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[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] crtmpserver-2016

crtmpserver又称rtmpd是Evostream Media Server(www.evostream.com)的社区版本采用GPLV3授权,由 C/C++开发的一个高性能的RTMP流媒体服务器,可以实现直播与点播功能多终端支持功能,在特定情况下是FMS的良好替代品。支持RTMP的一堆协议(RTMP,RTMPE, RTMPS, RTMPT, RTMPTE),如果你不想用RED5的话它也是一个很好的选择。
crtmpserver community is also known rtmpd version Evostream Media Server (www.evostream.com) using GPLV3 authorized by the C/C++ development of a high-performance RTMP streaming media server, you can live and on-demand multi-function terminal support, in particular FMS case is a good substitute. Support RTMP protocol pile (RTMP, RTMPE, RTMPS, RTMPT, RTMPTE), if you do not want to use RED5 then it is also a good choice. (2016-03-05, Visual C++, 2607KB, 下载30次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] live_overlay_recorder

Multi-channel video recording mix, you can enter all the way to the main video, one audio, one or two ways of video, two-way video is available on the four corners of the main video switching, video size can automatically detect changes to reset the zoom, mixed use ffmpeg H264 encoded MP4 files compressed using the double-pass encoding. (2015-09-12, Visual C++, 179KB, 下载25次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] avc-src-0.15

T264: T264 is organized by the Chinese video coding jointly developed free H.264 codec. T264 and X264 in the program structure and performance is somewhat similar, but also focus on practicality, absorbed JM, X264 advantages. T264 coding standard H.264 bitstream output, but it can only be decoded bitstream decoding T264 itself. (2013-06-23, Visual C++, 11395KB, 下载35次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] Rate-Control

产生H.263+ 和MPEG4编码标准的一个重要动机就是为了提高压缩视频质量双向实时通讯的质量。在这些应用中,由数据累计的编码器缓冲产生的延迟非常的小,大多小于100ms,并且码率控制策略能有效提高编码高质量和降低编码延迟。
Produce H.263+ and MPEG4 encoding standards is an important motivation is to improve the quality of compressed video quality two-way real-time communication. In these applications, the data accumulated by the encoder buffering delay produced is very small, mostly less than 100ms, and the rate control strategy can effectively improve coding quality and lower coding delay. (2013-06-07, Visual C++, 445KB, 下载1次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] H264player

本示例代码在我的电脑上实现了对标准H264码流的RTP打包发送到本机的1234端口,用VLC播放器从1234端口能接收到该码流并实时播放。代码附有详细的注释,应该很容易理解(前提是大家稍微对RFC3550 RFC3984协议有了解)。
This sample code standard H264 stream RTP package sent to the local port 1234 on my computer, VLC player can receive from port 1234 to the stream and real-time playback. Code with detailed notes, and should be easy to understand (the premise is slightly know the protocol RFC3550 RFC3984). (2012-08-29, Visual C++, 4004KB, 下载16次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] libzplay-2.02-sdk

该库集成了所有支持格式(mp3, mp2, mp1, ogg, flac, ac3, aac, oga, wav and pcm )的编码解码器。库本身是由WINAPI编写,你无须额外的库,也不需要MFC / .NET的支持,只能在Windows下运行。 库直接对声卡播放音乐,简单容易。仅仅3行代码(创建类,打开文件,开始播放),你就可以播放音乐。 使用所支持的编码器,你也同样可以直接从声卡上录制声音(microphone, line-in, CD, ...)和把录制的声音保存到磁盘。 简单,简单,再简单。。。。。。在你的应用程序中只需3行代码便可播放和录制声音。
The library integrates all supported formats (mp3, mp2, mp1, ogg, flac, ac3, aac, oga, wav and pcm is) coding decoder. The library itself is written by WINAPI, you do not need additional libraries do not need the MFC/NET support, can only run under Windows. Library directly on the sound card to play music, is simple and easy. Just three lines of code (create a class, open the file to start playing), you can play music. Support by using the encoder, you can also directly from the sound card to record sound (microphone, line-in, CDs, ...) and the recorded sound is saved to disk. Simple, simple, and could not be easier. . . . . . Only three lines of code in your application you can play and record sound. (2012-06-07, Visual C++, 3698KB, 下载43次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] 12sd3233DirectShow

