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按分类查找All JavaScript/JQuery(69) 
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[JavaScript/JQuery] ServiceStack2015

test ServiceStack web service , which is the new .net cross - platform web service technology that will replace WEB API and WCF in future. We create a SQL database, We use Entity Framework 7 and repository to create data access layer, then we create this amazing service stack web service layer in web server, we then can distribute this web (2015-02-12, C#, 2753KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] CC.Reads

一个使用ASP.NET Core MVC 6.0构建的电子商务应用程序,使用C#,其特点是使用具有角色的身份管理器…
An e-commerce application built with ASP.NET Core MVC 6.0 using C# featuring the use of Identity manager with roles f… (2022-08-24, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Orchard

基于Orchard的一个采集器,使用.NET WebBrowser控件渲染DOM后再注入jquery,用JS轻松采集内容,回调C# COM接口方法完成入库和驱动下一步.
Based on Orchard, a collector uses the. NET WebBrowser control to render DOM and then inject jquery. Content can be easily collected using JS, and C # COM interface methods can be called back to complete the next step of warehousing and driving (2016-07-11, C#, 24KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] dizuo

The base model with the Javascript language, WebGL Start Basics exercises. Fellow students learn WebGL convenient use. WebGL for beginner students have some help. Are detailed from view projection matrix to the renderer. And use C# as a development platform. (2014-09-19, C#, 247KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jscolor-1.4.0

Simple, easy to use color picker JavaScript control. HSV and HVS It has two modes, you can set a default display color at the beginning of the load time. Back hexadecimal value. (2013-09-14, C#, 14KB, 下载3次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] KendoGridDemo48

endo UI是jquery的一部件。 Kendo UI还支持服务器端包装(商业版本唯一的)但是源码中,将描述只有客户端问题,因为Kendo UI web客户端免费使用。Kendo UI类似jQuery UI但比jQuery UI丰富。
endo UI is jquery a member. Kendo UI also supports server-side package (commercial version only), but the source code, will describe only the client problem, because Kendo UI web clients free of charge. Kendo UI similar to but smaller than jQuery UI jQuery UI rich. (2013-06-18, C#, 5546KB, 下载6次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] video_js

video.js是一个JavaScript和CSS库,使得它更容易使用和建立HTML5视频,今天。这也被称为“HTML5视频播放器”。video.js提供了一个通用控件内置的HTML / CSS的皮肤,修复跨浏览器的不一致,增加了附加功能,如全屏和字幕,管理退回到Flash或其他播放技术,不支持HTML5视频时,也提供了一个一致与视频交互的JavaScript API。
Video.js is a JavaScript and CSS database, making it easier to use and the establishment of HTML5 video, today. This is also known as the " HTML5 video player ". Video.js provides a common control with built-in HTML/CSS skin, inconsistent repair cross-browser, additional features, such as full and subtitles, management back to Flash or other broadcast technology, does not support HTML5 video, but also provides a consistent with interactive video JavaScript API. (2013-01-19, C#, 80KB, 下载11次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] ampie_1.6.4.1

ampie_1.6.4.1 在画图工具中 ,在服务器端直接生成图片的又不美观又缺乏互动性,而在客户端用JavaScript生成的图片还是稍欠美感和互动性,所以最好看又最互动的报表方案应该是Flash报表方案了,这是官网最新的amChart包的饼图源码和例子。
ampie_1.6.4.1 in the drawing tool on the server side generated images directly to a lack of interaction not beautiful, but the client using JavaScript generated image or package is not very aesthetic and interactive, so the best and most interactive report view program should be reporting program Flash, this is the official website of the pie the latest amChart package source and example. (2010-05-25, C#, 125KB, 下载9次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jQueryAjaxGuestbook

jquery+ajax无刷新评论源码 实现了获取评论无刷新,发表评论无刷新,页面获取评论时显示loading加载效果 jquery真的是一个非常优秀的JS库,简单容易掌握,对于网页中的多级菜单、级联效果、Tab选项卡切换、图片轮转显示, 实现起来都非常的简单,往往就是几句代码的事。 做AJAX应用,jquery提供的$.get()、$.post()函数都可以用于提交数据,但建议使用$.ajax()来提交,那两个函数都不 提供错误返回信息,不利全面掌控。 提交数据是action代表要执行的操作,id传递文章id,page是请求的分页页面,Math.round(Math.random()*10000) 防止页面被浏览器缓存而导致暂时无法刷新,如果出错显示错误信息 客户端用escape()函数编码含中文的字符串,服务器端用unescape()解码,这样做是为了防止乱码,如果你采用的是utf8, 那就不必了,设置正确的页面编码和服务端脚本编码就不会出问题。由于jquery默认使用utf8传输数据,而且不提供设置编码, 这里只有自己做转换,如果你用form插件的时候就会发现,编码问题是不能回绝的。
jquery+ ajax without refreshing comment source code Achieved to obtain comment on non-refresh comments without refreshing the page displayed when loading loading access to comment on results jquery is really a very good JS libraries, simple and easy to grasp, for the multi-level menu page, cascading effects, Tab tab switching, image rotation showed that To achieve them are very simple, the code is often a few things. Do AJAX applications, jquery provided $. Get (),$. post () functions can be used to submit data, but recommended the use of $. Ajax () to submit, then the two functions are not Provide the error information back to full control of the negative. Action on behalf of the data is presented to perform the operation, id pass the article id, page is a page request page, Math.round (Math.random ()* 10000) The browser cache to prevent the page is temporarily unable to refresh a result, if the error display an error message The client with the escape () f (2009-10-26, C#, 88KB, 下载54次)
