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按分类查找All 数据可视化(105) 
按平台查找All C#(105) 

[数据可视化] WinXMLExplorer

WinXML Explorer是一种非常快速、轻量级的XML文件查看器。它可以处理非常大的XML文件。它一直是...
WinXML Explorer is an extremely fast, lightweight XML file viewer. It can handle extremely large XML files. It has been tested on files as big as 300MB. It allows fast viewing and exploration, copying of formatted XML data, evaluation of XPath expressions, and XSD schema validation. (2017-07-23, C#, 1774KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] windows

XML Explorer是一种非常快速、轻量级的XML文件查看器。它可以处理非常大的XML文件。一直以来...
XML Explorer is an extremely fast, lightweight XML file viewer. It can handle extremely large XML files. It has been tested on files as big as 300MB. It allows fast viewing and exploration, copying of formatted XML data, evaluation of XPath expressions, and XSD schema validation. (2019-10-08, C#, 1723KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] GarminSensorsDisplay

A simple implementation of ANT+ profiles to visualize data sent by bike sensors and calculate power generated on non-smart indoor trainers (2020-06-23, C#, 113787KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] City_Simulator_Unity3D

Visualization of spatiotemporal urban data with Unity3D, A city simulator to support the decision-making process in urban development related tasks. (2022-03-02, C#, 606495KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] StringAsFilenameDebuggerVisualizer

Visual Studio 2017的调试器可视化工具,通过将字符串变量值作为文件名来打开文件
Debugger visualizers for Visual Studio 2017 to open a file by taking a string variable value as the filename (2017-11-01, C#, 27KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] unity-energy-and-data-visualization

This repo contains scripts to get realtime data from an appserver, visualize data as well as simulate energy consumption of devices (2017-12-20, C#, 35KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] BuildAnalyzer

Tool to visualize what build tasks MSBuild is executing. Hooks into the MSBuild process as a custom logger. (2015-05-28, C#, 31KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] Unity_SpoutReceiver

UnitySpoutReceiver接收并可视化Spout图像。播放器可以设置Vsync、FrameRate和ScreenMode S...
UnitySpoutReceiver receive and visualize Spout image. The player is enabled to set Vsync, FrameRate, and ScreenMode/Size. (2021-06-26, C#, 660KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] TouchPortal.Plugin

Audio Monitor Plugin for TouchPortal. Visualizes the input and output channels in Windows on your device. (2022-04-24, C#, 253KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] litearch

LiteArch Trafik是一种网络流量估计器,通过交叉引用Consul数据和docker met来可视化服务...
LiteArch Trafik is a network traffic estimator, to visualize services by cross-referencing Consul data and docker metadata with TcpDump (2021-03-10, C#, 219KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] Yocto-Visualization

Yocto Visualization是一个应用程序,允许轻松查看Yoctopuce传感器测量的值。它可以显示...
Yocto-Visualization is an application that allows to easily view the values measured by Yoctopuce sensors. It can display graphics, indicators and other gadgets in a few clicks. (2022-12-02, C#, 1820KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] EntityVisualizer

Entity Framework Debugger Visualizer to display SQL source code generated by Entity Framework. (2018-06-13, C#, 65KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] StaxelTraceViewer

Logger and visualizer that can be used to investigate where a program is spending time, especially suited to gameloops. (2019-01-09, C#, 23KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] TypeHierarchyViewer

类型层次结构查看器是一个visual studio扩展,用于可视化各种不同类型中的给定类型的层次结构...
Type Hierarchy Viewer is a visual studio extension to visualize the hierarchy for a given type in a variety of different ways. (2022-12-08, C#, 43KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] EnumerableVisualizer

使用Json,没有序列化属性的Visual Studio调试器可枚举可视化工具。这现在内置在Visual S中...
Visual Studio Debugger Enumerable Visualizer without Serialize attribute, using Json. This is now inbuilt in Visual Studio 2022 from version 17.3 and so this project is deprecated. (2023-03-31, C#, 573KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] Culebra

Culebra is a live agent based C# library (Wrapper around Culebra Java library) and plugin for Grasshopper. It A collection of objects and behaviors for creating dynamic multi agent interactions. 2D|3D Multi Object Behavior library focused on hybrid system interactions with custom Visualization, Data, and performance features. (2022-04-03, C#, 32437KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] unity_noise_editor

Integrate noise generation modules into a nice Node based unity editor for some interesting visual noise visualization (2018-12-18, C#, 1064KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] Graphviz

Lean .NET wrapper around Graphviz for building graphs, reading/writing dot files, exporting images, or programmatically reading out the layout attributes. (2023-01-23, C#, 10863KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] vs-boost-unit-test-adapter

Boost测试适配器作为Microsoft Visual Studio的扩展提供。它使用单元测试浏览器(...
Boost Test Adapter is available as an extension for Microsoft Visual Studio. It makes use of the Unit Test Explorer (UTE) provided by Microsoft to visualize and run unit test cases that are written using open source Boost Test Library. (2017-11-23, C#, 842KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] ReadableExpressions

一个库和调试器可视化工具,它将表达式树转换为可读的C#源代码。NET 3.5+和.NET...
A library and Debugger Visualizer which translates Expression Trees into readable C# source code. .NET 3.5+ and .NET Standard 1.0+. (2023-04-15, C#, 13650KB, 下载0次)
