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按分类查找All 电子书籍(517) 

[电子书籍] pat_fish_assistant

At work, I want to use books in my spare time to improve myself and fish, avoid the social fear of asking colleagues about a book, and the embarrassment of thinking you are fishing with the boss. Simple text reader can solve your problem! Flexible and simple operation mode and extremely hidden UI design allow you to secretly learn to win at the starting line during working hours., (2023-08-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] prpr-reader

like it! 这是一个纯净的安卓阅读器(可在线、可本地),非常纯净没有商城,但是有一个插件库用于搜索并下载在线书籍;无广告、统计功能可关;等等等等;最重要的是长期维护以及Apache 2.0开源协议!更多功能以及建议收录的数据源网站,欢迎发issus讨论~,
Like it! This is a pure Android reader (online and local). It is very pure and there is no mall, but there is a plug-in library for searching and downloading online books; No advertising and statistics functions can be turned off; Wait and so on; The most important thing is long-term maintenance and Apache 2.0 open source protocol! More functions and suggested data source websites are welcome to discuss~, (2021-11-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] Modern API Design with ASP.NET Core 2

使用ASP.NET Core 2通过一系列应用的实际场景来创建持久的跨平台web api。本书中的示例将帮助您构建快速且可伸缩的api。您将从框架的基础知识发展到解决在实现安全RESTful服务时遇到的复杂问题。这本书包含了大量的例子,展示了微软对ASP.NET Core 2的彻底重写是如何实现快速、模块化的本机跨平台应用程序的,从而允许您的云服务器应用程序随着业务增长而扩展。
Use ASP.NET Core 2 to create durable and cross-platform web APIs through a series of applied, practical scenarios. Examples in this book help you build APIs that are fast and scalable. (2020-03-11, C#, 3603KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] 自动控制原理(胡寿松4版)

Dynamic control (principle) refers to the use of additional equipment or devices (called control devices or controllers) to make a machine, equipment or production process (collectively referred to as the controlled object) work in a state or parameter (i.e. the controlled quantity) automatically in accordance with the predetermined rules without direct participation of people. The theory of automatic control is a technical science to study the common law of automatic control. (2020-01-05, Others, 15215KB, 下载6次)


[电子书籍] C和C++深层探索

本书试图通过几十个章节的内容带领读者从多个方面理解c/c++ 的语法,并通过编译器生成汇编代码,使读者明白底层实现,从而能更全面的理解c/c++. 本书不适合作为0基础的入门读物学习。
This book attempts to lead the readers to understand the syntax of C / C + + from many aspects through dozens of chapters, and generate assembly code through compiler, so that the readers can understand the underlying implementation, so as to understand C / C + + more comprehensively. This book is not suitable for learning as a 0-based introductory reading. (2019-10-18, C/C++, 3967KB, 下载12次)


[电子书籍] Python核心编程 第3版

《Python核心编程(第3版)》是经典畅销图书《Python核心编程(第二版)》的全新升级版本,总共分为3部分。第1部分为讲解了Python的一些通用应用,包括正则表达式、网络编程、Internet客户端编程、多线程编程、GUI编程、数据库编程、Microsoft Office编程、扩展Python等内容。第2部分讲解了与Web开发相关的主题,包括Web客户端和服务器、CGI和WSGI相关的Web编程、Django Web框架、云计算、高级Web服务。第3部分则为一个补充/实验章节,包括文本处理以及一些其他内容。 《Python核心编程(第3版)》适合具有一定经验的Python开发人员阅读。
Python core programming (Third Edition) is a newly upgraded version of the classic bestseller Python core programming (Second Edition), which is divided into 3 parts. The first part explains some general applications of Python, including regular expressions, network programming, Internet client programming, multithread programming, GUI programming, database programming, Microsoft Office programming, and extension Python. The second part explains topics related to Web development, including Web client and server, Web programming related to CGI and WSGI, Django Web framework, cloud computing, and advanced Web services. The third part is a supplementary / experimental chapter, including text processing and some other contents. Python core programming (Third Edition) is suitable for Python developers who have some experience. (2018-07-05, Python, 17028KB, 下载17次)


