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按分类查找All FaaS/Serverless(125) 
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[FaaS/Serverless] TechTrove

跨项目的后端代码的通用存储库。从RESTful API到无服务器函数,在这里贡献任何与后端相关的代码。让我们一起创新!
A versatile repository for backend code across projects. From RESTful APIs to serverless functions, contribute any backend-related code here. Let s innovate together! (2024-03-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] ions-by-Mining-Activities-from-Multiple-Platforms

该存储库是我们在软件开发领域研究的一部分,特别关注无服务器功能上下文中开发人员专业知识的评估。我们旨在通过从GitHub和Stack Overflow中提取基于活动的功能来增强对开发人员专业知识的评估。
This repository is part of our research in the domain of software development, specifically focusing on the evaluation of developer expertise in the context of serverless functions. We aim to enhance the assessment of developer expertise by extracting activity-based features from both GitHub and Stack Overflow. (2024-02-24, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] orderly-lambda-api-gateway

Orderly Lambda API网关充当Orderly API中处理请求的中心访问点,促进客户端和后端服务之间的交互。利用AWS Lambda实现无服务器功能执行,它提高了性能,减少了操作开销,并可以自动扩展。
Orderly Lambda API Gateway serves as the central access point for handling requests in the Orderly API, facilitating interactions between clients and backend services. Leveraging AWS Lambda for serverless function execution, it enhances performance, reduces operational overhead, and scales automatically. (2024-02-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] gitops-netcore-messaging

该回购提供了一个基于gitops的演示实现,使用.Net Core微服务(无服务器)在...中生成和使用消息...,
This repo provides a gitops based implementation of a demo using .Net Core microservices (Serverless) to produce and consume messages in a Kafka Topic (AMQ Streams) and persist into a Postgres database. (2023-08-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[FaaS/Serverless] ibm-cloud-functions-message-hub-trigger

IBM Cloud Functions构建块-消息中心触发器-该项目提供了处理事件的起点...
IBM Cloud Functions building block - Message Hub Trigger - This project provides a starting point for handling events from Message Hub with IBM Cloud Functions powered by Apache OpenWhisk. (2019-04-23, Others, 31KB, 下载0次)
