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[驱动编程] gba程序开发入门

gba程序开发入门,GBA的软件开发主要是以C语言为主,程序设计简单而且十分自由,也正是这一点吸引了许多爱好者在GBA上做东西(不一定是游戏).你完全可以把它做成PDA,做成Mp3播放器(它的声音处理方面能力也不错哦),做成随身电影播放齐,做成电子词典等,只要你有能力设计它的软件. (2022-09-12, Others, 492KB, 下载0次)


[驱动编程] bmp280

It is suitable for Qualcomm 8909 platform. The pressure sensor can be recognized in the application program and the pressure value can be read normally. (2018-12-13, C/C++, 24KB, 下载3次)


[驱动编程] LINUX

Explorer under Linux, the main graphical display of system resources to display CPU information, display hard disk information, process information display, the display memory information, network information and other display functions. (2013-07-05, Unix_Linux, 551KB, 下载7次)


[驱动编程] IQS316_driver

开发环境Ubuntu10.10 内核源代码版本linux2.6.32.2 交叉编译环境版本V4.4.3 驱动函数说明: 该代码是S3C2440的I2C口连接的IQS316电容感应按键芯片驱动。驱动每隔200ms读取IQS316寄存器一次,并进行键值整理发送给用户空间。 由于芯片原因,该驱动比较耗费CPU。 本代码项目实用,可参考。
Development environment Ubuntu10.10 Kernel source code version linux2.6.32.2 Cross-compiler environment version V4.4.3 Drive function: The code is S3C2440 I2C port is connected IQS316 capacitive sensing buttons chip driver. Drive every 200ms read IQS316 register once, and the key Organize send the user space. Chip reasons, the driver is consuming CPU. The code project practical. (2013-04-07, Unix_Linux, 62KB, 下载31次)


[驱动编程] linux_device_driver

本书是一本介绍Linux设备驱动开发理论、框架与实例的书,本书以Linux 2.6版本内核为蓝本,详细介绍自旋锁、信号量、完成量、中断顶/底半部、定时器、内存和I/O映射以及异步通知、阻塞I/O、非阻塞I/O等Linux设备驱动理论;字符设备、块设备、TTY设备、I2C设备、LCD设备、音频设备、USB设备、网络设备、PCI设备等Linux设备驱动的架构和框架中各个复杂数据架构和函数的关系,并讲解了大量Linux驱动开发的大量实例,使读者能够独立开发各类Linux设备驱动。
This book is an introduction to Linux device driver development theory, framework instance books, book modeled on Linux 2.6 kernel version, described in detail spin locks, semaphores, Output, interrupt the top/bottom half, timer,Linux device driver theory memory and I/O mapping as well as asynchronous notification, blocking I/O, non-blocking I/O and other character devices, block devices, TTY devices, I2C devices, LCD devices, audio devices, USB devices, network equipment,PCI devices and other Linux device driver architecture and framework complex data architecture and function of the relationship, and explained to a large number of instances of a large number of Linux-driven development to enable readers to independent development of all types of Linux device driver. (2013-02-19, Others, 13548KB, 下载9次)


[驱动编程] LINUX-Device-Driver(att.Source)

LINUX设备驱动程序第三版配套源码; 设备驱动最通俗的解释就是“驱使硬件设备行动”。驱动与底层硬件直接打交道,按照硬件设备的具体工作方式,读写设备的寄存器,完成设备的轮询、中断处理、DMA通信,进行物理内存向虚拟内存的映射等,最终让通信设备能收发数据,让显示设备能显示文字和画面,让存储设备能记录文件和数据。
LINUX device drivers third edition of the supporting source Device Driver is the most popular explanation is " driven by the actions of hardware. The drive deal directly with the underlying hardware, the read and write devices work in accordance with the specific hardware register, complete the device polling, interrupt handling, DMA communication, physical memory to virtual memory mapping, and ultimately allow communication device can send and receive data , so that the display device can display text and pictures, log file and data storage equipment. (2012-09-18, Visual C++, 150KB, 下载8次)