[电子书籍] 基于DSP控制的多路温度采集系统设计_李利品

设计了一种以数字式温度传感器DS18B20 实现多路温度采集的系统。系统以DSP 作为温度采集和控制的核心,结合DSP 软件设计,能够实现多路温度信号的同时采集。该系统还带有RS 232 通用串行接口,可实现与PC 机的实时通信。整个设计电路具有结构简单、数据传输方便、多路温度采集所用时间短及实时性好等优点
this paper designed a temperature control system with DS18B20. (2017-12-18, DOS, 173KB, 下载8次)


[电子书籍] 【Matlab】Matlab宝典

"MATLAB treasure" introduces the knowledge system and operation methods of MATLAB7.0 in a shallow and gradual way. The book is divided into 14 chapters, covers an overview of MATLAB7.0, basic knowledge, numerical calculation, data analysis, symbolic computation, data visualization, M programming language, Simulink simulation system, handle graphics, GUI, file input / output, compiler and application programming interface. (2017-12-08, Others, 28698KB, 下载10次)


[电子书籍] cstandar

C++文法(C++ grammar) 从ISO标准中截取下来的 本书作者根据自己学习C++的亲身体会及多年教学经验,用简单的例子和简练的叙述讲解C++编程,别具特色。 全书共分十八章,内容涉及对象的演化、数据抽象、隐藏实现、初始化与清除、函数重载与缺省参数、输入输出流介绍、常量、内联函数、命名控制、引用和拷贝构造函数、运算符重载、动态对象创建、继承和组合、多态和虚函数、模板和包容器类、多重继承、异常处理和运行时类型识别。 本书作为正式教材和自学用书均非常优秀,作为程序设计者的参考用书亦极为合适。
this paper offer a standar for c progtamming .and it is very useful for learner. (2010-03-01, Visual C++, 20KB, 下载6次)


[电子书籍] zhinengjiajukongzhi

The system uses the MCU (SM8952AC25P) as a master device, SCM application system consists of hardware and software. Expansion of the hardware from the microcontroller memory, input/out devices and a variety of requirements to achieve system control microcomputer interface circuit and related peripheral circuits chips or components software by the microcomputer application system to achieve its specific control functions a variety of work processes and management procedures for the composition. (2009-11-01, WORD, 491KB, 下载9次)


[电子书籍] 12345

The goal of the design of the memory pool is a long time in order to ensure efficient operation of the server, through the application of space applications for small and frequent targets of effective management and reduce memory fragmentation, a rational allocation of the management of user memory, thereby reducing the effective space systems appear adequate, could not be allocated chunk of memory for the situation. (2009-07-27, Visual C++, 10KB, 下载19次)


[电子书籍] VB6.0baodian

《Visual Basic 6 宝典》页数:857 (23.9MB) 格式:超星Visual Basic 6具有新的数据库编程和Web服务器编程功能,深受人们欢迎,被众多美国公司视为企业级重要应用程序开发的首选工具。本书内容涉及Active Data Object、IIS和ActiveX编程、Windows API的使用。本书还提供宝贵的专家建议和大量代码实例,帮助您从容迎接一切编程挑战,建立功能强大且性能可靠的解决方案。本书包含Visual Basic 6的各个方面:了解Visual Basic 6如何加入Visual Studio家族;掌握面向对象编程的基础知识-----窗口、类、对象;结合OLE DB使用新功能Active Data Objects,简化数据库编程;利用新特性WebClass建立IIS应用程序,避免开发Active Internet服务器时可能遇到的陷阱;学习使用Windows API,全面掌握Visual Basic,建立强大的出错处理机制,提高应用程序的可靠性
"Visual Basic 6 book" Pages: 857 (23.9MB) format: Chaoxing new Visual Basic 6 database programming and Web server programming function, by the people welcomed by many U.S. companies as an important enterprise-class applications the preferred development tools. Book cover Active Data Object, IIS and ActiveX programming, Windows API use. This book also provides valuable expert advice and a large number of code examples to help you easily programmed to meet all challenges, the establishment of a powerful and reliable solution. This book contains the Visual Basic 6 in all aspects: understanding of Visual Basic 6 How to join the Visual Studio family object-oriented programming to master the basic knowledge----- window, type, object combination of OLE DB functionality using the new Active Data Objects, to simplify database programming WebClass the establishment of the new features using IIS application, to avoid the development of Active Internet server traps that may be encountered lea (2009-07-27, Visual Basic, 13776KB, 下载13次)


