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按分类查找All 虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR(110) 
按平台查找All TypeScript(110) 

[虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR] lunar-vein-arduino

基于简单REST API的串行通信,使软件能够使用服务器API与Arduino板通信
A SIMPLE REST API based serial communication, enabling software communicate with the Arduino board using the Server API (2024-03-18, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR] artifact-forge

Genshin Impact伪影模拟器,使用与原始游戏相同的下降速率和滚动速率来提供对t...的真实描述...,
Genshin Impact artifact simulator that uses the same drop rates and roll rates as the original game to provide a realistic depiction of the artifact rolling process. (2023-10-21, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR] tekton-argocd-eks

如何在a上安装和配置ArgoCD、Tekton(包括Tekton触发器)和Cloud Native Buildpacks供电的管道...
How to install and configure ArgoCD, Tekton (incl. Tekton Triggers) & a Cloud Native Buildpacks powered Pipeline on Amazon EKS and integrate with GitLab & GitHub (2023-05-26, TypeScript, 16448KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR] test-area

A Discord bot to easily create testing servers, without having to write in that 2FA code to delete it later (2023-06-05, TypeScript, 106KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR] clean-arch-nextjs-starter

Clean architecture starter for Next.js with TypeScript. All the tools you need to build your next project. (2022-10-06, TypeScript, 77KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR] arvis

Extendable cross-platform launcher that aims to help you run, edit, create any workflow simply (2022-10-20, TypeScript, 6773KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR] performant-array-to-tree

Converts an array of items with ids and parent ids to a nested tree in a performant O(n) way. Runs in browsers and Node.js. (2023-03-04, TypeScript, 54KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR] element-china-area-data

Element UI && antd Cascader级联选择器 中国省市区三级、二级联动option数据
Element UI&&ant Cascader Cascade Selectors, China Provincial and Urban Level 3 and Level 2 Linkage Option Data (2023-05-19, TypeScript, 174KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR] eye

尝试使用WebXR API构建VR AR IDE。目标是与显示器相比提高生产率...
Attempt to build an VR/AR IDE using WebXR APIs. Goal is to improve productivity compared to monitors by a long shot. Fast enough to work on your mobile phone. Imagine if using just a keyboard and a VR headset, you could code 1.5x-2x faster. That s the goal, not saying it s achievable but I m trying. (2021-10-07, TypeScript, 3267KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR] vreo

Vreo (VR Video 缩写) 是基于如视三维渲染引擎 Five 和 用户界面构建库 React 实现的如视 3D 空间剧本播放器。
Vreo (abbreviated as VR Video) is a Rushi 3D spatial script player based on the Rushi 3D rendering engine Five and the user interface construction library React. (2022-12-27, TypeScript, 1348KB, 下载0次)
