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[编译器/解释器] gcc

Gcc compiler official manual, the most complete and detailed description of the various parameters, as well as examples, not only as c/c++, but also for java, python and other language reference. Full English, gcc authentic description (2017-01-23, Unix_Linux, 2273KB, 下载1次)


[编译器/解释器] fundamentals-of-compiling

This book has discussed the design principle of the compiler in-depth, including lexical analysis, grammar analysis, grammar guidance analysis, type checking, operating environment, intermediate code generation and so on. (2016-12-06, Unix_Linux, 27161KB, 下载1次)



This article describes in detail how to build a simple compiler. With this book, you can compile a deeper understanding of the first principle of implementation. (2016-04-05, Unix_Linux, 465KB, 下载1次)


[编译器/解释器] Face-Question2

Local variables and global variables of the same name, a reference to the variable in the function, it will use the local variables of the same name, but does not use global variables. For some compilers, in the same function can define multiple local variables of the same name, such as define local variables of the same name in both the loop body, and the scope of the local variables in the body of the loop. (2014-12-10, Unix_Linux, 1358KB, 下载1次)


[编译器/解释器] csapp_answer_ed.2

Documentation for in-depth understanding of computer systems answer the second edition, the book s first edition published in 2003. Taking into account the development of computer technology so rapidly that hardware technology and compiler changes, and many teachers teach these contents experiences have prompted this classic textbook CMU lot of changes, but also a lot Homework correction (2013-08-06, Unix_Linux, 375KB, 下载76次)


[编译器/解释器] go1.0.3.src.tar

Go language is an open source programming language Google 2009 release of the second paragraph. Go language application programming specifically for multi-processor systems are optimized to use the the Go compiled program comparable to the speed of of C or C++ code, and safer, to support the parallel processes. (2012-10-30, Unix_Linux, 7231KB, 下载7次)


[编译器/解释器] turtle-1.2.0

描述 海龟是一个C ++的基础上专注于易用性,简单性和灵活性的升压转换器的模拟对象库。 龟网站 分类 测试 许可证 提升软件许可证(BSL1.0) 特点 简单和简洁的语法, 轻松定制使用仿函数的约束 信息和自定义的日志 可选的,但全面集成Boost.Test 破坏时的模仿对象的自动验证 ANSI/ ISO C ++03
Description Turtle is a C++ mock object library based on Boost with a focus on usability, simplicity and flexibility. Turtle Web Site Categories Testing License Boost Software License (BSL1.0) Features simple and compact syntax easy customization of constraints using functors informative and customizable logs optional but full integration with Boost.Test automatic verification of mock objects upon destruction ANSI/ISO C++03 (2012-10-09, Unix_Linux, 27KB, 下载3次)


[编译器/解释器] lzz_2_8_0_src

LZZ使普通的C ++编程似乎低级别的。你有多少次忽视了更新后的头文件编辑源文件?这是一个愚蠢的错误,但我们做了一遍又一遍。 C ++迫使你输入和维护重复的代码。为什么不能让一个程序生成的吗? 罗勒,回溯LR(1)语法分析器生成解析器LZZ所产生的。
Lzz makes ordinary C++ programming seem low-level. How many times have you neglected to update a header file after editing a source file? This is a silly mistake, yet we do it again and again. C++ forces you to type and maintain duplicate code. Why not let a program generate it for you? The parser in Lzz is generated by Basil, a backtracking LR(1) parser generator. (2012-10-09, Unix_Linux, 525KB, 下载3次)


[编译器/解释器] arm-linux-gcc4.1.2

Essential for embedded software development, cross compiler arm-linux-gcc4.1.2 (2012-05-19, Unix_Linux, 51680KB, 下载173次)


[编译器/解释器] gen-cpp

Apache Thrift is a software framework for scalable cross-language services development. It combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk, and OCaml. Originally developed at Facebook, Apache Thrift was open sourced in April 2007 and entered the Apache Incubator in May, 2008. (2012-03-25, Unix_Linux, 239KB, 下载27次)


[编译器/解释器] shell_v3

linux环境下,实现的shell解释器,实现功能主要有: 1. 基本界面由输入提示符开头 2. 执行可执行文件包括参数 3. 错误提示 4. 内置简单shell 命令 cd exit 5. 单次I/O 重定向 > < 6. 单次管道 | 7. 后台运行 & 8. 顺序执行多个命令 ;
linux environment, to achieve the shell interpreter to realize functions are: 1 basic interface to the input prompt at the beginning 2. run the executable file, including parameters of 3 error 4 built-in simple shell command cd exit 5. Single I/O redirection> < 6 single pipe | 7. running in the background & 8 in order to execute multiple commands (2011-10-27, Unix_Linux, 3KB, 下载15次)


