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按平台查找All Python(133) 

[快速开发平台] CB-ML-ENGINEER-assignment-for-Alindor

该项目集成了Deepgram API(用于精确语音到文本)和OpenAI API(用于高级情感分析),从多扬声器音频对话中提供见解。利用烧瓶,它提供了一个用户友好的web界面,便于交互和结果可视化。
This project integrates Deepgram API for accurate speech-to-text and OpenAI API for advanced sentiment analysis, offering insights from multi-speaker audio conversations. Utilizing Flask, it provides a user-friendly web interface for easy interaction and result visualization. (2024-04-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] TikTok-Automation-Bot

TikTok Automation Bot是一个Python脚本,旨在通过Zefoy.com自动化与TikTok配置文件的各种交互。它提供了一种简化的方法来执行操作,如查看视频、喜欢内容等,利用Selenium WebDriver实现浏览器自动化。
The TikTok Automation Bot is a Python script designed to automate various interactions with TikTok profiles through Zefoy.com. It provides a streamlined way to perform actions such as viewing videos, liking content, and more, utilizing the Selenium WebDriver for browser automation. (2024-03-03, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] AutoChatScript

AutoChatScript是使用PyAutoGUI库实现的自动化脚本,旨在使用ChatGPT(网站)自动 Chat。该项目完全依赖于阅读和使用鼠标、键盘和屏幕,而不需要对任何web请求进行反向工程,也不需要安装浏览器插件。
AutoChatScript is an automation script implemented using the PyAutoGUI library, aimed at automating chat with ChatGPT(website). This project relies entirely on reading and using the mouse, keyboard, and screen without reverse-engineering any web requests or needing to install browser plugins. (2024-02-26, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] stf-web-scraper

此Python脚本从Supremo Tribunal Federal(STF)网站jurisudencia.STF.jus.br中抓取数据。它使用Playwright实现浏览器自动化,使用Selectolax进行HTML解析。
This Python script scrapes data from the Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) website jurisprudencia.stf.jus.br. It utilizes Playwright for browser automation and Selectolax for HTML parsing. (2024-02-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] selenium_dolphin

一个Python模块,用于使用Selenium或Pypeter控制Dolphin浏览器配置文件。它还具有用于创建、编辑和删除配置文件的Dolphin API。
A Python module for controlling Dolphin browser profiles using Selenium or Pyppeteer. It also has a Dolphin API for creating, editing, and deleting profiles. (2024-02-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] MLnode

MLnode is a project that aims to provide a no-code low-code environment and a platform similar to a node editor for developing numerical mathematics, deep learning models, testing models, and developing deep learning machine learning pipelines. (2024-01-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] Hack-VM-Translator

黑客虚拟机转换器是一个将黑客虚拟机代码转换为黑客程序集代码的程序。它用于Nand2Tetris课程,将用Hack VM语言编写的高级代码转换为可以在Hack计算机平台上执行的低级代码。
The Hack VM Translator is a program that translates Hack VM code into Hack Assembly code. It is used in the Nand2Tetris course to convert high-level code written in the Hack VM language into low-level code that can be executed on the Hack computer platform. (2023-12-24, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] Agressive-Store-Bots

A repository focused on Automated Bot s that will auto purchase products on a store s website. I currently have 3 bot s for Amazon, Bestbuy, and Newegg. (2022-06-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] LegoAI-by-AUST

基于节点编辑器开发的用于可视化构建神经网络的神器。Based on node editor development artifacts for visualization to build neural networks.
The artifact developed based on the node editor for visualizing the construction of neural networks. Based on node editor development artifacts for visualization to build neural networks (2023-06-09, Python, 316KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] BinodTharu-cli

这不是毫无用处的狗屎宝贝。低代码驱动器文件下载程序就是这样的。->`pip install binodtharu cli`-...
This ain t no useless shit hon. A low code drive file downloader that s what it is. -> `pip install binodtharu-cli` -> binodcli <https://drive.google.com/file/d/15CJ-dulqm- piGea1kRpWZZXS3-G5-ccH/view?usp=sharing> (2021-10-14, Python, 6KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] Browser_Automation_Software

[Selenium Python GUI]]该软件允许在具有minila的独特chrome浏览器配置文件上运行Selenium-automation...
[Selenium-Python-GUI] ]This software allows to run selenium automation on a unique chrome browser profile with minilam setup. You can write presets and save them for later use only worrying about the automation step, skipping all the "backend" selenium setup code. (2023-05-17, Python, 11KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] gui-executor

Do you need to create a GUI out of your functions? The Task Executor GUI may be just what you need. It s a no-code solution that uses Python and Jupyter to create a GUI (2023-04-26, Python, 14188KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] turnroot

Turnroot - an open-source game engine/game creator for tactical RPGs. No coding required- the editor is 100% visual. Make games, play games from the community, and collaborate on assets like graphics and music. (2022-11-27, Python, 17975KB, 下载0次)
