other knowledge, have rich experience in project development, can weigh the server running efficiency and efficiency of project development (2017-03-03, Visual C++, 69KB, 下载1次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] tcpjack

TCP connection for the seizure of tcpjack directives. Between subjective and objective in establishing the state of TCP connections after, for servers and clients from third-party host see if there is any information paragraph TCP served. (2013-09-25, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] MFC-CSocket--by-SKM

MFC 实现基于CSocket的简单网络通信功能,内含服务器和客户端源码,感觉比自己原先找的几个相关源码更具参考性 下载后,请修改LXServer-DoDataExchange-注释掉这一行代码DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BTNCLOSELISTEN, m_BTNCloseLisetn)
MFC CSocket simple network-based communications capabilities, including server and client source code, feel better than their original source code to find more informative several related when you have downloaded it ,please open LXServer-LXServerDlg-DoDataExchange,and comment out the line code,that//DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BTNCLOSELISTEN, m_BTNCloseLisetn) (2013-07-25, Visual C++, 7272KB, 下载14次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] dssz.com_ppp_stack

This is a C-C++ achieve mature ppp server and protocol stack and is currently stable use, which can run on windows and linux and solaris platform, there is also a more detailed help documentation. (2013-07-09, Visual C++, 762KB, 下载4次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] TCP-UDP-server-client

Contains two complete TCP and UDP-based server-side and client communication windows program in VC++6.0 can be run directly (2013-04-17, Visual C++, 190KB, 下载20次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] Network-protocol

The preparation of a simplified protocol analyzer, data transmission through a network when the package with the parsing process, deepen the understanding of TCP/IP protocol stack of the working principle and network application software development ability (2012-03-05, Visual C++, 223KB, 下载12次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] serveraclient

使用VC++的SOCKET API进行网络通讯的实例,代码包括客户端与服务器端,分别运行两程序,互相监听,互相接发消息,原理简单,基础
Use of VC++ SOCKET API for network communication examples, code, including client and server, each running two programs, listen to each other, then send an announcement to each other, the principle is simple, basic (2011-10-14, Visual C++, 157KB, 下载9次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] SingleServerWin32

Using the C language TCP/IP server, the client program, and the ability to successfully establish a connection between the two in order to send a double, an int, a string of data. (2011-05-06, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载12次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] MySimpleTcpStudy(1)

This program is a C# program about client/server LAN Communication based on TCP/IP , the program can operate smoothly after downloading,which is good for the beginners in learning TCP is a good tool. Welcome to download (2010-10-25, Visual C++, 92KB, 下载6次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] TCPip

CP/IP是Internet上使用的协议,而Internet是世界上最大的互联网络。本书内容十分丰富,几乎涵盖了有关TCP/IP的各个方面,包括开放式通信模型、TCP/IP通信模型、IP网络中的命名和寻址机制、地址解析及反向地址解析协议、DNS域字服务器、WINS、地址发现协议、IPv6、IP网络中的路由协议(RIP、OSPF等)、互联网打印协议、LDAP目录服务、远程访问协议、IP安全与防火墙。本书介绍了如何为Windows 9x/NT配置TCP/IP;还介绍了如何使用TCP/IP应用程序,包括远程登录、FTP、Web浏览等。
CP/IP is the protocol used on Internet, but Internet is the world' s largest Internet network. This book is rich in content, covering almost the TCP/IP in all aspects, including open communication model, TCP/IP communication model, IP network naming and addressing mechanisms, address resolution and reverse address resolution protocol, DNS domain word server, WINS, address discovery protocol, IPv6, IP network routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, etc.), Internet Printing Protocol, LDAP directory services, remote access protocols, IP security and firewall. This book describes how the Windows 9x/NT configure TCP/IP also describes how to use the TCP/IP applications, including Telnet, FTP, Web browsing. (2010-07-31, Visual C++, 19925KB, 下载10次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] NetClient

The use of winsocket and Vc6.0 developed based on the TCP/IP protocol network file transfer, this is the client, connect to the server' s IP, port written directly in the program, the can enter the changes (2010-02-15, Visual C++, 1865KB, 下载37次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] net2ftpbeta

