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按分类查找All 多国语言处理(104) 
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[多国语言处理] multi-rw-router-tx

该组件为Spring单体应用实现分库分表、主从复制、读写分离、和atomikos- JTA多数据源事务支持功能。详细内容包括:mybatis拦截器配置、主从库与数据表架构设计、druid自定义XADataSource文件配置与读取、自定义注解AOP、多数据源动态路由与获取。主...,
This component implements the functions of sub database and sub table, master slave replication, read/write separation, and atomikos JTA multi data source transaction support for Spring single application. Details include: mybatis interceptor configuration, master-slave database and data table architecture design, druid user-defined XADataSource file configuration and reading, user-defined annotation AOP, dynamic routing and acquisition of multiple data sources. Main, (2023-10-15, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] Lucene

针对简单的Lucene全文搜索引擎的一个练习,使用了IK分词器数据 库 的表 字 段就是实体的 字 段,如果需要扩展就需改变LuceneManager中创建索引部分的代码,和搜索部分的代码,
For an exercise of the simple Lucene full-text search engine, the table field of the database using the IK word breaker is the field of the entity. If you need to expand it, you need to change the code of the index creation part and the search part in Lucene Manager, (2018-01-19, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] SecretTranslator

一个 字 符串加密器。可以编写自己的 字 典。支持加密中文 字 符。需要相同的密码解密。这是我在gitHub的第一个项目仓 库 ,值得记忆。,
A string encryptor. You can write your own dictionary. Support encryption of Chinese characters. The same password decryption is required. This is my first project warehouse in gitHub, which is worth remembering., (2019-02-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] ZDownloader

一个android多线程多任务下载框架,支持断点续传,出错重试,状态栏通知,支持链接重定向,自动从服务器获取下载文件名 字 ,还有丰富的自定义功能。目前该 库 正在开发中。。。本 库 的目标:实现一个轻量且扩展性强的多线程断点下载扩展框架。,
An Android multithreading and multitasking download framework, which supports breakpoint resume, error retry, status bar notification, link redirection, automatic access to download file names from the server, and rich customization functions. At present, the library is under development... The goal of this library: to achieve a lightweight and highly extensible multithreaded breakpoint download extension framework., (2022-09-29, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)
