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按分类查找All TCP/IP协议栈(102) 
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[TCP/IP协议栈] IP-Messenger

飞鸽传书 (IP Messenger V2.06)是一款基于 TCP/IP(UDP)的局域网内即时通信软件,2.00以上版本支持局域网内发信息、传送文件、文件夹、多文件(或文件夹),通讯数据采用 RSA/Blofish 加密 (2.00版以上),速度非常快,采用BSD License开源许可协议发布。数据通讯不需要建立服务器、直接在两台电脑间通信和数据传输,支持文件及文件目录的传输,具有安全快捷以及小巧方便等优异特点,因此很多公司都采用它作为部门、公司内部的IM即时通信工具。
IP Messenger (IP Messenger V2.06) is a TCP/IP (UDP)-based LAN instant messaging software, version 2.00 and above support LAN sent messages, transfer files, folders, multi-file (or folder) communication using data the RSA/Blofish encryption (version 2.00 and above), the speed is very fast, BSD License released open-source license agreement. Data communication does not require the establishment of a server, communication and data transfer between two computers directly support the transmission of files and file directory, a safe, efficient, and excellent characteristics such as small and convenient, so many companies are using it as a department, company internal IM instant communication tools. (2012-12-23, Java, 4182KB, 下载15次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] ReadWrite

‘Strong reading&’TCP implementation. Server using TCP protocol to communicate with the client, the client has read and write functions, which read priority than write operations. Every customer with a thread, the use of wait (), notify () method to achieve ‘strong reading&’This document is a typical instance of java communication, help to understand multi-threading and TCP communication mechanism. (2011-11-27, Java, 4KB, 下载5次)
