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[书籍源码] matlab_hinf_lubang

H u65E0 u7A77 u9C01 u659 u659 u4E09 u4E09 u4E2 U53CApdf u6587 u4EF6 uFF0C u9002 u5206 u5216 u5B66 u8005 u5B66 u4E60 (2017-05-18, matlab, 307KB, 下载33次)


[书籍源码] normal

MVDR beamformer MVDR is an adaptive beamforming algorithm based on maximum signal to noise ratio (SINR) criterion. The MVDR algorithm can adaptively make the output power of the array in the desired direction and the maximum signal to noise ratio at the same time. It can improve the resolution and noise suppression performance to a large extent by applying it to the spatial wavenumber spectrum estimation. (2017-03-16, matlab, 1KB, 下载25次)


[书籍源码] Matlab-M-File04

31. 沿曲线移动的小球 32. 曲线转换按钮 33. 栅格控制按钮 34. 编辑框的使用 35. 弹出式菜单 36. 滑标的使用 37. 多选菜单 38. 菜单控制的使用 39. UIMENU菜单的应用 40. 除法计算器
31. Along the curve to move the ball 32. Curve shift button 33. Raster control buttons 34. Edit box, use 35. Pop-up menu 36. Slippery subject of the use of 37. 38 multiple-choice menu. Menu control the use of 39. UIMENU Menu the application of 40. division calculator (2010-01-28, matlab, 5KB, 下载16次)


[书籍源码] mohukongzhi

设计一模糊控制器,使系统输出尽快跟随系统输入;2)模糊控制与PID控制的性能进行比较;3)系统有无延迟性能进行比较 模糊PID控制 被控系统建模
Design a fuzzy controller, the system output as soon as possible to follow the system input 2) fuzzy control and PID control performance comparison 3) whether the delay in the performance of the system compared charged fuzzy PID control system modeling (2010-01-22, matlab, 1KB, 下载47次)


[书籍源码] IR

对IQ接收器最重要的两个参数,即I和Q两路分量之间的幅度一致性和相位正交性,可采 用如下办法计算:把I、Q 两路信号分别作FFT ,找出频域内信号的幅度,即可算得两路分量的幅度一 致性 把I、Q两路信号合成一个复数信号,作FFT ,对得到的频谱求镜像抑制比(即频域内的信号与信号镜像的幅度比) ,通过镜像抑制比和幅度一致性,可求出接收机的I和Q两路分量之间的相位正交性。
IQ receiver for the two most important parameters, namely I and Q components of two-way consistency between the amplitude and phase orthogonality may be adopted calculated using the following method: to I, Q 2 signals, respectively for FFT, to find a frequency domain signal amplitude, can be considered as two-way component caused by the range of 1 the I, Q 2 signals into one complex signal for FFT, the spectrum demand of the received image rejection ratio (ie, frequency domain signal and magnitude of the signal mirror ratio), through the image rejection ratio and extent of consistency, the receiver can be derived I and Q phase between the two-way component orthogonality. (2009-09-21, matlab, 1KB, 下载75次)


[书籍源码] Signals-and-SystemsAnalysis-and-threalization-of-M

1. 该光盘包含了“信号与系统分析及MATLAB实现”第五章的所有程序; 2. 为了方便读者阅读程序,所有程序均采用中文注释。MATLAB的程序编辑器不支持中文显示,用户只需在Word下直接打开源程序文件,即可阅读程序中的中文注释; 3. 程序文件的命名分为以下三种类型: (1) 若为书中例题的程序,则程序文件名一律以ex开头,后面跟4位数字(前两位表示章号,后两位表示例题序号)表示的该程序所在例题的编号。例如,ex0603.m是例6.3的程序,而ex1102.m则是例11.2的对应程序。 (2) 若为书中图形的实现程序,则程序文件名一律以figure开头,后面跟4位数字(前两位表示章号,后两位表示图形序号)表示的该程序所绘图形的编号。例如,figure1203.m是实现图12.3的程序,而figure0710.m则是实现图7.10的对应程序。 (3) 若为函数文件,则直接以函数名命名,例如文件sconv.m即是书中函数sconv()的对应程序。 (2008-06-06, matlab, 4KB, 下载7次)


[书籍源码] SignalsandSystemsAnalysisandthrealizationofMATLAB4

1. “信号与系统分析及MATLAB实现”一书第四章的程序; 2. 为了方便读者阅读程序,所有程序均采用中文注释。MATLAB的程序编辑器不支持中文显示,用户只需在Word下直接打开源程序文件,即可阅读程序中的中文注释; 3. 程序文件的命名分为以下三种类型: (1) 若为书中例题的程序,则程序文件名一律以ex开头,后面跟4位数字(前两位表示章号,后两位表示例题序号)表示的该程序所在例题的编号。例如,ex0603.m是例6.3的程序,而ex1102.m则是例11.2的对应程序。 (2) 若为书中图形的实现程序,则程序文件名一律以figure开头,后面跟4位数字(前两位表示章号,后两位表示图形序号)表示的该程序所绘图形的编号。例如,figure1203.m是实现图12.3的程序,而figure0710.m则是实现图7.10的对应程序。 (3) 若为函数文件,则直接以函数名命名,例如文件sconv.m即是书中函数sconv()的对应程序。 (2008-06-06, matlab, 3KB, 下载10次)


[书籍源码] imageimpose

数字图像矩阵数据的显示及其傅立叶变换 二维离散余弦变换的图像压缩 采用灰度变换的方法增强图像的对比度 直方图均匀化 模拟图像受高斯白噪声和椒盐噪声的影响 采用二维中值滤波函数medfilt2对受椒盐噪声干扰的图像滤波 用MATLAB中的函数filter2对受噪声干扰的图像进行均值滤波 图像的自适应魏纳滤波 运用5种不同的梯度增强法进行图像锐化 图像的高通滤波和掩模处理 用巴特沃斯(Butterworth)低通滤波器对受噪声干扰的图像进行平滑处理 利用巴特沃斯(Butterworth)高通滤波器对图像进行锐化处理
digital image data matrix display and its Fourier transform two-dimensional discrete cosine transform image compression using gray change The method for enhancing the contrast of the image histogram equalization simulated images by white Gaussian noise and Impulse noise impact 2D Median filter function medfilt2 right by the Salt and Pepper noise interference with the image filtering MATLAB functions fi lter2 right by the noise of image filtering images using adaptive filtering Weiner five different gradient growth Intensity image sharpening images and high-pass filter mask Processing Butterworth (Butterworth) lowpass Filter by the noise of the image smoothing use Butterworth (Butterworth) high-pass filter filter on the image sharpening (2006-08-14, matlab, 10KB, 下载79次)
