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按平台查找All Fortran(627) 

[其他] rndgen-fortran

Fortran module of the KISS random number generator. It facilitates the simultaneous utilization of multiple independent random number generators. (2024-02-26, Fortran, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] HD2D_para_ANIS_LICHUAN_GITHUB

This repository contains modified Fortran code based on the GHOST pseudospectral solver of the 2D Navier-Stokes equation in a periodic rectangular domain. (For more information on the most up to date version of GHOST, please see https://wp.df.uba.ar/mininni/ghost/) (2023-07-25, Fortran, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] pyranda

A Python driven, Fortran powered Finite Difference solver for arbitrary hyperbolic PDE systems. This is the mini-app for the Miranda code., (2023-07-14, Fortran, 0KB, 下载0次)


[超算/并行计算] OpenCoarrays

Fortran 2018编译器的并行应用程序二进制接口。,
A parallel application binary interface for Fortran 2018 compilers., (2023-05-27, Fortran, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Fortran编程] Maespa-OSU

基于MAESTRA和SPA的土壤-植物-大气模型使用“英特尔Visual Fortran编译器”(版本>;10)编译。玻璃纤维...
A soil-plant-atmosphere model based on MAESTRA and SPA Compiles with: Intel Visual Fortran Compiler (version >10). gfortran A Makefile is provided to compile Maes* on a Mac (thanks to Martin de Kauwe and Alejandro Morales). (2018-03-27, Fortran, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Fortran编程] zodiac-code

This is a DNS code for the analysis of a turbulent ice-ocean interface. The main solver is Zodiac.f that calls channel.f . Presently the code is configured for two periodic directions and is parallelized in the periodic spanwise direction. Presently the code outputs both in netcdf and in vtk paraview files. All the input variables are specified ... (2019-09-25, Fortran, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Fortran编程] MPI_2D_domain_decomp_turb_particles

Turbulence solver and particle Lagrangian tracking (with collision statistics). All parallelized in MPI using 2D domain decomposition. (2018-12-22, Fortran, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Fortran编程] FTeik-Eikonal-Solver

FTeik软件包:用于计算非均匀各向同性速度模型中的初至旅行时的2D和3D Eikonal解算器...
FTeik package: 2D and 3D Eikonal solver to compute first arrival traveltimes in a heterogeneous isotropic velocity model, with the possibility to use different grid spacing in all directions. (2019-11-11, Fortran, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Fortran编程] SPECTER

PDE solver focused on Navier-Stokes (and related) equations with arbitrary boundary conditions, employing Fourier (FC-Gram) expansions. Parallelized using MPI-OpenMP-CUDA. (2023-02-16, Fortran, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Fortran编程] Multall-open-18

Multall open是一个基于3D、多级、Navier-Stokes解算器Multall的涡轮机械设计系统。它可以是你...
Multall-open is a turbomachinery design system based on the 3D, multistage, Navier-Stokes solver Multall. It can be used to design axial, mixed and radial flow turbines and compressors. (2019-10-18, Fortran, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] CP3d

CP3d is a comprehensive Euler-Lagrange solver for the direct numerical simulations of particle-laden flows. (2023-04-23, Fortran, 14036KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] CUDA Fortran 高效编程实践.pdf

CUDA Fortran 高效编程实践_科学家和工程师特供 2007 年以来,以 nVidia GPU 为代表的加速器并行计算风起云涌,带有加速器的超级计 算机在 TOP500 中的份额逐年增加,支持加速器的主流应用软件也呈爆炸式增长,研究加速 器计算的技术人员数以百万计,世界范围内的大学、研究机构竞相开设相关课程。 目前流行的 GPU 通用编程语言是 CUDA C 和 OpenCL. 它们均是 C/C++语言的扩展,因 此可以方便地将 C/C++代码移植到 GPU 上。但对于科学与工程计算中的重要编程语言 Fortran,无法直接地改写为 CUDA C 或 OpenCL。很多久经考验的应用程序都是用 Fortran 开发,如果完全改写,工作量巨大,而且有不可估量的稳定性风险。 为使 Fortran 应用能够使用 GPU 加速,The Portland Group 设计了 CUDA Fortran 语言, 并在自家的 PGI 编译器中支持。气象、理论物理等领域的应用经过简单的改造,就能够利 用 GPU 的强大计算能力。
CUDA FORTRAN efficient programming practice Since 2007, with NVIDIA GPU as the representative of accelerator parallel computing, the share of supercomputers with accelerators in top 500 has increased year by year, and the mainstream application software supporting accelerators has also grown explosively. There are millions of technicians studying accelerator computing, and universities and research institutions around the world are competing to offer relevant courses. To enable FORTRAN applications to use GPU acceleration, the Portland group designed CUDA FORTRAN language, which is supported in its own PGI compiler. The application of meteorology, theoretical physics and other fields can make use of the powerful computing power of GPU after simple transformation. (2019-11-20, Fortran, 2085KB, 下载14次)


[其他] 双极直流

It is helpful for studying traditional DC, especially for the design of traditional DC transmission filter banks. (2019-03-29, Fortran, 27KB, 下载4次)


[其他] 计算年积日(闰年与否)

This program is used to calculate the day of year, and to determine whether there is a leap year (2017-11-27, Fortran, 657KB, 下载1次)


[数学计算] exact-Riemann--solver

Gives the exact Riemann solver use the ideal gas equation of state and the equation of state of a real gas Euler equations (2016-03-04, Fortran, 1258KB, 下载13次)


[数学计算] arpack-ng-3.0.2.tar

ARPACK-NG,特征值求解库,linux下,也可用于vc9动态库工程,需要集成intel fortran 编译器。已经测试过包中所带的例子。
ARPACK-NG is a collection of Fortran77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems. (2012-12-04, Fortran, 1216KB, 下载7次)


[超算/并行计算] NS2D_MPI_updated(CFV2.0)

a NS solver with MPI parallelization (2012-07-05, Fortran, 554KB, 下载73次)


[数学计算] fishpack4.0

FISHPACK contains a collection of Fortran77 subroutines that solve second- and fourth-order finite difference approximations to separable elliptic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). These include Helmholtz equations in cartesian, polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates, as well as more general separable elliptic equations. The solvers use the cyclic reduction algorithm. When the problem is singular, a least-squares solution is computed. Singularities induced by the coordinate system are handled, including at the origin r=0 in cylindrical coordinates, and at the poles in spherical coordinates. (2012-03-27, Fortran, 172KB, 下载20次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] svc

PSCAD software to build SVC (Static Var Compensator) model instance (2011-06-28, Fortran, 14KB, 下载196次)


[其他] isaac

cfd solver, complete functions, including parallel, multi-grid and so on, a huge structure (2010-12-21, Fortran, 1237KB, 下载98次)