[编译器/解释器] ACDI

这本“鲸书”是编译器方面绝对的经典,被人们誉为与编译技术的经典代表作“龙书”(《Compilers: Principles,Techniques,and Tools》)齐名。作者Steven S.Muchnick在编译技术方面有着深厚的理论基础,又具有丰富而广博的经验。他以这样两方面的功力写成的这本书,对于从事编译器设计和实现的科技人员具有无法衡量的价值。
This " Whales book" is definitely the classic compiler, and compiler technology was hailed as a classic masterpiece " Dragon Book" (" Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools" ) par. Of Steven S. Muchnick in the compiler technology has a profound theoretical basis, but also has a rich and varied experience. Two aspects of his skill in such written this book in the compiler for the design and implementation of scientific and technical personnel of immeasurable value. (2010-06-25, Unix_Linux, 8525KB, 下载59次)


[编译器/解释器] go.tar

This is Google go language compiler download from golang.org which is blocked in out country. The source is for experimental purpose. The detail of how to compile it can be found at golang.org. Also, you are welcome to ask me by email if you cannot visit the website. (2009-11-15, Unix_Linux, 18076KB, 下载42次)


[编译器/解释器] asn1c-0.9.21.tar

有名的ASN1 to c的开源编译器,0.9.21是最作者发布的最稳定版本
ASN1 to c well-known open-source compiler, 0.9.21 is the author of the most stable version released (2008-07-08, Unix_Linux, 1253KB, 下载91次)


[编译器/解释器] tbb20_20070927oss_src.tar

英特尔® 线程构建模块(英特尔® TBB)是一个屡获殊荣的 C++ 运行时库,它可提取实现最佳多核性能所必需的低级别线程详细信息。它使用常见的 C++ 模板和编码样式,避免了繁复的线程处理实施工作。 与其它线程模型相比,英特尔® TBB 只需较少的几行代码便可实现并行处理。您编写的应用程序可在各平台间移植。基于该库固有的可扩充性,即时将来添加更多的处理器内核,也无需进行任何代码维护。 英特尔 TBB 可以作为独立的产品使用,也可以与英特尔® 编译器专业版 组合在一起构成一个更完善且经济有效的解决方案。 (2008-06-30, Unix_Linux, 708KB, 下载17次)


[编译器/解释器] ansic_lex_yacc

ANSI C的标准词法描述和文法描述,使用lex和yacc即可编译出可用的C语言源代码,通过这两个描述文档,即可实现最简单的C语法解析器。
ANSI C standard lexical grammar description and a description of the use of lex and yacc to compile the available C-language source code, through the description of these two documents, you can realize the most simple C grammar parser. (2007-10-07, Unix_Linux, 5KB, 下载18次)


[编译器/解释器] GCC

GCC中文手册页内容摘自GNU C编译器的完整文档,仅限于解释选项的含义.
GCC Chinese manual pages from GNU C compiler complete document, limited to explain the meaning of options. (2007-08-16, Unix_Linux, 294KB, 下载18次)


[编译器/解释器] gcc-3.2.1.tar

gcc3.2.1 source code, compiler technology to study the best material. (2007-02-07, Unix_Linux, 26468KB, 下载74次)


[编译器/解释器] bison

bison源代码.bison 是替代yacc的语法分析程序生成器. yacc是 Yet Another Compiler Compiler的缩写. bison又是什么呐 是一个生成可以分析文本文件结构的程序的程序. 用户不用直接编写程序而只用确定好如何分析这些文本文件的规则就可以了. 这种文本结构应用的例子举不胜举, 其中一个就是计算器(calculator).
bison source code. Bison is a replacement generates a syntax analysis program generator. Yacc yes Yet Another Compiler Compiler's initials. What is the bison Na is a generation of text files can be analyzed the structure of procedures procedures. users need not directly preparation procedures identified only as good Dr analysis of these text files on the rules. This text structure Application examples abound. which is a calculator (calculator). (2006-09-15, Unix_Linux, 281KB, 下载28次)


[编译器/解释器] fenris

Fenris is a detection and high-level language structure made of multifunctional document fault detection, debugging, code analysis tools. It can restore symbols, compose program execution flow map, check their internal operations, restoration of the symbol table, and to deal with anti-debugging protection. It is a command line interface and a similar SoftICE with the GUI front-end Web (2004-08-10, Unix_Linux, 1184KB, 下载28次)
