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按平台查找All Java(53249) 

[数学计算] peak-range-app

This simple tool identifies the time range with the highest occurrence of events within a day s data (2024-04-09, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] peak-interval-finder

This simple tool identifies the time interval with the highest occurrence of events within a day s data (2023-09-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[] car-park-system

Enhancing the existing Car Park System to support concurrent access to a multi-story car park system. You need to ensure no deadlock occurs and fairness is ensured for vehicular movement within the car park, and you are expected to implement Monitor concept with programming correctness. (2021-04-18, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[托管/部署] biogenesis

Biogenesis simulates in a visual fashion the processes involved in the evolution of unicellular organisms at nature. Originally hosted on [h…](https: biogenesis.sourceforge.net ), (2023-08-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[] JavaWeb_Filter

Many things have happened recently. The first is the computer self-study stage. I have learned the part of mybatis, but there is still a long way to go. There are too many things to learn. In the future, we have to integrate all the learned knowledge. I really don t know how programmers should work in the future. The second thing is the most (2021-10-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[生物医药技术] Mediquick

Mediquick App that alert people within the nearest location when there is an emergency by sharing their location to doctors and first-aiders who registered in that app. It tries to find the people within 2km location. If it can t find it will just increase radii (2021-12-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[调试/Bug] BugTracking

The main aim of the project is to manage the errors or bugs occur during software development phase and cycle. After the implementation of this project, the employees can update the issue details, solve issues and update the system from any location with internet access. (2021-08-20, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] paging-algorithms

Applies various page replacement algorithms to a reference string and displays the number of page faults and where they occurred. (2020-05-14, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[调试/Bug] crash-exception

当程序发生错误时,Crash- Exception 可以抓捕到异常信息,并将错误信息保存到你指定的目录中。,
When an error occurs in the program, Crash - Exception can capture the exception information and save the error information to the directory you specified., (2018-11-10, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[] Big-Data-Project---Crime-Rate-in-Chicago-

Made an analysis to find:1. Top 3 crimes in each year from 2003 – 2015.2. The types of crimes happen in each community area. and (3) Which community area in Chicago is safe and which so danger. (2016-04-29, Java, 718KB, 下载0次)


[] edge-query-core

A set of edge computing framework is used to combine the data of multiple services, and the combination process takes place on the side close to the data. (2018-04-03, Java, 16KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] BiometricManager

指纹认证识别库,android 官方API实现指纹识别框架,支持android 6.0以上, 可以识别到指纹数据是否发生变化.
Fingerprint authentication and recognition library, implemented by the official Android API, supports Android 6.0 or higher and can identify whether fingerprint data has changed (2020-06-04, Java, 184KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] HttpKeepAliveDemo1

这是一个通过http实现长连接(长轮询)的demo,客户端 jQuery发请求,服务器端 Servlet 堵塞当前请求(hold on),当服务器端发生变化需要通知客户端时,利用当前hold on 的 TCP连接直接返回信息到客户端,...
This is a demo that implements long connections (long polling) through HTTP. The client jQuery sends requests, while the server Servlet blocks the current request (hold on). When there is a change on the server that needs to be notified to the client, the TCP connection of the current hold on is used to directly return information to the client (2019-03-03, Java, 5KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] re-fighting-autonomous-intelligent-sensors-server

?? ?? ?? A project based in Mobile and Pervasive Computing. This project was built using Arduino, C++ (C Plus Plus), Java, Android and Google App Engine. The scenario chosen for this project was to combat forest fires with the use of sensors and actuators, to detect and prevent fire occurrences in forests, as also, collect and analyse data from (2020-05-12, Java, 47686KB, 下载0次)


[] Android 音乐频谱分析

Android 音乐频谱分析,把时域上连续的信号(波形)强度转换成离散的频域信号(频谱)
Android music spectrum analysis converts the continuous signal (waveform) intensity into discrete frequency domain signals (spectrum) (2017-08-19, Java, 58KB, 下载8次)


[其他] 51CTO下载-%28不错%29RPG资料搜集

J2ME checkpoints, you can walk through different ways to try, as well as a treasure box and other interesting things happen (2017-06-22, Java, 733KB, 下载1次)


[android开发] Chapter-8-Earthquake

Automatically predict earthquakes, although data from the Internet, reliability determined by technology, but there is definitely an earthquake ll know quickly. (2013-05-29, Java, 25KB, 下载12次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Trans

即时聊天系统,只实现基本功能,希望喜欢,另有未发现bug 不知原因引起死机(发生概率低于1天).
Real-time chat system, only basic functions, hope you like it, and another found no crash bug caused unknown (probability of less than 1 day). (2011-04-02, Java, 53KB, 下载19次)


[数据库系统] mySqlDao

The establishment of a database, create tables, a simple query, deletion, modification can be, these incidents occurred when the click of a button (2008-04-27, Java, 2KB, 下载17次)


[] ASP算法

two targets ASP provided by the built-in objects most commonly used two. The browser (or other user agent) and the Web server, and the response to the request of the exchange of information through the ASP two built-in objects to visit and management, which two objects called Object Request and Response. (2005-05-07, Java, 39KB, 下载4次)