[电子书籍] arch

High-performance high-concurrency server architecture including high interactivity Collection highly interactive data-type large-scale Web site, based on the U.S. well-known reasons, we do not talk about news and some rely on static HTML of the architecture can be achieved, and we high-load High data exchange of high data mobility site as an example (2009-02-15, Java, 12KB, 下载12次)


[电子书籍] wince2

一般認為Windows CE是一個適合嵌入式應用的通用作業系統,然而,從系統的角度來看,Windows CE並不只是一個作業系統,它還包括對多種目標處理器以及週邊設備的支援,並提供了系統開發工具、應用開發工具、整合的應用程式
generally believed that Windows CE is an embedded application for the generic operating system, however, from the system's point of view, Windows CE is not just an operating system, It also includes a variety of target processors to peripheral equipment and support, and to provide a system development tools, application development tools, Integration of Applications (2006-08-16, PowerBuilder, 561KB, 下载52次)


[电子书籍] CC2420_Data_Sheet_1_3

CC2420是Chipcon公司推出的首款符合2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4标准的射频收发器(RF transiver)。它只需要极少外部元件,其选择性和敏感性指标超过了IEEE 802.15.4的要求,可确保短距离通信的有效性和可靠性。并且支持最高达250kpps的数据传输速率,可实现多点对多点的快速组网。
Chipcon CC2420 is the company's first with 2.4GHz IEEE 802 .15.4 standard RF transceiver (RF transiver). It requires very few external components, selectivity and sensitivity of the indicators over IEEE 802.15.4, to ensure that short-range communications effectiveness and reliability. Support 250kpps maximum data transmission speed can achieve more rapid point-to-multipoint network. (2006-05-01, MultiPlatform, 866KB, 下载73次)


[电子书籍] UNIXEAP

本书全面介绍了UNIX系统的程序设计界面—系统调用界面和标准C库提供的许多函数。 本书的前15章着重于理论知识的阐述,主要内容包括UNIX文件和目录、进程环境、进程控制、进程间通信以及各种I/O。在此基础上,分别按章介绍了多个应用实例,包括如何创建数据库函数库,PostScript 打印机驱动程序,调制解调器拨号器及在伪终端上运行其他程序的程序等。 本书内容丰富权威,概念清晰精辟,一直以来被誉为UNIX编程的“圣经”,对于所有UNIX程序员—无论是初学者还是专家级人士—都是一本无价的参考书籍。
the book a comprehensive account of the UNIX system programming interface-system call interface and the standard C library provides a lot of functions. The book's first 15 chapters focus on theoretical knowledge exposition, includes UNIX files and directories, processes, process control, inter-process communication and I/O. On this basis, according to introduce a number of application examples, including how to create database libraries, PostScript printer driver, a modem and a dial-up in pseudo-terminals running on other procedures procedures. The book is rich in content authority, brilliantly clear concept has been praised as UNIX Programming "Bible" for all UNIX programmers- whether beginners or experts- who are an invaluable reference books. (2006-03-28, Unix_Linux, 14198KB, 下载321次)


