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[其他小程序] xiaomijisuanqi

This project is an imitation of the millet calculator Android source code but only basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculation function, can not be more complex scientific calculations. (2016-07-29, Java, 632KB, 下载2次)


[其他小程序] Calculator

这个项目是开发一款有多个面板的计算器。不仅有针对日常生活“标准型”面板、针对理工科计算的“科学型”面板、针对于编程人员计算“程 员”面板,还别出心裁地开发了针对中学生的数学学习“特色型”面板,有利于他们检查自己数学作业答案和试卷答案。
This project is to develop a multiple panel calculator. Not only for daily life " standard" panel, for science and engineering computing " science-based" panel, for the calculation of " Cheng member" panel at programmers, but also ingenuity developed for high school students to learn mathematics " feature type" panel, there conducive to their answers and check their math homework papers answers. (2014-04-20, Java, 333KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] android-Calculator

计算器操作 (CM) 清除存储值 (RM) 取出存储值 (M-) 当前显示值与存储值相减并保存 (M+/MS) 把目前显示的值放在存储器中,中断数字输入 (0-9) 按钮分别为输入数字0-9 字符键 (.) 钮用来输入小数点 (+/-) 钮用来转换当前值的正负 (√) 求平方根 ( ) 求百分比 (→)提供退格键功能 (C)按钮清除刚才的输入 (=) 确认计算结果 归零 (AC)清除全部数据结果和运算符 (CE)清除现有寄存器中的值并显示"0". 数据重新输入
Calculator operation (CM) clears the stored value (RM) Remove the memory value (M-) current displayed value subtracted stored and saved (M+/MS) of the currently displayed value in memory, the Interrupt digital input (0-9) buttons to input numbers 0-9 character keys (.) Button is used to enter a decimal point (+ /-) Button is used to convert the current value of the positive and negative (√) the square root ( ) Percentage of demand (→) to provide the Backspace function (C) button to clear the previous input (=) Confirm the results Zero (AC) Clear all data results and Operators (CE) clears the existing values ​ ​ in the registers and displays "0." Data re-enter (2013-09-25, Java, 52KB, 下载2次)


[其他小程序] ComputerAdd

编写一个简单的计算器程序,实现两个数相加。运行结果如图所示。 在文本框输入两个实数,点击“相加”按钮实现两个实数相加,并在标签中显示相加结果,点击“清除”完成对文本框和运行结果的清除。
Write a simple calculator program to add two numbers. Run results shown in Fig. Enter two real numbers in the text box and click the " add" button sum of two real numbers and display the result of the addition on the label, click the " Clear" text box and the results of running the Clear. (2013-01-13, Java, 1KB, 下载7次)


[其他小程序] jisuanqi

设计一个计算器,利用它可以进行简单的四则运算(加、减、乘、除、开方)等,但仅限于十进制下,此外还可以进行(八进制,十进制,十六进制)之间的相互转换。 要求:有简单的需求分析,功能设计,详细设计(程序流程),异常处理,测试,源程序清单,总结,具体格式见附件。 知识点: 掌握 图形用户界面设计; 掌握基本类的设计与使用; 掌握事件处理机制; 掌握使用异常处理方法。
Design a calculator, which allows you a simple four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, prescribing), but only to the decimal, in addition can also be (octal, decimal, hexadecimal) conversion. Requirements: a simple needs analysis, functional design, detailed design (program flow), exception handling, testing, source list, summary, the specific format in Annex. Point of knowledge: to master the design of graphical user interface master the basic design and use of the class master event handling mechanism to master the use of exception handling. (2012-06-08, Java, 2KB, 下载5次)


[其他小程序] Calculator

Calculator: to achieve four operations and can be achieved in parentheses, trigonometric functions, plus or minus the number of operations to solve the problem of the decimal point accuracy (2012-05-08, Java, 5KB, 下载6次)


[其他小程序] stockTrader

This program is designed to mimic stock trading. Users can purchase or sell stocks of three different virtual companies. The prices of the stock change at the end of the day. (2012-02-09, Java, 2KB, 下载10次)


[其他小程序] Calculator2

A small calculator java source code, to achieve the addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and other operations, there are some special calculation symbols. After several tests can run successfully. (2012-01-06, Java, 4KB, 下载3次)


