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[C#编程] qq(csharp)

利用C sharp编写的仿QQ程序,能够实现现在QQ的基本功能,有客户端和服务器端部分文件组成。
Using C sharp program written in imitation of QQ, QQ is now able to realize the basic functions of a client and server-side part of the files. (2010-07-30, Others, 2485KB, 下载16次)


[C#编程] dol

上面居然没有.net环境。 我是用c#写的,需要.net2.0运行平台。 大航海游戏多开制作器,主要是exe文件搜索字符串功能的一个算法。
The above actually does not. Net environment. I am using c# to write and need. Net2.0 operating platform. Uncharted Waters made the game more open device, the main function is exe file search string to an algorithm. (2010-06-27, Others, 295KB, 下载7次)



1实现功能 [1]服务器端向客户端发送广播消息; [2]具有NAT的不同局域网下的两客户端进行P2P文本消息通信; [3]具有NAT的不同局域网下的两客户端进行P2P文件传输。 2利用技术 [1]基于C/S通信模式、UDP协议进行通信; [2]利用Server端建立P2Psession,基于UDP协议两客户端进行穿越NAT通信; [3]两Client建立TCP连接,进行可靠的文件传输。
An implementation features [1] server-side to the client send a broadcast message [2] has NAT under two different local area network P2P client to a text message communication [3] has NAT under two different local area network P2P client files transmission. 2 the use of technology [1] based on C/S modes of communication, UDP protocol to communicate [2] the use of Server-side building P2Psession, based on the UDP Protocol through NAT 2 client communications [3] 2 Client to establish TCP connection, reliable file transfer. (2010-03-08, Others, 585KB, 下载53次)


[C#编程] Two_Tree

c# procedural practice. Treeview control on the exercises, and database links, and show the File Explorer. Link to a database operation part of the class. Mdb Add debug can run. Database which does not optimize the code seems redundant. (2008-12-15, Others, 105KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] ditubianjiqi

The use of C# programming realize the map editor, realize on the spots and lines to cover the three elements of the vector graphics, and brush the color editing, as well as ways to reduce the graphics functions. (2008-07-09, Others, 70KB, 下载28次)


[C#编程] PersonnelMS

本课程案例的目的是设计一个采用C/S(客户端/服务器)结构、基于 Windows 窗体的应用程序,其主要功能涉及人事部的相关工作,如请假管理、部门管理、员工管理、薪资管理、加班管理等部分。其中,不涉及人事部的操作在另外一门课——《基于.NET的Web 应用程序开发》——的案例设计中实现。该课程的案例基本不需要涉及数据库,但需要学生掌握一定的ADO.NET编程技术,了解基本的数据库查询语法。
The purpose of this course the case is to design a use of C/S (Client/Server) structure, based on Windows Forms applications, the primary function of the Ministry of Personnel involved in related work, such as leave management, departmental management, staff management, payroll management , overtime management, and other parts. Which do not involve the operation of the Ministry of Personnel in the other a lesson- (2008-07-07, Others, 9784KB, 下载8次)


[C#编程] China2008

奥运场馆速查使用手册 一、功能特色 该软件最大的特色就是,可以用手写笔或手指拨动相应的图片索引,拨动的速度越快,则图片翻转的越快,有点像快速翻书的感觉。记得苹果公司出的一款产品,在浏览图片(浏览通信录?记不清了)的时候,就是采用该方式。 其次,采用了XML文件保存必要的文字数据,这样在不改变代码的情况下,通过修改XML文件和添加必要的图片,就能增添奥运场馆数据了。目前共包括了13个场馆的详细资料和图片(费了我不少时间来加工和制作图片),还是值得一看的。 二、使用简介 使用很简单,如上图,用手写笔、手指或按键选择一个奥运场馆,单击或按回车按钮(Enter键)就进入到下一界面,不同的场馆内容有多有少,可以通过工具条按钮进行切换。 三、下载安装 该程序用VS2005开发,语言采用了C#,需要.net精简框架集2.0的支持(可以从下面的链接下载:http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=zh-cn&FamilyID=aea55f2f-07b5-4a8c-8a44-b4e1b196d5c0)。 .Net安装后,直接把程序压缩包中的文件和文件夹直接拷贝到PPC模拟器或PDA中即可。 (2008-05-23, Others, 149KB, 下载22次)
