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[驱动编程] fxload-2008_10_13.tar

FXLOAD UTILITY 这个程序是方便可以下载固件到FX,FX2, 和FX2LP的EZ-USB设备,以及原始AnchorChips的EZ-USB。 它的目的是要调用热插拔脚本时未编程 设备出现在总线上。 主要是作为一个开发援助,这也可以被用来更新 从I2C串行EEPROM引导设备上的固件。对于那 使用,以及将固件下载到所有其他的片外存储器, 的第二阶段加载程序必须首先被下载。 的分布包括“a3load.hex”,这是一个简单的第二阶段 装载机,上面列出的所有的EZ-USB产品。如果您 要写入至EEPROM,可以使用相应版本的 “Vend_Ax”与赛普拉斯开发工具包提供的代码。 UPDATES 请参阅下载页面http://linux-hotplug.sourceforge.net 最新的版本。 CVS存储库,拥有的最新版本 这个软件。该网站显示的一些方法,使用“fxload” 配合USB热插拔,,加载设备固件。 Linux的热插拔DEVEL-USB Linux的开发列表张贴任何错误报告。 如果你修改了代码,GPL要求你让你的更新 一般可用(在大多数情况下)。为它们在 形式的补丁对当前的CVS(CVS差异-U“),或 释放(“的差异-U老新”)是最有用的,否则它的尴尬 将这种变化为标准的分布。
FXLOAD UTILITY This program is conveniently able to download firmware into FX, FX2, and FX2LP EZ-USB devices, as well as the original AnchorChips EZ-USB. It is intended to be invoked by hotplug scripts when the unprogrammed device appears on the bus. Primarily as an aid for developers, this can also be used to update firmware on devices which boot from I2C serial EEPROMs. For that use, as well as downloading firmware to all other off-chip memory, a second stage loader must first be downloaded. The distribution includes "a3load.hex", which is a simple second stage loader that works with all the EZ-USB products listed above. If you want to write to an EEPROM, you can use the appropriate version of the "Vend_Ax" code provided with the Cypress developer kit. UPDATES See the download page at http://linux-hotplug.sourceforge.net for the latest release. The CVS repository there holds the most current version of this software. The web site shows some ways to u (2012-11-20, Unix_Linux, 23KB, 下载8次)
