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按分类查找All Unity3D(488) 
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[Unity3D] fast-flocking

对一种具有标准规则以及目标搜索和回避的优化身体聚集算法进行了实验。由于该项目完全基于CPU,因此避免使用计算着色器。在Unity 2023(URP)中开发。
An experiment on an optimized bodies flocking algorithm with standard rules as well as target seeking and avoidance. Since this project is meant to be entirely CPU-based, compute shaders are avoided. Developed in Unity 2023 (URP). (2024-04-30, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unity3D] VisionPro-ShaderTest

该存储库是Unity项目的所在地,该项目具有36个不同的着色器和6个不同的粒子系统,所有这些都将在Apple Vision Pro的同一场景中进行测试。
This repository is home to a Unity project with 36 different shaders and 6 different particle systems to be tested all in the same scene on the Apple Vision Pro. (2024-04-16, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unity3D] Unity-Auto-RP-Shader-Keywords

Automatically sets global shader keywords depending on whether URP or HDRP is currently installed as well as which is currently active, allowing you to properly conditionally compile your shaders for more than one pipeline and also have them swap shader variants automatically at runtime. (2022-11-22, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unity3D] UnityComputeProceduralMap

It s just one of my compute shader demo. It results that it takes only 19 SetPass calls and 25 batches to make this demo., (2018-12-14, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Unity3D] 9021217unity QHierarchy v4.4

unity游戏编辑器扩展插件QHierarchy v4.4 所支持的Unity版本:4.6.0 及以上版本 QHierarchy is an editor extension that adds several often used functions to hierarchy window
QHierarchy is an editor extension that adds several often used functions to hierarchy window: (2019-07-01, C#, 351KB, 下载17次)


[Unity3D] FPSResources

This resource contains the animation state controller for regular monsters, the player of regular FPS and the code for monsters. Include a little UI material and audio material (2018-12-21, C#, 4281KB, 下载0次)


[Unity3D] CameraMoveRotate

Control the role of rotation and movement: the script is added to the character controller component of game objects, role can control mobile and rotation, and keep the Z axis of rigid body not deflection. (2013-08-07, C#, 1KB, 下载15次)


[Unity3D] smokemusic

烟灰灰电台播放器源码: 豆瓣电台 是基于事件驱动的,主窗口cs代码有2000多行,逻辑神马的虽然放在逻辑层,各个窗口又有强引用,还时不时的带着绑定,看着实在是累啊. 此处先郑重声明:我只是尽量用MVVM来实现和原作者相同的效果,界面素材均是直接从豆瓣电台照搬下来的. 项目采用了unity作为依赖注入容器.Client是程序主入口,只是作为一个Shell使用.项目核心是几大模块,分别加载的主窗口的各个区域,各自干各自的事,如果互相想摆会龙门阵神马的,就用EventAggregator通信.SmokeMusic.Common是模块共用层,里面放了很多资源,Converter,Behavior,Trigger,Dialog等等.Framework.Commo作为所有项目共用层,主要是放些Helper,扩展方法等等.Logic是逻辑层,主要是被模块调用,执行业务逻辑.
smokemusic player (2012-10-30, C#, 2922KB, 下载5次)
