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[托管/部署] Paypal-Payment-Get-Api

带有PayPal Checkout PayPal Server的简单在线电子商务Laravel应用程序是一个自托管的开源PayPal支付处理器。它安全、私有、抵制审查和免费。
A simple online E-Commerce Laravel application with PayPal Checkout Paypal Server is a self-hosted, open-source Paypal payment processor. It secure, private, censorship-resistant and free. (2024-01-07, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[托管/部署] Westwind.AspNetCore

演示如何创建最小ASP。NET Web服务器,可以轻松托管在桌面(或其他非Web)应用程序中。
Sample that demonstrates how to create a minmal ASP.NET Web Server that can be hosted in a desktop (or other non-Web) application easily. (2023-11-23, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[托管/部署] Discord-Payment-Bot

Discord Payment Bot(MASZ)是一款多功能机器人,旨在有效管理和缓和Discord服务器。它配备了人工智能支持的sp…,
Discord Payment Bot, or MASZ, is a versatile bot designed to efficiently manage and moderate Discord servers. It comes with AI-powered sp…, (2023-10-10, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[托管/部署] VLSMistique

A VLSM Calculator that Calculates subnets using a given IP, the amount of subnets and hosts for each subnet. (2023-06-13, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[托管/部署] mkdocs-net

Host your own markdown docs website with docker, Integrated with your private git repository like gogs or gitlab server. (2023-05-25, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[托管/部署] shellify

This is a fork from the Shellify project hosted on sourceforge. It replaces my own LNK parser as it has more features! (2013-05-14, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[托管/部署] FileManagerDemo

(File Manager – A Demo of a WCF Self-Hosted Service & Client "Tester" Windows Form Application Exchanging Files) This project presents a simple File Manager Service and Client Application demonstration. The File Manager is a self- hosted (service host) WCF application launched and managed with a simple console interface. The client “tester” has (2019-10-26, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[托管/部署] anticheat-and-servercode

A host mod (Anticheat) and client mod (ServerCode) combo I use on my server to prevent the use of cheat mods and mods that may crash other players. (2022-02-23, C#, 12KB, 下载0次)


[托管/部署] MyThingsSaver

Application for saving your things! Modern and comfortable UI with a powerful markdown editor, also an easily configurable and self-hostable app on windows, Linux and MacOS (2023-04-23, C#, 10139KB, 下载0次)


[托管/部署] ShortURL

A small Nancy sample, showing a simplistic URL shortener done in Nancy, and hosted in a console app as well on ASP.NET. (2022-06-30, C#, 6078KB, 下载0次)


[托管/部署] Web-Executable-Loader

This is a basic "loader", which simply decodes Base64 encoded strings that are the download links for executables, that are then placed into a file path as .scr (screen saver file) extension and then opened. This repository contains the downloads of each executable, the source code of the project and the website which was hosted via GitHub Pages. (2022-08-11, C#, 23179KB, 下载0次)
