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按平台查找All Visual Basic(537) 

[其他小程序] MMLUZ

It is about the CAD design of oscilloscope display implemented by VB, but the function is richer and the interface is more beautiful. (2018-11-05, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] 计算器

计算 如1+1=? 可以把“添加后即可生成和使用.res”删掉,即可用于非Windows 7系统。
Calculation Such as 1+1=? The "add in and use.Res" can be deleted and can be used for non Windows 7 systems. (2018-02-14, Visual Basic, 7KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] fmll

I write your own Beckham elephant calculator, it's a bit simple function but the heart is very hope that we support a lot, (2017-06-18, Visual Basic, 40KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] weiqi

Electronic go debugging assistant, you can quickly debug the electronic go 361 sensors, and LED lighting control. Electronic open source Weiqi based on sesame. (2017-05-28, Visual Basic, 196KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] MonthlySalaryCalculator

Simple monthly salary calculator workers, fill in the monthly salary of this technology, the choice of position, point calculation shows that this month s salary. (2017-03-14, Visual Basic, 61KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] Uplink-Noise-Calc

A small calculator communication equipment for low noise calculation. Suitable for active base station equipment and low noise impact parameters calculation tools. (2015-01-20, Visual Basic, 56KB, 下载2次)


[其他小程序] CookieFetcher

Used to buffer file selected collection of webpage browser in China produces, in order to achieve batch save webpage picture, video and other resources, to avoid the repetition rate and time to download. Support more than ten kinds of browsers including IE, Netscape, Firefox, Chrome, Safari in the version of the Windows platform. (2013-02-22, Visual Basic, 1827KB, 下载6次)


[其他小程序] vb02

vb6 亂數產生器,自動產生亂數,使用者可以熟悉亂數函數的使用
vb6 random number generator to automatically generate a random number, the user can be familiar with the use of random number function (2012-07-18, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载4次)


[其他小程序] runtime

Computer running time recorder, database access, statistical start up and shut down time, and starting time, also can show tomorrow s boot time, (2012-01-31, Visual Basic, 110KB, 下载6次)


[其他小程序] jisuanji

This software is analog computer operating system has achieved the calculator written part of the function, the hope can be improved (2011-12-20, Visual Basic, 360KB, 下载5次)


[其他小程序] vb

vb excel formula to use color progress bar draw rectangle method automatically populate a string attribute the use of navigator (2011-04-09, Visual Basic, 16KB, 下载17次)


[其他小程序] LogEdit

You can edit the Windows system logs, will not require the type of log record filtering, and delete! (2011-01-13, Visual Basic, 195KB, 下载114次)


[其他小程序] 2

vb code for countdown timer, you can display the current date and time, set the duration or termination time countdown (2010-12-10, Visual Basic, 336KB, 下载18次)


[其他小程序] Clt

Calculator, completed around January 2001, VB, when homework is to help students, they get this stuff out ~ ~ (2010-07-08, Visual Basic, 6KB, 下载5次)


[其他小程序] bsContactLicense

bsContact 注册器, 将dll添加到工程中并声明一个实例便可移除bsContact控件中的浮动标志。
bsContact License. Through adding the Dll file to project and declare an instance, the floating flag of bsContact control will be removed. (2010-01-08, Visual Basic, 39KB, 下载10次)


[其他小程序] logicCalc

因为最近要做协议,经常用到逻辑计算的功能,就编写了一个功能比较简单的逻辑计算器 可以实现异或、逻辑与、逻辑或的计算 分十进制和十六进制输入两种 输出也分十进制和十六进制 顺带附上源码,VB编写^_^
To be done because of the recent agreement, frequently used functions of the logic of the calculation, the preparation of a relatively simple logic functions can be achieved XOR calculator, logic and, logic or calculations and hexadecimal decimal input two output sub- Incidentally, the metric system and attach a hexadecimal code, VB prepared ^ _ ^ (2009-08-16, Visual Basic, 7KB, 下载14次)


[其他小程序] dswMgr

Project Explorer. It can be achieved similar to VC++ in the Click event code in Jump direct to the code location, with it, you can bring to abandon the project manager, you can improve your coding efficiency, save encoding时间. It also can visit the preservation of historical records, the most visited of the direct targeting of the code and form to allow editing the code and the prohibition and control on the form. It should be said that from the function, it is absolutely better than the built-in Manager. (2009-05-22, Visual Basic, 371KB, 下载5次)


[其他小程序] c

Vb calculator program, the output Xinhuanet three the number of students in search of one serial number for students, with pointer to string (2009-02-22, Visual Basic, 4KB, 下载2次)


[其他小程序] SerialCodeInternet

正版软件网上序列号注册向导 这个程序演示使用网络来验证软件的序列号是否是正版.你需要把调用程序writeFile.php上传到你的服务器,当然你的服务器需要支持PHP功能,MYSQL不需要.
Serial number of legitimate software online registration wizard demo of this process using the Internet to verify the serial number of the software whether it is genuine. You need to call the procedure writeFile.php uploaded to your server, of course, your server needs to support PHP function, MYSQL not required. (2008-10-17, Visual Basic, 11KB, 下载8次)


[其他小程序] LRCmp32007

A support lyrics synchronization of the VB version of MP3 players player, provided by the author, would like to thank! (2008-06-17, Visual Basic, 284KB, 下载12次)
