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按分类查找All 微信小程序(654) 

[微信小程序] universal-app-router

A minimal starter for a universal Expo + Next.js app with their respective app routers. (2024-01-28, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] HSRchargingCalculator

充能计算器 for 微信小程序《咸鱼的崩铁助理》,
Charging calculator for WeChat applet "Salted Fish s Iron Breaking Assistant", (2023-08-21, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] web-image-viewer

彷 微 信 图片查看器:移动端Web以slider形式展示图片,图片可缩放
Like WeChat picture viewer: mobile web displays pictures in the form of sliders, which can be scaled (2017-04-11, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] Open-In-Browse

在 微 信 打开的网页,提示要求在浏览器打开,一个引导页面。
On the webpage opened by WeChat, you will be prompted to open it in the browser, a guide page. (2020-10-08, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] Galary

使用Photos Framework制作的仿 微 信 图片选择器,支持自定义嵌入其他功能页面
The imitated WeChat picture selector made with Photos Framework supports customized embedding of other function pages (2016-09-18, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] JKPhotoBrowser

高仿 微 信 、iOS10 相册的图片浏览器,具备拖拽缩放、渐变效果
Picture browser that imitates WeChat and iOS10 photo album, with drag zoom and gradient effect (2021-06-04, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] Django-sso-server

A user friendly Django SSO server(一个用户友好的Django单点登录服务器)(ldap&&企业 微 信 扫码)
A user friendly Django SSO server (ldap&&enterprise WeChat scanning code) (2022-12-08, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] weixin

微 信 开发框架:订阅号、企业号、小程序、后台代码生成器 采用的sdk为:
WeChat development framework: the sdks used by subscription number, enterprise number, applet and background code generator are: (2017-09-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] wxapi

微 信 小程序接口工具包,无需服务器,无需开发后台,开箱即用,轻松开发小程序
WeChat applet interface toolkit, no server, no background development, out of the box, easy applet development (2019-08-13, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] weixin-simulator

微 信 客户端模拟器,方便在本地进行 微 信 公众平台API的开发和调试
WeChat client simulator to facilitate the development and debugging of WeChat public platform API locally (2020-02-26, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] ShareManager

A SNS(Social Networking Services) Share Manager for ios, support Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, QQ and Wechat. (2016-02-12, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] notifyService

Notify service developed based on the hyperf framework.(Support drivers include SMS、Email、Wechat、GeTui、RabbitMQ drivers, support methods include single, batch, and asynchronous queues, and support customization) (2022-01-23, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] skadi

Easily run something on your server by sending message to IM. slack, teams, wechat, etc... (2023-03-06, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] com.appalachia.unity3d.editor

Unity Editor首选项的强类型自动注册和引用。支持其他编辑器预处理...
Strongly typed and automatic registration and referencing of Unity Editor preferences. Supports additional Editor preference types like bool, Bounds, Color, Enum, Gradient, Quaternion, Vector*. (2021-05-03, C#, 36KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] University_project_uniapp

采用uni-app框架开发app,实现用户登陆,提醒用户浇水,实时显示温度、湿度光 照强度,视频传输,图像风格转化。 使用python搭建服务器,实现app、单片机、服务器、openmv摄像头之间的通信。
The app is developed using the uni app framework to realize user login, remind users to water, display temperature, humidity, light intensity, video transmission, and image style conversion in real time. Use python to build a server to realize the communication between app, MCU, server and openmv camera. (2023-02-14, Vue, 21429KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] react-redux-express-universal-app-boilerplate

使用React、Redux、React Engine和Express进行React客户端和服务器端渲染。
React client-side and server-side rendering using React, Redux, React-Engine and Express. (2016-01-28, JavaScript, 10KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] create-react-app-universal

Create React App项目的即时服务器端渲染和代码拆分,而不弹出
Instant Server-side rendering and Code-splitting for your Create React App projects, without ejecting (2017-09-02, JavaScript, 104KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] simple-universal-web-app

Dead simple, no router and other stuff. Only to show how universal web apps work. (2016-01-18, JavaScript, 7KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] gyro-app-unity3d

Android PC应用程序,用于在unity3d下制作的陀螺仪传感器的实时旋转演示。
Android PC app for realtime rotation demo of Gyro sensor made under unity3d. (2020-01-14, C#, 27363KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] 小程序

小程序 例子 自己写的小功能 一个测试功能的代码
The small function written by the small program example itself a code for testing the function (2019-11-01, JavaScript, 151KB, 下载0次)
