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按分类查找All TCP/IP协议栈(60) 
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[TCP/IP协议栈] tcp-server-client-cpp

C++中的简单TCP IP服务器和客户端实现,用于使用套接字启用基本网络通信。
A simple TCP IP server and client implementation in C++ for enabling basic network communications using sockets. (2024-05-11, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] Multiplexed-Chat-Client

Multiplexed chat using TCP IP protocol to connect to a server and communicate with other users. The client version (2024-02-23, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] Odroid_Face_Recognition

Odroid-C2(服务器)使用TCP IP将图像(USB 720p摄像头)流式传输到本地计算机(客户端)。
Odroid-C2 (server) streaming image (USB 720p camera) to local computer (client) using TCP IP. (2024-01-30, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] Server-Client_OpenU_Python_CPP-

在这个项目中,服务器是用Python编写的,客户机是用CPP编写的。使用TCP IP协议设置通信。通信是RSA和AES加密的。
In this project the server is written in Python and the Client in CPP. Communication is set up using TCP IP protocol. The communication is RSA and AES encrypted. (2023-12-27, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] wt32-eth01-uart

用于ESP32的Arduino Core示例,其中一侧是PC UART或TCP IP服务器的网关草图,另一侧是Serial2 UART
A sample Arduino Core for ESP32 sketch of a gateway from PC UART or TCP IP server on one side, and Serial2 UART on the other (2023-12-14, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] backup_app

client server app, written in c++ and python, to back up files over tcp ip socket (2023-11-12, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] Tcp-Ip-Server-in-C-

Developed a project leveraging a YouTube video tutorial and source code available on GitHub. Implemented Tcp/Ip sserver in C++ . Demonstrated proficiency in C++ .. (2023-11-02, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)



通过TCP IP使用Modbus从我的SMA太阳能逆变器(SB3000TL-21和SB4000TL-21)请求我需要的一切。,
Requests everything I need from my SMA solar inverters (SB3000TL-21 and SB4000TL-21) using Modbus over TCP IP., (2023-10-23, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)



Voici le TP TCP IP en C++l aide de QT,cela重新分组un档案avec un客户端et un服务器,
Voici le TP TCP IP en C++ à l aide de QT, cela regroupe un dossier avec un client et un serveur, (2023-10-07, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] tcpip_limitorder_book

使用C++和TCP IP客户端-服务器通信实现共享市场中使用的“订单上限帐簿”,
Implementation of "Top of Order Limit Book" used in shared market using C++ and TCP IP client server communication, (2018-07-20, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] cintvt

The BCB PC program can achieve dialogue between the two terminals, using TCP protocol, one for the server (2017-03-28, C++, 28KB, 下载1次)



在两台计算机间完成一个简单的UDP传输。 客户端 (1) 循环从命令行读入一行字符串,并传递给服务器,由服务器对字符串进行反转,并将结果返回给客户端 (2) 客户端显示反转后的字符串 (3) 当客户按下“delete”健后,关闭套接字,结束程序 服务器端 (1) 收到客户端数据包,首先验证数据包源地址是否合法 (2) 接收客户的数据,并显示客户的IP地址和端口号 (3) 接收客户传来的字符串,反转后传递给客户
Between the two computers to complete a simple UDP transport. Client (1) loop reads a line from the command line string and passed to the server, from server to reverse the string and returns the results to the client (2) the client to display the string after the reverse (3 ) When the customer hits the " delete" health, close the socket, the end of the program server (1) the client receives the packet, first verify that the packet source address is valid (2) to receive customer data, and displays the customer' s IP address and port number (3) to receive a string of customers came, after the reverse pass to the customer (2011-11-29, C++, 1KB, 下载36次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] dhcp-3.0p2.tar

dhcp源代码 的结果 合理设置DHCP地址池-ARP经验 合理设置DHCP地址池,为了方便管理、维护网络,不少单位的局域网都采用DHCP服务器来为普通计算机自动分配地址
dhcp reasonable set of results of source code-ARP DHCP address pool set up DHCP address pool of experience and reasonable, in order to facilitate the management, maintenance, network, many units have adopted the LAN DHCP server to automatically assign addresses for general computer (2011-03-03, C++, 845KB, 下载31次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] server

UDP echo服务器的程序,相比tcp 要简单,传输的过程也简单。
UDP echo server program. It s easier than the tcp server,and the transmission is also easy. (2010-12-07, C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] FlyingPigeonChuanshu

飞鸽传书代码,跨平台信息交流,基于 TCP/IP(UDP),无需服务器,简单易用 可传送文件和文件夹 通讯数据采用 RSA/Blofish 加密
Cross-platform exchange of information, based on TCP/IP (UDP), without the server, easy to use file and folder can send communications data using RSA/Blofish Encryption (2010-09-13, C++, 140KB, 下载5次)



本书完整而详细地介绍了TCP/IP协议是如何实现的。书中给出了约500个图例,15 000行实际操作的C代码,采用举例教学的方法帮助你掌握TCP/IP实现。本书不仅说明了插口API和协议族的关系以及主机实现与路由器实现的差别。还介绍了4.4BSD-Lite版的新的特点,如多播、长肥管道支持、窗口缩放、时间戳选项以及其他主题等等。读者阅读本书时,应当具备卷1中阐述的关于TCP/IP的基本知识。本书适用于希望理解TCP/TP协议如何实现的人,包括编写网络应用程序的程序员以及利用TCP/IP维护计算机网络的系统管理员。
Book complete and detailed introduction to TCP/IP protocol is how to achieve. The book gives about 500 illustrations, 15 000 lines of C code for the actual operation, using examples of teaching methods to help you master the TCP/IP implementation. This book not only illustrates the socket API and protocol family relations and the host computer and the router to achieve the difference. Also introduced the 4.4BSD-Lite version of the new features, such as multicasting, long fat pipe support, window scale, timestamp options, and other topics and so on. Readers book, Volume 1, should have elaborated on the TCP/IP basic knowledge. This book is hope that the understanding of TCP/TP protocol how people, including programmers who write Web applications and the use of TCP/IP to maintain the computer network system administrator. (2010-07-14, C++, 29341KB, 下载4次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] ACE_server

使用ACE 搭建的TCP服务器和客户端框架。简洁明了,可以扩充。
ACE structures using the TCP server and client framework. Concise, can be expanded. (2008-12-08, C++, 6KB, 下载118次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] tcps_2

TCP/IP server source code, the procedure without any protection, the procedure may cause harm, producers without any liability. (2007-03-23, C++, 3KB, 下载6次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] tcpip实例

includes client/server model of several well-known TCP/IP programming examples (2005-01-23, C++, 9114KB, 下载220次)