FTP protocol is based on TCP/IP file transfer protocol that is used in the network for file transfer. FTP is a TCP/IP to a specific application, it works in the seventh layer of OSI model, TCP model for the fourth layer, namely, the application layer, using TCP transport instead of UDP, FTP client and server must establish a connection before the After a "three-way handshake" process, it brings the significance of the connection between the client and the server is reliable, but also connection-oriented, for data transmission to provide a reliable guarantee for (2009-12-21, Visual C++, 4375KB, 下载18次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] TCP_test

lpc2478 ARM处理器的TCP以太网通信测试程序,lpc2400系列在通信方面功能强大,该程序为其内部以太网的TCP通信测试程序
lpc2478 ARM processor TCP Ethernet communications test procedure, lpc2400 series powerful communications, the program for the internal Ethernet TCP communications test procedure (2009-06-22, Visual C++, 114KB, 下载233次)



1.利用原始套接字实现简单的TCP协议分析器。 2.系统功能包括: 2.1 原始套接字与网卡邦定,并接收流经网卡的所有数据包; 2.2 对数据包进行分析以获得源IP地址和目的IP地址; 2.3 对TCP Segment进行分析以获得其首部详细信息; 2.4 显示分析结果 3 建议使用VC++
tcp (2009-06-01, Visual C++, 2810KB, 下载184次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] FTPfile

了解并进一步掌握TCP/IP协议中的文件传输协议FTP,掌握其工作原理,FTP协议是如何使本地或远程的客户和服务器之间进行文件传输的,同时掌握利用Visual C++这一语言进行网络编程,也掌握了MFC WinInet 编程,及其它的一些基本的类和使用方法,也基本掌握了FTP协议的基本功能。
Understanding and further master the TCP/IP protocol in the file transfer protocol FTP, to master the principle of its work, FTP protocol is how to make local or remote client and server file transfer between, and at the same time to master the use of Visual C++ the language network for Cheng, also mastered the MFC WinInet programming, and other basic methods of the class and use, but also the basic grasp of the basic functions of FTP protocol. (2009-05-27, Visual C++, 229KB, 下载34次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] SocketUDP

Use VC++ 6.0 of the Socket class implements UDP protocol. The program includes server and client program, by setting the port number can be direct communication. (2008-09-17, Visual C++, 1887KB, 下载63次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] 200811014323652

自行封装的一个lib库,以动态连接库的方式提供支持,包含以下一些类: SH_Object libSH的基类 SH_String String类 SH_Array 数据结构Array类 SH_Stack 数据结构Stack类 SH_Queue 数据结构Queue类 SH_List 数据结构List类 SH_Hash 数据结构Hash类 SH_Tree 数据结构Tree(AVL)类 SH_Lock 互斥Lock类 SH_Serial 串口类 SH_Socket 套接字类 SH_Tcp TCP类 SH_Udp UDP类 SH_Multicast 多播类 SH_Broadcast 广播类 SH_RawSocket 原始套接字类 SH_Pipe 管道类 SH_Mailslot 邮槽类 SH_SMem 共享内存类 SH_Log 日志类 SH_File 文件类 SH_FileVer 文件版本信息类 SH_Audio 音频类 SH_Time 时间类 SH_Timer 定时器类 (2008-05-11, Visual C++, 57KB, 下载72次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] ftp_sample

本软件适用于装有IP/TCP协议的电脑. 主要功能:电脑间传送大型文件.(如电影等) 主要特点: 1.采用了多线程技术,速度明显高于同类软件. 2.支持多文件同时传送. 3.支持段点继传,也就是说文件可分N次传送. 4.分服务端和客户端,服务器支持多客户. 5.在传送过程中可实实对话,有聊天功能. 6.为了提高效率,本软件做得短小精悍,两文件总共只有100K,直截运行,不用安装. 7.麻雀虽小,但五脏俱全,功能多,操作方便. 使用方法: 在服务端加入要传文件,客户端输入服务端IP地址(服务端运行后会显示),点击连接,即会显示服务端文件,双击即可下载! 现在是测试版,欢迎多提意义. (2007-10-01, Visual C++, 80KB, 下载27次)



a TCP-based network development projects, The project uses its own communication protocol design from the IBM server and download data after parsed to the electronic map shows the way . (2007-01-28, Visual C++, 1106KB, 下载15次)