[其他小程序] calculator-write-by-java

用JAVA语言实现的简单的计算器源代码,采用Eclipse编写,包括功能+,-,*,/, ,1/x,本人新手,如有不足还请海涵.
JAVA language with a simple calculator source code, written by Eclipse, including functional+,-,*,/, , 1/x, I am novice, if less than requested Haihan. (2011-05-26, Java, 15KB, 下载6次)


[其他小程序] jisuanqi

Calculator application designed to be completed addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square root, sub-power computing. And a decimal point, sign, clear, clear, and some error handling functions. Right click the appropriate number keys and operator symbols key, and then click the " =" number button, the window above the text box will be displayed calculated results to a text edit box empty, click the Clear button. (2010-06-03, Java, 47KB, 下载7次)


[其他小程序] jisuanqi

计算器功能比较简单,界面比较清爽,能进行十进制的加、减、乘、除、求倒数和负数功能,后来加上能实现“sin” “cos” “tan” “pow” 功能,clear表示初始化。
Simple calculator functions, interface cleaner, can be decimal add, subtract, multiply, divide, find the inverse and negative features, was added to achieve " sin" " cos" " tan" " pow" function, clear that the early initialize. (2010-04-19, Java, 159KB, 下载3次)


[其他小程序] Calculator

Their own to do a calculator to complete basic functions, we hope that they can help, and if found in the course of that bug me, please (2010-01-04, Java, 3KB, 下载3次)


[其他小程序] CAL1

Multi-function calculator from the analysis, powerful, user-friendly, I believe we would have a look. The majority of annotated source code for reference for beginners to learn. (2009-07-26, Java, 194KB, 下载38次)


[其他小程序] Example_Calculate

Examples of a calculator: the realization of add, subtract, multiply, with the exception of computing, pay attention to during the division operation, if the divisor is 0, then a simple】 【directly to the output 0, then】 【complexity to the user error message (2009-04-12, Java, 5KB, 下载3次)


[其他小程序] computer

这是一个小的计算器,很方便,只是要通过开发环境软件编译,如果安装了jdk1.4也可以,建议使用前者。使用JBuilder 2005编写,如果想要下载使用的话,可以在src文件夹内查看源代码。
This is a small calculator, it is convenient only to the environment through the development of the software compiler, if can also be installed jdk1.4, it is recommended to use the former. The use of JBuilder 2005 to prepare, if you want to download, it can be in the src folder to view the source code. (2008-02-17, Java, 76KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] jisuan

做一个简易的“+ - x /”计算器:在Applet中加入2个提示标签,1个显示结果的标签,两个输入文本域,四个单选按钮(标题分别为+-×/),1个“计算”按钮,分别输入2整数后,选择相应运算符,点击“计算”按钮后显示结果。两个form窗口的链接
Do a simple+- X/ calculator: In Applet add two tips label, the result will be displayed a label, the two input text fields, four radio button (entitled+- ×/), a calculated button, type 2, respectively, after rounding, select the appropriate operator, click on the calculate button displayed. Two form a link window (2007-12-29, Java, 1KB, 下载2次)


[其他小程序] Calculator

简单的计算器程序 经由本人改动 可实现常见的一些计算功能 有兴趣的朋友可以拿去做初级编程的练习
A simple calculator program can be achieved through changes in my common interest in a number of computing friends can get to do the initial programming exercises (2007-12-17, Java, 2KB, 下载27次)


[其他小程序] VerySimpleCalculator

writing papers when used in many mass, which is a simple calculator. Put excel in accordance with the data shown paste to txt document. Can modify the source codes to calculate the data. Simple but practical, and is a beginner to learn how to cope with a text file of examples. Email questions to fly-lion@126.com (2007-05-28, Java, 1KB, 下载36次)


[其他小程序] NetTool

1.一个简单的程序可以直接查询自己主机的IP地址和www服务器的IP地址 2.使用输入框填写行列值,输出矩阵表
1. A simple procedure can direct their inquiries to the host IP address and the www server IP addresses 2. use input box to fill in the ranks of value, the output matrix (2006-07-01, Java, 1KB, 下载4次)
