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按平台查找All ASP(132) 

[Web服务器] 188905

挺好的考勤评分系统,用ASP做的,大家顶一下 (2017-10-03, ASP, 188KB, 下载2次)


[Web服务器] CTDEPGM

可显示本站浏览总人数,今日浏览总人数,昨日浏览总人数, 本月浏览总人数,上月浏览总人数,开站至今天,平均一日人数 (2017-10-03, ASP, 21KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] 35507124

中国工商网电子商务购物中心系统EMall v1 0 (全源码)中国工商网电子商务购物中心系统EMall v1 0 (全源码) (2017-10-03, ASP, 1068KB, 下载2次)


[Web服务器] viaevaluatelocks

《ASP网络应用系统典型模块开发实例解析》附书所有的源码,这本书非常适合初学ASP的读者使用,源码分析的相当好,相信对初学者有帮助 (2017-09-30, ASP, 1182KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] 9773830

《ASP NET实用程序设计》作者李兰友—源代码 程序源代码分成两个部分: 一部分是用记事本或EditPlus编写的,是以各章形式组织的, 例如,第二章的内容放在ch2文件夹下, 一部分是用集成开发环境编写的,工 (2017-09-30, ASP, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] Bracket1.5

Bracket is a fully responsive layout template background management system, based on Bootstrap3 and jQuery plug production, adaptive screen resolution size, compatible with PC and the phone, tablet and other mobile terminal equipment, a full set of templates, including the registration page, login page, instrumentation disk, e-mail, form layout, form validation, form Wizard, text editor, code editor, UI elements, buttons, icons, typography, alerts and notifications, labels, sliders, graphs and charts (2016-06-12, ASP, 8101KB, 下载3次)


[Web服务器] IdcSystem-1.2

New Air IDC business management system is mainly cloud hosting, VPS hosting, server rental service order management function. Supports publishing editor cloud hosting, VPS hosting, server products. Product Support detailed definition of CPU, memory, hard disk, bandwidth, and other parameters. Support registered members online recharge, orders to buy products, users can view real-time product orders and renewals management operations by members of the control panel. (2016-05-21, ASP, 2235KB, 下载3次)


[Web服务器] LX_Gbook_3.2

Legend of the message using asp+ access data structure, easy to use, no installation, into the server space can be used. It has good security. Using data-injection. Filter special code. (2016-05-15, ASP, 7874KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] ffgjz

1.将压缩包里的keyword.mdb放到C盘根目录 keyisapi.DLL任意目录,给予EVERYONE权限 2.web目录为在线管理系统.弄个域名解析到本目录.注意切勿把筛选器添加到本网站的ISAPI筛选器下. 3.打开IIS——网站——属性——ISAPI筛选器——添加——输入自己喜欢筛选器名称并选择可执行文件到keyisapi.DLL 4.C盘下的keyword.mdb为非法文字数据库.切勿更改名称.
1. The compressed bag keyword.mdb into the root directory of C keyisapi.DLL any directory, permission to give EVERYONE 2.web directory for the online management system to get hold of DNS catalog. Be careful not to add to the filter under the Site ISAPI filter. 3. Open IIS website- Property ISAPI Filter- Add- Enter your favorite filter name and the executable file to keyisapi.DLL keyword.mdb 4.C drive under illegal text . Do not change the name. (2016-04-26, ASP, 62KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] SiteFactory2

把“WebSite”文件夹的所有文件上传到你的服务器上,然后运行 http://你的网址/Install/ 或者 http://你的网址/Install/Default.aspx 进行安装。 后台默认管理帐号: 帐号:admin 密码:admin888 管理认证码:8888
The " WebSite" folder of all files uploaded to your server, then run http:// to your website/Install/or http:// to your website/Install/Default.aspx to install. Background default administrator account: Account: admin Password: admin888 Management Certification Code: 8888 (2010-06-10, ASP, 7596KB, 下载3次)


[Web服务器] wshtml

该程序通过使用ASP的FSO功能,减少数据库的读取。经测试,可以减少90 的服务器负荷。页面访问速度基本与静态页面相当。 使用方法:将该文件放在网站里,然后在需要引用的文件的“第一行”用include引用即可 注意:一些搜索性质的页面请不要使用该程序,以免对搜索结果产生影响。如search.asp等。
good (2010-02-16, ASP, 4KB, 下载3次)


[Web服务器] ASPfuwuqi

ASP绿色服务器可以代替IIs 完美的不可挑剔 试试就知道了
ASP green server can not find fault with the perfect place IIs try to know (2009-11-26, ASP, 1067KB, 下载22次)


[Web服务器] student

With ASP.net and C#. Net programming to achieve WEB server, can retrieve information on students, delete, add operations to facilitate the students to effectively manage information (2009-07-28, ASP, 220KB, 下载3次)


[Web服务器] SeEditor

简单在线HTML编辑器,可以为各种脚本语言所用。 类似于EWEBEDITOR
Simple online HTML editor, can be used in a variety of scripting languages. Similar to EWEBEDITOR (2008-12-08, ASP, 123KB, 下载7次)


[Web服务器] xn

只需修改Config.asp里的参数就可以。 偷的是 http://www.21kankan.com/ 和这个站完全一样,内容是同步更新 带缓存,减小服务器负担
Simply modify the parameters in Config.asp can. Http://www.21kankan.com/ stolen and the station is exactly the same, content is updated simultaneously with the cache, reducing the burden on the server (2008-10-03, ASP, 28KB, 下载4次)


[Web服务器] ute_301

Editor unified form, as well as all the source code. There are examples as well as the picture can debug. (2008-04-29, ASP, 190KB, 下载5次)


[Web服务器] jiajiao

Developed using the ASP web server program with a member registration, information dissemination, information inquiries and other functions. (2007-12-11, ASP, 5666KB, 下载9次)


[Web服务器] 设置dsn

remote server to set up DNS, given vbs version, we all converted into asp in the end, I would like to become members ah, finally posted a five. (2005-12-11, ASP, 1KB, 下载143次)


[Web服务器] wroot

website source, a total beginners to learn to use, easy beginners master server implementation. (2005-11-16, ASP, 304KB, 下载8次)


[Web服务器] IIS站点服务器在线维护(asp)

If you have a IIS stand, then, small east east manages your stand with this (2005-09-30, ASP, 16KB, 下载11次)
