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按分类查找All 自动驾驶(93) 
按平台查找All Java(93) 

[自动驾驶] Car_Dealership

"Explore OOP with our Java Car Dealership Simulator. Manage inventory, transactions & customers. Learn encapsulation, inheritance & more in a thrilling coding adventure!" (2024-03-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] FlightAssistant

Minecraft mod添加了飞行风格的HUD(就像您在飞行模拟器中看到的一样)、自动驾驶系统、飞行保护和其他...
Minecraft mod that adds a flight style HUD (like one you would see in a flight simulator), autopilot systems, flight protections, and some more features. (2023-11-26, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Parking-Ticket-Simulator

Written in Java Demonstrates a police officer checking if parking meter has expired and if so issues ticket. Creates instances of objects such as cars,parking meter, police officer. User can input own information (2016-07-27, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Traffic-simulator

This simulator based on OOP concepts, Multi-threading and some design patterns. The project simulates movement of cars on roads with junctions and Traffic lights. This project based on the assignment instructions we received from the course. (Advanced OOP) (2020-07-24, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Carleton-Auto-Scaling-Simulator

This is a simulator that emulates predictive auto-scaling. This system is produced as a part of PhD project in Carleton University, (2016-05-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] brightness-controller.non-hardware

sub-optimal GUI to adjust brightness through software-rendering rather than the hardware controller (as best i understand). can only confirm it works to change brightness levels for my Legion Slim 7 on Pop OS and Linux Mint. Brightness did not work prior on fresh installs of both Pop and Mint. Resorted to using xrandr in the terminal to change (2022-04-06, Java, 4KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] ler-placement-problem-in-software-defined-network

create a code that he can find the optimal number and locations of SDN controller in a network this program he need inputs the number of switchs and their locations and a set of possible locations that you can insatll on it the controllers and the type of links between the switchs and controllers that you can use (2019-12-09, Java, 1346KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] explorer

A procedurally generated, open world, explorer program. The user controlls a small aircraft and can roam around the world. Will feature cloud models, boid- based bird flocks, lighting details and water pool simulation. A machine- learning algorithm will be implemented to be used as the autopilot function. (2021-06-24, Java, 24139KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] FlightGearSimulator

A Desktop app with full integration to FlightGear simulator, using MVVM architecture. Model implements special interpreter for outsource autopilot flight script and a server which calculate the shortest path for the aircraft. (2019-06-12, Java, 300KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] Golf-simulator-wii

For the senior design project, we create a gaming controller that can transfer handset movement into game control information to an android device. We also build our own motion-sensing control based game, which is the golf game, to demonstrate the compatibility of our system. (2019-07-29, Java, 4KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] MoveMouse

Remarkably simple webcam control of pc using infrared filter in tandem with motion detection on webcam image to discern animate from inanimate objects. Further implementation to come. (2012-09-24, Java, 2825KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] android-game-controller

We are looking forward to make Android Application that will be used to control mouse, keyboard and game controller operations using android phone. We’ll try to implement touch and motion sensor interface to the application which will be a good experience for the user to use android accelerometer as a game controller for racing games. (2012-08-15, Java, 1350KB, 下载0次)


[自动驾驶] IPCameraServer

A JAVA server for IP- cameras. Receives pictures, videos from arbitrary IP- cameras. Converts, uploads them to your WEB. Purges obsoletes, controls motion detection. (2017-12-02, Java, 5896KB, 下载0次)
