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按平台查找All Jupyter Notebook(54) 

[云计算] Health-Data-Analysis

This research paper discusses the architecture and implementation of scalable big data architecture for processing real time sensor data using cloud computing technologies. (2024-04-29, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] build-an-agentic-llm-assistant

Labs for the "Build an agentic LLM assistant on AWS" workshop. A step by step agentic llm assistant development workshop using serverless three-tier architecture. (2024-04-20, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Object-detection-using-Darknet-Yolov3-on-Cloud-

使用darknet Yolov3在Goolge colab上的图片中进行对象检测,使用来自我的google驱动器和本地设备的图片,
Used darknet Yolov3 to do object detection in pictures on Goolge colab , used pictures from my google drive and from local device, (2020-09-13, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] TwitterBotScraper

Built a little scraper bot that analyzes the latest 1000 tweets on a desired search term. It uses Selenium and Chrome web driver to gather the data and returns 2 word clouds (tweets’ text & associated #’s; distinguishable by their white & black background color) along with a pie chart of a sentiment analysis and a table with the total number of ... (2021-12-16, Jupyter Notebook, 6730KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] temperature_and_humidity_project

This is a personal project made to record temperature using a dht11 sensor on a raspberry pi. In this project, I used AWS cloud services to record and plot data. I used AWS python SDK and Adafruit s python library to record and send data. (2021-08-17, Jupyter Notebook, 40KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] AWSServerless

This workshop gives a hands-on with AWS services. Serverless Data Lake workshop builds a cloud-native and future-proof serverless data lake architecture. It allows hands-on time with AWS big data and analytics services including Amazon Kinesis Services for streaming data ingestion and analysis (2019-11-04, Jupyter Notebook, 33183KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Spark_Python_Anomaly_Detection_with_IBM_Waston

在IBM Cloud上使用Python和Spark进行简单的异常传感器数据检测
a simple anomaly sensor data detection with Python and Spark on IBM Cloud (2019-04-22, Jupyter Notebook, 112KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Pregnancy_Prediction

构建一个云系统,可以从传感器收集数据并将数据上传到Azure。此外,我们上传ML m...
Build a Cloud System that can gather the data from sensors and upload the data to the Azure. Also, we upload the ML model into the Azure. It will predict the results by the model using the data. (2019-05-04, Jupyter Notebook, 26378KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] raspberry-sensors-tutorial

In this project I ve stored data in the IBM cloud from the Raspberry sensors and then I ve printed the data in a Jupyter notebook. (2021-10-07, Jupyter Notebook, 1209KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] aws-serverless-data-lake-workshop

This workshop is meant to give customers a hands-on experience with mentioned AWS services. Serverless Data Lake workshop helps customers build a cloud- native and future-proof serverless data lake architecture. It allows hands-on time with AWS big data and analytics services including Amazon Kinesis Services for streaming data ingestion (2020-09-21, Jupyter Notebook, 33046KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Violence-Alert-System

??A violence detector using MobileNetV2 pretrained model and image enhancement algorithms and face detection algorithms implemented using Python, including an alert system built using telegram for alerting concerned authorities, and all data stored neatly in cloud firestore?? (2022-11-29, Jupyter Notebook, 50938KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] aws-serverless-data-lake-workshop

This workshop is meant to give customers a hands-on experience with mentioned AWS services. Serverless Data Lake workshop helps customers build a cloud- native and future-proof serverless data lake architecture. It allows hands-on time with AWS big data and analytics services including Amazon Kinesis Services for streaming data ingestion and (2021-02-09, Jupyter Notebook, 33046KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] eprecated--simple-data-pipe-connector-flightstats

?? This project is no longer maintained. Simple Data Pipe connector for generating training, test and blind data for flight predictor spark MLLib application (2017-08-31, Jupyter Notebook, 4700KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] D-PandiSIM

distributed pandemics simulator, uses the power of spark to generate huge bulks of contact-tracing data. (2021-02-02, Jupyter Notebook, 2028KB, 下载0次)