[电子书籍] interdev6

Visual InterDev 6.0是微软的一种开发环境,它允许你快速地建立和管理动态的Web应用,本章首先介绍一些建立站点的技术背景,这对于理解建立一个站点所需的集成工具是非常有用的。你将了解用于建立动态Web应用客户端和服务器端脚本的技术,Actire Server Framework (ASF)是这种环境下的重要组件。Actine Server对象和组件也是非常重要的,它们为服务器端脚本提供了强大的功能。最后将简要介绍Visual InterDev 6.0的主要特性,这包括站点及网页设计、数据库集成与管理、调试、站点管理和协作开发。
Visual InterDev 6.0 is a Microsoft development environment, it allows you to quickly build and manage dynamic Web application, this chapter to establish the first site to introduce some technical background, this understanding to establish a site for the integrated tools are very useful. You will understand for the creation of dynamic Web application client and server-side scripting technologies, Actire Server Framework (ASF) is the environment an important component. Actine Server object and components is also very important, their server-side scripting provides a powerful function. Finally, a brief introduction of Visual InterDev 6.0 of the main features, including web site design, database integration and management, commissioning, site management and collaborative development. (2006-03-07, Visual Basic, 918KB, 下载20次)


[电子书籍] UNIXgaojibiancheng

本书全面介绍了UNIX系统的程序设计界面—系统调用界面和标准C库提供的许多函数。 本书的前15章着重于理论知识的阐述,主要内容包括UNIX文件和目录、进程环境、进程控制、进程间通信以及各种I/O。在此基础上,分别按章介绍了多个应用实例,包括如何创建数据库函数库,PostScript 打印机驱动程序,调制解调器拨号器及在伪终端上运行其他程序的程序等。 本书内容丰富权威,概念清晰精辟,一直以来被誉为UNIX编程的“圣经”,对于所有UNIX程序员—无论是初学者还是专家级人士—都是一本无价的参考书籍。
the book a comprehensive account of the UNIX system programming interface-system call interface and the standard C library provides a lot of functions. The book's first 15 chapters focus on theoretical knowledge exposition, includes UNIX files and directories, processes, process control, inter-process communication and I/O. On this basis, according to introduce a number of application examples, including how to create database libraries, PostScript printer driver, a modem and a dial-up in pseudo-terminals running on other procedures procedures. The book is rich in content authority, brilliantly clear concept has been praised as UNIX Programming "Bible" for all UNIX programmers- whether beginners or experts- who are an invaluable reference books. (2006-02-27, PDF, 14197KB, 下载34次)


[电子书籍] 3389端口入侵(网页图文教程)

由于微软对中国产品不付责任的态度,使得安装了终端服务和全拼的w2000 服务器存在着远程登陆并能获取超级用户权限的严重漏洞。 3389端口简介:WIN2000中文简体版存在的输入法漏洞,可以使本地用户绕过身份验证机制而进入系统内部。
Microsoft products to China without paying responsibility. makes installing terminal services and the spelling of the existence of w2000 server and remote login access to the super user privileges Yan heavy loopholes. 3389 ports description : simplified Chinese version of Windows 2000 in the importation law loopholes, local users can bypass the authentication mechanism into the system. (2006-01-07, HTML, 527KB, 下载26次)


[电子书籍] 新文件过滤接口程序员指南

这个文档用于I/O管理器和基本文件系统之间的过滤驱动。文件系统可能是本地或者网络的。这个文档不涉及文件系统和存储设备之间的过滤驱动,比如FtDisk和DMIO. 我们将主要讨论一种新的文件系统过滤驱动模型,所谓的微过滤器(minfiter)
documentation for the I/O device management, and basic file system filter driver between. File systems may be local or network. This document does not involve file system and storage equipment between the filter driver, For example FtDisk and DMIO. we will mainly discuss a new file system filter driver model, the so-called micro-filters (minfiter) (2005-12-31, Windows_Unix, 27KB, 下载103次)