基于DirectShow的流媒体网上答疑系统 高等学校教学中传统的答疑方式往往是安排老师下班辅导,本文基于DirectShow的框架设计了一个不受时间 地点限制的的流媒体网上答疑系统.在约定的时间,老师和学生可以通过网络进行实时的视频会话.系统采用MPEG-4 的视频编解码器和RTP传输协议栈,及DirectShow技术实现流媒体的生成和传输服务.系统通过RTP/RTCP的反馈拥塞 控制来进行QoS控制和实现了自适应传输,具有硬件成本低,使用方便的特点.
Higher school teaching way of traditional question-answering is often arrange counselling, based on teacher work designed a DirectShow framework with time Place the streaming media restrictions. On-line question-answering system in the agreed upon period of time, the teacher and students can real-time video through the network of conversation. System USES mpeg-4 The video codec and your RTP transmission protocol stack DirectShow technology, and realize the generation and transmission of streaming media service your RTP/RTCP. System through the feedback congestion (2011-04-10, Visual C++, 637KB, 下载8次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] mpalyerc

什么是Media Player Classic? 知道的人不多,但提起国内的暴风影音,我想知道的人就多了,其实暴风影音就是Media Player Classic,暴风影音只是同我一样从Gabest官方下载到了Media Player Classic的源码,不同的是,暴风影音将Media Player Classic改成了自己的名字并加入了许多的解码器,打包成自己的产品,其实这也无可厚非,关键就在于其作者老爱把里面捆绑一些我们用不到的软件. 声明,我说的真的假的,明白的人会看看暴风影音的关于菜单,看看里面是不是有作者Gabest,软件是vc++的,我不会vc++留着也没用,所以就放到网上,让懂vc++的人研究研究,希望那些有志之士能在其基础上研究出更好的软件,而不是只装了解码器就打包成自己的软件.
What is Media Player Classic? Not many people know, but the storm brought home video, I want to know more people, in fact, STORM is Media Player Classic, Storm video just like me to download from the official Gabest Media Player Classic to the source, the difference is , Storm Codec Media Player Classic will be changed to his name and add a lot of decoders, packaged into their own products, in fact, this is understandable, the key lies in its old love of the inside of some of our less than the bundled software. Statement, I said it is true, you know people will look at Storm video on the menu to see if there is not there of Gabest, vc++ software, I will not keep vc++ is useless, so I put online, so that people know vc++ research in the hope of those lofty ideals can be developed based on its better software, rather than just installed decoder packaged into their own software. (2011-01-13, Visual C++, 708KB, 下载5次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] live.2010.11.17_vc6

live555 streaming media server source code 2010.11.17 edition, an increase of VC6.0 project, to facilitate tracking and debugging. I also found the pudn other claims to have vc project code, but the download is very disappointed with the result that those files or not dsp file, or there is only one. Mak file, simply can not debug. Dsp project therefore decided to sort out their own. " Vc6-live555" directory is a lib project and the exe works, note there is only one dsw file, the workspace contains a 5 project, and the establishment of the project dependencies, the compiler when you open the live555.dsw. " Vc6-testProgs" is a test project, including a 23 dsw and dsp. (2010-12-10, Visual C++, 976KB, 下载140次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] H.264decodingprocess