[驱动编程] Linux-device-driver

本书是经典著作《linux 设备驱动程序》的第三版。该版本已针对 linux 内核的 2.6.10 彻底更新过了。内核的这个版本针对常见任务完成了合理化设计及相应的简化,比如即插即用,利用sysfs 文件系统和用户空间交互,以及标准总线上的多设备管理等等。本书提供了完整的示例程序,不需要特殊的硬件即可编译和运行这些示例程序。本书还在单独的章节中讲述了 pci、usb 和 tty(终端)子系统。对期望了解操作系统内部工作原理的读者来讲,本书也深入阐述了地址空间、异步事件以及 i/o 等方面的内容。本书主要介绍:完整的字符、块、tty(终端)及网络驱动程序驱动程序的调试、中断、计时问题、并发、锁定和对称多处理器系统(smp)、内存管理和 dma、驱动程序模型和 sysfs、热插拔设备、对常见总线的描述,包括 scsi、pci、usb 和 ieee1394(火线)。
Linux device driver Third Edition (2012-08-27, Unix_Linux, 1259KB, 下载36次)


[驱动编程] Linux-device-Edition-3

内核负责创建和销毁进程, 并处理它们与外部世界的联系(输入和输出). 不同进程间通讯(通过信号, 管道, 或者进程间通讯原语)对整个系统功能来说是基本的, 也由内核处理. 另外, 调度器, 控制进程如何共享CPU, 是进程管理的一部分. 更通常地, 内核的进程管理活动实现了多个进程在一个单个或者几个 CPU 之上的抽象.
内核负责创建和销毁进程, 并处理它们与外部世界的联系(输入和输出). 不同进程间通讯(通过信号, 管道, 或者进程间通讯原语)对整个系统功能来说是基本的, 也由内核处理. 另外, 调度器, 控制进程如何共享CPU, 是进程管理的一部分. 更通常地, 内核的进程管理活动实现了多个进程在一个单个或者几个 CPU 之上的抽象. (2012-08-09, Unix_Linux, 989KB, 下载3次)


[驱动编程] serial-driver

Serial driver about arm9G20 processors, does not use DMA, but can be used as learning portal reference to the drive, I' ve been on the board when the serial port can not be used, can be used ssh monitoring. (2012-05-24, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载3次)


[驱动编程] ADTest

"led+bell驱动.rar"开发板上led和bell的驱动程序,"LedText.rar"是led和bell的应用程序 “串口测试.rar”是串口测试程序。串口驱动中已包含三线串口 “温度测试.rar”是温度传感器测试实验,驱动与应用做在一起的 “LedControl.rar”包含led、bell、key的测试程序,驱动与应用做在一起的。
"led+ bell, drive rar" development board led and bell driver the "LedText.rar is led and the bell of the application (2012-04-18, Visual C++, 5651KB, 下载4次)


[驱动编程] 0V9650-drive-application-source-code

编译器必须为 3.3.2 编译时候要加参数 1)加载模块:insmod s3c2440a_camif.ko (设备节点为:/dev/v4l/video0) 2)运行程序:./ov9650_init (通过iic初始化ov9650芯片,运行一次即可) 2)运行测试程序:./testcamera (加-h可查看参数说明) 注: 1)驱动模块中不含摄像头芯片的iic初始化,初始化部分位于ov9650_init中。 2)若文件系统不支持2.6下的insmod命令,请先用包里的new_rootfs.cramfs根文件系统,近期我们将提供新的含图形界面的文件系统。 3)该模块的源码暂时只提供给OEM/ODM用户。 Arm-linux-gcc –ljpeg testcramera.c –o testcramera
Arm-linux-gcc –ljpeg testcramera.c –o testcramera (2012-04-18, Visual C++, 2378KB, 下载27次)


[驱动编程] Grub4Dos_0.46A_SRC

GRUB for DOS(GRUB4DOS)是一个以 GNU GRUB 为基础的功能强大的引导器。它可以在 DOS 和 LINUX下运行,也可以通过其他引导器来运行,还可以作为MBR运行。GRUB4DOS内置了功能完善的 BIOS 级磁盘仿真。这是目前最新版本的源码。
This is GNU GRUB, the GRand Unified Bootloader. GRUB is intended to provide important bootloader features that are missing from typical personal computer BIOSes:- provides fully-featured command line and graphical interfaces- recognizes fdisk partitions and BSD disklabels- can dynamically read Linux ext2fs, ReiserFS, JFS and XFS, BSD ufs, MS-DOS FAT16 and FAT32, Minix fs, and VSTa fs filesystems, plus hardcoded blocklists- can boot Multiboot-compliant kernels (such as GNU Mach), as well as standard Linux and*BSD kernels See the file NEWS for a description of recent changes to GRUB. (2012-04-12, Unix_Linux, 1548KB, 下载5次)


[驱动编程] Grub4Dos_0.45C_SRC

GRUB for DOS(GRUB4DOS)是一个以 GNU GRUB 为基础的功能强大的引导器。它可以在 DOS 和 LINUX下运行,也可以通过其他引导器来运行,还可以作为MBR运行。GRUB4DOS内置了功能完善的 BIOS 级磁盘仿真。
This is GNU GRUB, the GRand Unified Bootloader. GRUB is intended to provide important bootloader features that are missing from typical personal computer BIOSes:- provides fully-featured command line and graphical interfaces- recognizes fdisk partitions and BSD disklabels- can dynamically read Linux ext2fs, ReiserFS, JFS and XFS, BSD ufs, MS-DOS FAT16 and FAT32, Minix fs, and VSTa fs filesystems, plus hardcoded blocklists- can boot Multiboot-compliant kernels (such as GNU Mach), as well as standard Linux and*BSD kernels See the file NEWS for a description of recent changes to GRUB. (2012-04-12, Unix_Linux, 1548KB, 下载9次)


[驱动编程] driver_mini2440_linux

自己编写的linux下基于mini2440开发板的温湿度传感器dht11的驱动程序和驱动测试程序, 里面包含编译好的驱动模块和测试程序,放到mini2440板里可以直接使用
His writing under the Linux based on mini2440 development board of temperature and humidity dht11 driver and driven testing procedures, contains compiled driver modules and test programs, in mini2440 board can use directly (2012-03-05, Unix_Linux, 6KB, 下载55次)


[驱动编程] ipsender3.1

linux上服务器的网卡驱动,内核编程,ioctl 驱动,ioctl是设备驱动程序中对设备的I/O通道进行管理的函数。所谓对I/O通道进行管理,就是对设备的一些特性进行控制,例如串口的传输波特率、马达的转速等等。 本代码是公司工程实际产品的驱动,极具参考价值。
linux on the server s network card drivers, kernel programming, ioctl driver, ioctl is device driver for the device I/O channel management functions. The so-called I/O channel management, some of the characteristics of the equipment is controlled, such as serial transmission baud rate, motor speed, and so on. The code is the actual product-driven engineering, great reference value. (2012-01-17, Unix_Linux, 3040KB, 下载6次)


[驱动编程] checkdevice

dektec server playout card is a card, in order to prevent card failure, which is required to do according to the company s card fault detection, error by the flash card tips. For some new dektec card, you may need to download the latest drivers . (2012-01-17, Unix_Linux, 8752KB, 下载11次)


[驱动编程] gpio

linux 下(w83627)super io 的驱动原码。主要是有如何通过lpc总线访问w83627的寄存器
this is w83627 driver code in linux. it will show how to acess to w83627 register on LPC bus. (2012-01-05, Unix_Linux, 74KB, 下载80次)



嵌入式Linux驱动程序开发 设备驱动程序实际是处理和操作硬件控制器的软件,从本质上讲,是内核中具有最高特权级的、驻留内存的、可共享的底层硬件处理例程。驱动程序是内核的一部分,是操作系统内核与硬件设备的直接接口,驱动程序屏蔽了硬件的细节,完成以下功能....
Embedded Linux driver development device driver is actually handling and operation of the hardware controller software, in essence, is the kernel with the highest privilege level, the presence of memory, can share the underlying hardware handling routines. Driver is part of the kernel is the operating system kernel and a direct interface to hardware devices, drivers shield the hardware details, complete the following features .... (2010-09-04, Visual C++, 572KB, 下载3次)


[驱动编程] Dynamic

动态链接库程序的编写。静态库与动态库的区别,以及调用程序在链接静态库和动态库时的区别。如何利用工具查看动态链接库输出的函数,Depends工具的使用,C++编译器名字改编技术对动态链接库输出函数的影响,extern "C"的用法,利用模块定义文件来解决C++名字改编的问题。用typedef定义指向函数的指针类型,如何获得动态连接库里的函数的指针。
Dynamic link library preparation process. Static library and dynamic library distinction, and call procedures in the static library and dynamic link library when the distinction. How to use tool to view a dynamic link library function of the output, Depends tools, C++ compiler the names of adapted technologies for dynamic link library function of the impact of the output, extern " C" usage, use module definition files to resolve the C++ the name of adaptation. Typedef point to use the definition of function pointer type, how to obtain the dynamic link library function pointer. (2009-03-17, Visual C++, 169KB, 下载1次)


[驱动编程] UPCAN

CAN-bus device driver has been Linux2.4 test. CAN controller MCP2510, microprocessor S3C2410, cross compiler environment for arm-linux-2.95.3. (2007-09-06, Unix_Linux, 49KB, 下载103次)