这是一个纯C语言的 H.264 解码程序,速度较慢,如果您试验时手头没有解码器,可以用此凑合。 执行命令方式为: -o 264格式的输入文件 yuv格式的输出文件 比如(假如目录为 D:\H264\ ): D:\H264\h264_dec.exe D:\H264\test.264 D:\H264\test.yuv 若不输入参数,则默认为: h264_dec.exe test.264 test.yuv
This is a pure C language of the H.264 decoding process, a slow, if you do not test the decoder, you can make do with this. For the implementation of the order:-o 264 of the input file format yuv format such as the output file (if the directory is D: \ H264 \): D: \ H264 \ h264_dec.exe D: \ H264 \ test.264 D: \ H264 \ test.yuv if the input parameter, the default is: h264_dec.exe test.264 test.yuv (2009-04-11, Visual C++, 118KB, 下载66次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] MPEG4_sound

MPEG-4音频编码 这是MPEG-4标准中采用的音频压缩技术之一:结构化音频压缩技术。 aacquant.h aacquant.c - 结构化音频量化 backpred.h backpred.c - 后向预测 channels.h channels.c - 音频信道 faac.h faac.c - 结构化音频压缩 fft.h fft.c - 快速Fourier变换 filtbank.h filtbank.c - 滤波器 frame.h frame.c - 音频帧定义 huffman.h huffman.c - Huffman编码 hufftab.h - Huffman编码码表 joint.h joint.c - 音频融合 ltp.h ltp.c - ltp加权因子
MPEG-4 Audio Coding MPEG-4 This is the standard audio compression technology used in one of: the structure of audio compression technology. aacquant.h aacquant.c- structured audio quantization backpred.h backpred.c- after the forecast channels.h channels.c- audio channels faac.h faac.c- structured audio compression fft.h fft.c- Fast Fourier transform filtbank.h filtbank.c- Filter frame.h frame.c- definition of audio frames huffman.h huffman.c- Huffman coding hufftab.h- Huffman encoding code table joint.h joint.c- audio integration ltp.h ltp.c- ltp-weighted factor (2008-04-28, Visual C++, 56KB, 下载21次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] ffmpeg(vc)

一个从FFMPEG中提取出来的VC工程下的H264 decoder,可以正常解码
FFmpeg extract from a VC works out under the H264 decoder, decoding can be normal (2007-07-25, Visual C++, 256KB, 下载1677次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] lanchattoolsrc

program design into the application server and client applications, using Socket Library Network Programming. (UDP) and (TCP/IP) combined for the connection, and solving the data transmission can ensure that the timeliness of the data transfer process is not lost. (2006-08-01, Visual C++, 228KB, 下载47次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] avsdec_source

AVS源代码,AVS1-P2 Decoder 《信息技术 先进音视频编码 第2部分:视频》又称为AVS1-P2,已经获得国家标准化管理委员会批准,国家标准号GB/T 20090.2-2006,于2006年3月1日起实施。本项目旨在开放一套完整高效的AVS视频解码器,促进AVS标准的产业话进程.
AVS source code, AVS1- P2 Decoder "Information technology advanced audio and video coding Part 2 : Video," also known as AVS1- P2, the State Commission for Administration of Standardization approved, the national standard of GB/T 20090.2-2006 in March 2006 effect on the 1st. The project is aimed at opening up a complete and efficient AVS video decoder for standard AVS then process industries. (2006-03-14, Visual C++, 147KB, 下载63次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] encoder_vc

流媒体视频编解码器.丁贵广编的《Visual C++6.0数字图像编码》中h.263的编解码程序。不过编码时只能编码I帧和P帧。解码时在Debug环境下会报错,在Release环境下能通过解码,但是以最快速度播放的。希望大家多多交流,对程序进行一下修改!
Flows the media video frequency to arrange the decoding Ding Guiguang arranges "Visual C 6.0 Numerals Pictures Code" center h.263 to arrange the decoding procedure. When codes only can code I and P. When decoding the bulletin is wrong under the Debug environment, under the Release environment can through the decoding, but by quickest speed broadcast. Hoped everybody many exchanges, carries on to the procedure revises! (2005-09-28, Visual C++, 929KB, 下载78次)
